Page:Dictionary of National Biography. Sup. Vol II (1901).djvu/414

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on 20 and 21 Feb. and at the siege and capture by storm on 2 April of Orakau. For his services he was mentioned in despatches (ib. 19 Feb. and 14 May 1864), received the war medal, and was made a companion of the order of the Bath, military division, on 10 Aug. 1866.

Havelock returned to England at the beginning of 1865, obtained an unattached majority, and married. From 13 March 1867 he served as assistant quartermaster-general in Canada until 31 March 1869, when he returned home, and on 1 Aug. was appointed in the same capacity to the headquarters staff in Dublin. He obtained leave of absence to see part of the Franco-German war of 1871-2, and in 1877 to visit the theatre of the Russo-Turkish war, acting as 'occasional correspondent' of the newspaper press. In January 1874 he unsuccessfully contested Stroud as a candidate for parliament in the liberal interest, and in February was returned as member for Sunderland, for which borough he sat until 1881, when he resigned his seat to take command, on 1 April, of the second infantry brigade at Aldershot. On 17 March 1880 he had assumed by royal license the additional surname of Allan, in compliance with the terms of the will of his cousin, Henry Allan of Blackwell Grange, Durham. He retired from the active list on 9 Dec. 1881, with the honorary rank of lieutenant-general. In 1882 he visited Sir Garnet (afterwards Viscount) Wolseley's headquarters at Ismailia, and was present at the battle of Kassassin on 28 Aug.

In 1885 Havelock-Allan was returned to parliament in the liberal interest by the south-east division of Durham county, and in the following year he was returned as a liberal unionist, and held the seat until 1892, when he was defeated, but was again elected in 1895. He was promoted to be K.C.B. on 21 June 1887, on the occasion of the queen's jubilee. His pluck and indomitable energy were as evident in his political career as in his military. Shrewd and well-meaning, but impetuous and choleric, he held strong opinions on many subjects, and made no concealment of his likes and dislikes. He was chairman of the parliamentary naval and military service committee. In the recess of 1897 he went to India to study the Indian army question, and visited the British troops carrying on the campaign against the hill tribes on the Afghanistan frontier. He was moving down from Ali Masjid after a visit to Landi Kotal, when a fresh horse, which he had been given at the last halt on 30 Dec., gave him some trouble, and in giving it a good gallop to steady it he got into broken ground on the flank, where Khaibaris were watching to catch him if they could. One of them fired at the horse and killed it, but the ball passed through Havelock's leg, cutting an artery, and he bled to death. The man who fired the shot is now in our ranks. The intention was to put Havelock-Allan to ransom, and the Khaibaris were disappointed at his death. When his body was found, it was taken to Rawul Pindi, where his regiment, the royal Irish, was then quartered.

Havelock-Allan had been honorary colonel of the Durham militia artillery since 7 May 1887, and in command of the Tyne and Tees volunteer infantry brigade from 17 Oct. 1888. He was a justice of the peace for the North Riding, Yorkshire, and for the county of Durham, of which he was a deputy lieutenant. He was also an alderman of the Durham county council.

He married, on 10 May 1865, Lady Alice Moreton, who survived him, second daughter of Henry George Francis, second earl of Ducie (d. 2 June 1853), by his wife Elizabeth (d. 15 March 1865), elder daughter of John, second lord Sherborne. He left two sons and a daughter. The eldest son, Henry Spencer Moreton, born in Dublin on 30 Jan. 1872, succeeded him in the baronetcy. The second son, Allan, was born on 30 March 1874. The daughter Ethel, born at Montreal on 1 Nov. 1867, married, on 19 Oct. 1886, Joseph Albert Pease, M.P., second son of Sir Joseph Whitwell Pease, first baronet.

Havelock-Allan was the author of 'Three Main Military Questions of the Day: (i.) A Home Reserve Army; (ii.) The more economic Tenure of India; (iii.) Cavalry as affected by Breech-loading Arms,' London, 1867, 8vo.

[Despatches; Army Lists; Baronetage; Times, 1 and 7 Jan. 1898; Kaye's History of the Sepoy War; Malleson's History of the Indian Mutiny; Shadwell's Life of Lord Clyde; W. Fox's New Zealand War, 1863-4; Marshman's Life of Sir Henry Havelock; private sources; Alexander's Bush Fighting, illustrated by Incidents of the Maori War, New Zealand.]

HAWKSHAW, Sir JOHN (1811–1891), civil engineer, son of Henry Hawkshaw of Leeds, and his wife, born Carrington of Derbyshire, was born in the West Riding of Yorkshire in 1811; his father's family had been for some generations farmers in this district of Yorkshire. He was educated at the Leeds grammar school, and then became a pupil of C. Fowler, who was chiefly engaged on road construction. At the age of twenty he joined the staff of Alexander