Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 01.djvu/216

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healthy station from choice, but because of the better pay, and it was by keenly observing and learning the military features of the islands that he laid the foundation for his future advancement. In 1788 he was promoted captain, and might have remained one for a long time had not the war broken out with France in 1793. He was then thirty-two years of age, which, at a time when men became lieutenant-colonels at twenty-three, meant but little chance of rising, but nevertheless by his topographical knowledge he managed to be of great assistance to Sir Charles Grey, who in 1793 reduced the French West India islands with the help of Sir John Jervis. Grey was so pleased with him that he recommended him to General Tonyn, who made him his aide-de-camp, and to Sir Ralph Abercromby. The latter, when he came out to reconquer the French West Indies which Victor Hugues had managed to regain for the republic, made him assistant adjutant-general to his force, and was very pleased by his conduct as a staff officer. It was one of Abercromby's great titles to fame that he always encouraged merit in officers and men, however unsupported by influence; and he therefore procured for George Airey a majority in the 68th in 1796 and a lieutenant-colonelcy in the 8th regiment in 1798. To the same kind patron may be ascribed his selection as deputy-adjutant-general to the garrison of Minorca. This appointment prevented his accompanying the expedition to Egypt, where his patron was killed; but his activity and real merit soon won him a powerful friend in the influential General Henry Fox, the brother of the orator, and at this time governor and commander-in-chief in Minorca. The somewhat indolent general liked to have such an energetic man to save him trouble, and took him as military secretary to Ireland, when he was appointed commander-in-chief there in 1802. He there married the Hon. Catherine Talbot, daughter of Lord Talbot de Malahide. He accompanied General Fox to Sicily as military secretary in 1805, was deputy adjutant-general and military secretary to General Fraser in the disastrous expedition to Damietta in 1807, was promoted colonel in 1808, commanded a brigade in Sicily in 1810, was promoted major-general in 1812, and appointed commandant of the forces in the Ionian islands in the same year. He was appointed quartermaster-general to the forces in Ireland in 1813, where he stayed many years, was promoted lieutenant-general in 1821, received the command of the 39th regiment in 1823, made a K.C.H. by George IV, and died at the age of 72 in 1833. Sir George Airey did not see any service except in the West Indies and at Rosetta, but nevertheless the value of his services to the army must not be underrated. His ability may be vouched for by the way Sir Ralph Abercromby, a strict judge of staff officers, took him into favour when only a captain, and his unfailing popularity with every chief he served under. 'It is more rare to find an able staff officer,' the Duke of Wellington stated, 'than a good regimental officer,' and this was not wholly due to the favouritism which pushed on incompetent persons.

[Philippart's Royal Military Calendar, vol iii. 3rd edition, 1820.]

AIREY, RICHARD, Lord Airey (1803–1881), general, was the eldest son of lieutenant-general Sir George Airey [see Airey, Sir George], and was born in 1803. He was educated at the Royal Military College at Sandhurst, and became an ensign in the 34th regiment in 1821. He purchased his lieutenancy in 1823, and his captaincy in 1825, and from 1827 to 1830 acted as aide-de-camp to his father's old comrade, Sir Frederick Adam, in the Ionian Isles, and from 1830 to 1832 to Lord Aylmer, the governor-general and commander-in-chief in British North America. He purchased his majority in 1834, and his lieutenant-colonelcy in 1838, and, after commanding his regiment for a short time, was attached to the staff at the Horse Guards. He at first acted as deputy adjutant-general, and then as deputy quarter-master-general, at headquarters, and in 1852, after becoming colonel, was appointed military secretary to Lord Hardinge, the commander-in-chief. This situation he resigned upon receiving in 1854 the command of a brigade in the expedition against Russia.

While at sea, or rather at the moment of disembarking, on 1 Sept. 1854, Colonel Airey found himself suddenly appointed quarter-master-general to the expedition, in the place of Lord de Ros, and acted in that capacity throughout the most critical period of the Crimean war, from September 1854 to November 1855. It was at this period that his name came most prominently before the public. His conduct must be judged by the opinion held as to the functions of a quarter-master-general on active service. If he is to be the left hand of the commander of the forces, as the adjutant-general is his right hand, and is to make arrangements for encampments, marches, and formation of troop in the field, while the adjutant-general looks after discipline, the roster for picket duty, and the personal conduct of the troops, Colonel Airey fulfilled his duties to perfec-