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he was appointed on All Saints' Day 1660; and in the following October he was transferred to the deanery of St. Paul's, a post of more anxiety and less emolument. Both at Durham and St. Paul's he used his utmost energies to restore the fabrics and the services after their long neglect, and in London especially he made his mark by reviving the old choral services. He was prominent also in other ways. In conjunction with Dr. (afterwards Archbishop) Dolben, he visited Hugh Peters, in order to extract from him some account of the person who actually cut off the head of Charles I; but the attempt failed. He was one of the nine assistants of the bishops at the Savoy conference, and he was unanimously elected prolocutor of the lower house of convocation of the province of Canterbury. In 1662 his health began to fail, and he purposed giving up all his appointments and retiring to a country living; but he did not live to carry out this purpose. He died in London from an attack of pleurisy, which carried him off in three days. In his last moments he was attended by his old friend, Peter Gunning, who preached his funeral sermon, Henchman, Bishop of London, performing the obsequies. He was buried in St. Paul's, 'depositing,' as his epitaph says, 'his last remains among those ruinous ones, being confident of the resurrection both of the one and the other.' Beyond the writings already mentioned Dr. Barwick published nothing except a sermon in 1661; but though he has not immortalised himself by his pen, he has, by his deeds, left behind him a name which will always be venerated by English churchmen. He is said to have furnished Lord Clarendon with materials for writing his history, but this does not appear to be certain.

[Vita Joannis Barwick by Peter Barwick, and English translation by Hilkiah Bedford; Walker's Sufferings of the Clergy, pt. ii. p. 20; Granger's History of England; John Barwick's Works.]

BARWICK, PETER (1619–1705), physician in ordinary to King Charles II, was the younger brother of John Barwick, dean of St. Paul's. Like his elder brother, he was educated at Sedbergh school, and St. John's College, Cambridge, where he was a foundation scholar. He was appointed by Bishop Wren to the fellowship at St. John's, in the gift of the Bishop of Ely, but could not be admitted ‘through the iniquity of the times.’ He was driven from Cambridge by the civil war, and became tutor to Mr. Ferdinando Sacheverell, of Old Hayes, in Leicestershire, who left him by will a legacy of 20l. a year. He returned to Cambridge in 1647 to take his M.A. degree, and when there applied himself diligently to the study of medicine. In 1651 he was at Worcester, holding personal intercourse with Charles II, and receiving tokens of his favour; and all through the rebellion he cordially supported his brother in his efforts for the royal cause. In 1655 he received his M.D. degree, and in 1657 took a house in St. Paul's Churchyard. Here he was joined by his brother, who repaired at his own expense an oratory which he found there, in which John daily read the proscribed service of the church in the presence of a few royalists. About this time Peter married a Mrs. Sayon, a merchant's widow and a kinswoman of Archbishop Laud. At the Restoration he was made one of the king's physicians in ordinary, and became highly distinguished in his profession throughout the city, being particularly famous for his treatment of the small-pox and all sorts of fevers. He supported Harvey's discovery of the circulation of the blood, and he is said to have written one of the best contemporary treatises on the subject. He was elected fellow of the College of Physicians 26 June 1655. He was as staunch a churchman as his brother John; and it must have been a proud moment for him when, in 1661, Sheldon, bishop of London, and the other bishops, deans, and archdeacons, met at his house, and proceeded thence to St. Paul's to open the first session of convocation for the revising of the prayer book. When the plague broke out, in 1665, he was one of the few physicians who manfully stayed at their posts; and he is mentioned by Dr. Hodges in his account of the plague as one who did great service in London. He kept his house for the convenience of attending the daily service at the cathedral, which he never neglected all through the plague. In fact he seems to have kept the officiating clergy up to their duty during that trying time, for we find one of the ‘petty canons’ writing to Dean Sancroft: ‘Dr. Barwick asked, as all others, if I heard anything concerning the monthly communion, to which I could say little;’ and again a week later: ‘Dr. Barwick is the constant frequenter of our church, sometimes three times a day.’ Tillotson also writes to Sancroft: ‘I have acquainted Dr. Bing with your intentions of charity to the poor [about St. Paul's], and shall take Dr. Barwick's advice before it be disposed of’ [Ellis]. Though the plague could not drive him from his home, the fire did (1666). His house was burned down with St. Paul's, and he removed to the neighbourhood of Westminster Abbey that he might attend the daily services there, as he had