Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 02.djvu/137

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divines to be consulted on church affairs. He sat as a member of the Westminster Assembly in 1643. In 1644 he was made D.D. and regius professor of divinity at Cambridge; and master of St. Catherine's Hall, in the room of Dr. Beale, removed by the Earl of Manchester. On the sequestration of the Rev. Edward Sparke, D.D. (author of 'Scintilla Altaris'), Arrowsmith obtained the rectory of St. Martin's, Ironmonger Lane, in 1645, and became a member of the Sixth London Classis, as soon as the presbyterian form of government was set up. In 1647 he was vice-chancellor of Cambridge University, and in 1649 became master of Trinity. His writings are sternly puritanical, but candid and clear. He must have had rich and endearing qualities and some breadth to secure for him at Cambridge the deep attachment of Whichcote, who speaks of him as 'my friend of choice, a companion of my special delight, whom in former years I have acquainted with all my heart,' and further bears testimony to 'the sweetness of his spirit and the amiableness of his conversation.' Hedied in February 1659, being buried 24 Feb. He published sermons: 1. 'Covenant-avenging Sword brandished,' 1643. 2. 'England's Ebenezer,' 1645. 3. 'A great Wonder in Heaven,' 1647 (all preached before parliament). Also (4) 'Tactica Sacra; sive, de milite spirituali pugnante, vincente et triumphante Dissertatio. Accesserunt Orationes aliquot anti-Weigelianæ,' 1657; and (5) 'Armilla Catechetica: a Chain of Principles … wherein the chief heads of Christian Religion are asserted,' 1659. Posthumously appeared his (6) Θεάνθρωπος ’ or God-man; being an exposition of John i. 1-18,' 1660.

[Coles' MS. Athenæ Cantab. in Brit. Mus.; Tulloch's Rat. Theol. and Christ. Philos. in England in the Seventeenth Century, 1872, ii. 76-7.]

ARROWSMITH, JOHN (1790–1873), geographer, nephew of the elder Aaron Arrowsmith, came to London in February 1810, and for many years, with his cousins Aaron and Samuel, aided his uncle in the construction of his large collection of maps and charts. After his uncle's death in 1823 he commenced business on his own account in Essex Street, Strand, but finally succeeded to the honours of the house in Soho Square on the death of his cousin Samuel. His first publication was the well-known 'London Atlas' in 1834, fol., which has passed through three editions, thus reverting to the practice of Ortelius and Mercator of the sixteenth century. In constructing the sixty-eight maps for the latest edition of his 'Atlas' in 1858, he informs us in the preface that 'he examined more than 10,000 sheets of private maps, charts and plans, thereby rectifying all the labours of his predecessors.' His large maps and charts are:—India, in twenty sheets; England and Wales, in eighteen; Spain, twelve; World, ten; Pacific, nine; Atlantic, British Channel, Canada, and Ceylon, each in eight sheets; America, Australia, France, Germany, Wilkinson's Thebes, each in six sheets; Africa, America, Asia, Bolivia, East Indies, West Indies, and Italy, each in four sheets. To these may be added numerous smaller maps, illustrating expeditions in various parts of the globe, many of which are to be found in books of travel and the Royal Geographical Society's Journals. He retired from the more active pursuit of publication of his maps in 1861, but devoted some of his time to the improvement of his old maps, or to the illustration of other geographical work. Among the maps left unpublished at his death were some very fine ones of each of the Australian colonies, of Ceylon, and of other countries. Arrowsmith's last labour was a small map of Central Asia, on the scale of about ninety geographical miles to the inch, upon which he was working at the India Office up to the last week of his life. Arrowsmith died at his house in Hereford Square, South Kensington, 1 May 1873, aged 83. He was one of the fellows who aided in founding the Royal Geographical Society in 1830, and for many years was one of the council, and in 1863 he received the patron's gold medal for the important services he had rendered to geographical science.

By an order of the Court of Chancery the vast collections of the Arrowsmiths, consisting of maps, plates and manuscripts, were dispersed by public auction on 28 July 1874, and have since fallen into the hands of one of our most eminent map publishers.

|[Authorities as under Aaron Arrowsmith.]

ARSDEKIN, RICHARD. [See Archdekin, Richard.]

ARTAUD, WILLIAM (fl. 1776–1822), portrait painter, was the son of a jeweller. In 1776 he gained a premium from the Society of Arts; in 1780 exhibited his first work, a ‘St. John,’ in the Academy; in 1784 and 1786 he sent portraits in oil to the same place. He gained the gold medal of the Academy for a picture from ‘Paradise Lost,’ and (in 1795) the travelling studentship. In 1822 his name appears as an exhibitor at the Academy for the last time. He painted portraits of Bartolozzi, Samuel Parr, Priest-