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employed in his later years on various works of importance in and out of Ireland, notably the University Physiological Laboratory and Anthropological Museum at Oxford, the McArthur Hall, Belfast, and the Church of Ireland Training College, Dublin. The sustained repute of the firm was shown by its being among the five selected competitors for the Imperial Institute at South Kensington, and by the submission of its name by the Royal Institute of British Architects to the commissioners of works for selection for the new government buildings in Whitehall and Parliament Street.

Deane died suddenly in Dublin on 8 Nov. 1899. He married on 29 Jan. 1850 Henrietta, daughter of Joseph H. Manly of Ferney, co. Cork, by whom he had several children.

He was a man of a light and elastic temperament and social disposition, and enjoyed a wide popularity in Dublin. He was a member of the Royal Hibernian Academy and the Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland.

[The Builder, 18 Nov. 1899; the Architect and Contract Reporter, 1? and 24 Nov. (with portrait) 1899; Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects, 25 Nov. 1899; the British Architect, 17 Nov. 1899; Sir William Gregory's Autobiography; private information; personal knowledge.]

C. L. F.

DEANE, WILLIAM JOHN (1823–1895), theological writer, born on 6 Oct. 1823, was the third son of John Deane of Lymington in Hampshire. He matriculated from Oriel College, Oxford, on 26 Oct. 1823, graduating B.A. in 1847 and M.A. in 1872. He was ordained deacon in 1847 and priest in 1849. He was successively curate of Rugby (1847–9), curate of Wick Rissington in Gloucestershire (1849–52), and rector of South Thoresby in Lincolnshire (1852–3). In 1853 he was presented by the chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster to the rectory of Ashen in Essex, which he retained until his death.

Deane was the author of a number of exegetical works, written in a clear and interesting manner. In 1881 he edited the Greek, Latin, and English texts of the 'Book of Wisdom ' for the Clarendon Press, with critical notes, and in 1891 he published 'Pseudepigraphia,' a well-written description and estimate of the apocryphal books. He died at Ashen on 30 May 1895, leaving a widow, three sons, and three daughters. He was buried on 4 June in Ashen churchyard, under the east window of the chancel. Besides the works already mentioned he published: 1. 'A Catechism of the Holydays as observed by the Church of England,' London, 1850, 18mo ; 3rd edit. 1886, 8vo. 2. 'The Proper Lessons from the Old Testament for Sundays and other Holydays with a Plain Commentary,' London, 1864, 12mo. He also furnished biographies of Abraham, Joshua, Samuel, Saul, and David for Routledge's series of 'Men of the Bible,' and contributed introductions to Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Hosea, Joel, Amos, and Micah in the 'Pulpit Commentary.' In 1850 he edited a volume of 'Lyra Sanctorum' (London, 8vo), and he was a frequent contributor to the 'Thinker.'

[Suffolk and Essex Free Press, 5 June 1895 ; Crockford's Clerical Directory ; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1715-1886.]

E. I. C.

DEBBIEG, HUGH (1731–1810), general, royal engineers, was born in 1731. He entered the royal artillery as matross on 1 April 1742, obtained a cadetship in May 1744, and in April 1745 became cadet-gunner. On 7 May 1746 he was attached as an engineer to the expedition under Lieutenant-general Sinclair against L'Orient. He took part in the siege of that place in September, and in the subsequent descent on Quiberon. He then resumed his studies at the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich. On 30 Jan. 1747 he was appointed engineer extraordinary in Flanders. Debbieg attracted the attention of the Duke of Cumberland and Marshal Bathiani by his boldness and intelligence, and was made an extra aide-de-camp to the duke. He was present at the battle of Val on 2 July, when he displayed conspicuous valour, winning the praise of the commander-in-chief. He served at Bergen-op-Zoom during the siege by the French from 14 July to 17 Sept. (O.S.), when it was taken by assault.

On the suspension of hostilities Debbieg was one of the engineers selected to make a survey of the seat of war in Brabant, and was placed on the establishment as practitioner engineer on 2 April 1748. After the conclusion of the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, on 7 Oct. 1748, he returned home and was employed on survey operations in Scotland and the north of England, assisting Colonel Dugald Campbell in the construction of the military road from Newcastle-on-Tyne to Carlisle, which, with its fourteen bridges, was completed in 1752, and was commended as one of the straightest and best laid-out roads in the kingdom.

On 2 Aug. 1751 Debbieg was promoted to be sub-engineer on the establishment, and was sent to Chatham, where he was employed on the defences. His plan of Chatham