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Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 03.djvu/401

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very fine. But it is in prehistoric Celtic, and to a degree in Anglo-Saxon antiquities, that it chiefly excels other private museums.’

Thomas Bateman's father, William Bateman, F.S.A. (1787–1835), following in the footsteps of Pegge and Major Rooke, made excavations into several of the barrows of the Peak district, and communicated some of the results to the ‘Archæologia.’ His memoranda of the ‘Opening of Tumuli, principally at Middleton by Youlgrave, from 1821 to 1832,’ were arranged by his son, and published in vol. i. of C. R. Smith's ‘Collectanea Antiqua.’ William Bateman died 11 June 1835, when within a month of completing his forty-eighth year.

[Athenæum, 7 Sept. 1861, pp. 321–2; Reliquary, ii. 87–97; Gent. Mag. (1861), xi. 450–2; Journ. Brit. Archæol. Assoc. xviii. 362–7; Cox's Churches of Derbyshire, vol. ii. passim.]

BATEMAN, WILLIAM (1298?–1355), bishop of Norwich, who is also called, from his birthplace, William of Norwich, was born about 1298. His parents' names were William and Margery. His father was one of the principal citizens of Norwich, having no less than eleven times filled the office of bailiff of the city (Norwich had no mayor till 1403), of which he sat as the representative in the parliament of 1326–7. The future bishop had two elder brothers, both of whom attained eminence. The first-born, Sir Bartholomew Bateman, of Flixton, Norfolk, was knighted by Edward III for his martial prowess in the French wars. The second became an abbot. William, the third son, received his education in his native city, probably in the school attached to the priory of Norwich. Thence he passed to Cambridge, where he devoted himself to the study of canon and civil law, proceeded as doctor of civil law at an early age, and in his thirtieth year was collated by Bishop Ayreminne [q. v.] to the archdeaconry of Norwich, 8 Dec. 1328 (Le Neve, Fasti (ed. Hardy), ii. 479). He was introduced by Ayreminne to the court of Pope John XXII at Avignon. The young civilian's ability soon manifested itself, and the pope endeavoured to bind to himself one who seemed likely to fill an influential place in English politics. By his desire Bateman took up his residence at the papal court, where he rose through various lucrative and dignified offices until finally, in that or the succeeding pontificate, he was appointed auditor of the palace. He is said to have fulfilled the duties of this office with such inflexible justice and solidity of judgment that he was regarded both by the pope and his court as ‘the flower of civilians and canonists’ (Warren's Book; Peck's Desiderata Curiosa, lib. vii. p. 240). He retained the same high reputation with John's successor, Benedict XII (1334), by whose provision he was made dean of Lincoln, which dignity we find him holding in 1340 (Le Neve, ii. 32; Peck, u.s. p. 240). Edward III's wars with France had now begun, and Bateman speedily entered on the long series of diplomatic negotiations which characterised the last decade of his life. Bateman's vigorous mind, business-like habits, and intimate knowledge of law in both its provinces, specially fitted him for diplomatic employment. He was on two occasions despatched from Avignon by the pope to endeavour to effect a reconciliation between the French and English monarchs (Peck, u.s.), and on 20 May 1343 he was empowered, with Hugh Despenser and others, by Edward III to negotiate for a peace with the French ambassadors before Clement VI, the king declaring that he was unable to send a solemn embassage until he had received satisfaction from Philip of Valois for his breaches of the truce. The same year, 19 Dec., the see of Norwich became vacant by the death of Bishop Antony Beke, and Clement gave Bateman the bishopric by ‘provision.’ He was consecrated by the pope at Avignon on 23 May 1344 (Le Neve, ii. 464). A few months after his consecration he was commissioned by the king to present letters to Clement for a final peace, and once more to treat with the ambassadors of Philip before the pope as mediator (Rymer's Fœdera, iii. pt. i. 19). The limits of this article forbid the attempt to particularise all the repeated and for the most part fruitless negotiations, in the prosecution of which the Bishop of Norwich was during the next ten years repeatedly crossing the sea accompanied by other ambassadors. To do this would be to give a summary of the history of the period. Suffice it to say that we find him thus employed on 28 July, 25 Sept., and 11 Oct. 1348; 10 March, 13 April 1349; 15 May 1350; 27 June, 26 July 1351; 19 Feb. 1352; 30 March, 28 Aug., and, finally, 30 Oct. 1354—an embassy in the fulfillment of which he terminated his life (Rymer's Fœd. iii. pt. i. 19, 62, 165, 173, 175, 182, 183, 184, 196, 225, 227, 253, 275, 283, 289). His repeated selection by the king for these difficult and delicate negotiations is an evidence of the confidence reposed in his wisdom, statesmanship, and intimate acquaintance with the tortuous policy of the papal court. On his consecration Bishop Bateman at once carried out a visitation of his diocese with remarkable courage and vigour. He fearlessly asserted