Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 06.djvu/87

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others, the two parties were distinguished. The new doctrine made a deep impression on men's minds. The prelates took official cognisance of it, and cited several ministers before the ecclesiastical courts for preaching it. But these extreme measures were unavailing to prevent the rapid spread of the strict sabbatarian doctrine.

In 1611 Bownde became minister of the church of St. Andrew the Apostle at Norwich, and he was buried there on 26 Dec. 1613. He married the widow of John More, the 'apostle of Norwich.' His daughter Anne married John Dod (Clarke, Lives, ed. 1677, p. 169); and his widow married Richard Greenham (ib, 13, 169).

Subjoined is a list of his works:

  1. 'Three godly and fruitfull Sermons, declaring how we may be saved in the day of Judgement. … Preached and written by M. John More, late Preacher in the Citie of Norwitch. And now first published by M. Nicholas Bound, whereto he hath adjoined of his owne, A Sermon of Comfort for the Afflicted; and a short treatise of a contented mind,' Cambridge, 1594, 4to.
  2. 'The Doctrine of the Sabbath, plainely layde forth, and soundly proued by testimonies both of holy Scripture, and also of olde and new ecclesiastical writers. … Together with the sundry abuses of our time in both these kindes, and how they ought to bee reformed,' London, 1595, 4to. Dedicated to Robert Devereux, earl of Essex. Reprinted, with additions, under the title of 'Sabbathvm veteris et novi Testamenti: or the true doctrine of the Sabbath …,' London, 1606, 4to.
  3. 'Medicines for the Plagve: that is, Godly and fruitfull Sermons vpon part of the twentieth Psalme … more particularly applied to this late visitation of the Plague,' London, 1604, 4to.
  4. 'The Holy Exercise of Fasting. Described largely and plainly out of the word of God. … In certaine Homilies or Sermons …,' Cambridge, 1604, 4to. Dedicated to Dr. Jegon, bishop of Norwich.
  5. 'The Vnbeliefe of St. Thomas the Apostle, laid open for the comfort of all that desire to beleeue …,' London, 1608, 8vo; reprinted, London, 1817, 12mo.
  6. 'A Treatise ful of Consolation for all that are afflicted in minde or bodie or otherwise …,' Cambridge, 1608, 8vo; reprinted, London, 1817, 12mo. The reprints of this and the preceding work were edited by G. W. Marriot. Bownde has a Latin ode before Peter Baro's 'Prælectiones in Ionam,' 1579; and he edited the Rev. Henry More's 'Table from the Beginning of the World to this Day. Wherein is declared in what yeere of the World everything was done,' Cambridge, 1593.

[Blomefield's Norfolk (1806), iv. 301; Brook's Puritans, ii. 171; Cooper's Athenæ Cantab, ii. 356; Cox's Literature of the Sabbath Question, i. 145-51, 418; Fuller's Church Hist. (1655), lib. ix. 227, 228; Gent. Mag. lxxxvi. (ii.) 487, lxxxvii. (i.) 157, 429, 503, 596, 597; Hallam's Const. Hist, of England (1855), i. 397 n; Heylyn's Hist, of Abp. Laud (1671), 195; Heylyn's Hist, of the Presbyterians (1672), 337, 338; Heylyn's Extraneus vapulans, or the Observator, 117; Addit. MS. 5843, f. 41, 5863, f. 94, 19079, ff. 293-5, 19165, f. 136, 27960, f. 16; manuscript collections for Cooper's Athenæ Cantab.; Marsden's Hist. of the Early Puritans, 241; Neal's Hist. of the Puritans (1822), i. 451, 452; Page's Suppl. to the Suffolk Traveller, 798; Rogers's Catholic Doctrine of the Ch. of England (ed. Perowne), introd. ix. 19, 90, 97, 98, 187, 233, 271, 315, 319, 322, 326, 327; Taylor's Eomantic Biog. ii. 88, 89; Topographer (1791), iv. 164, 165; Wood's Fasti Oxon. (ed. Bliss), ii. 207.]

BOWNE, PETER (1575–1624?), physician, was a native of Bedfordshire; became at the age of fifteen a scholar of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, in April 1590; and was afterwards elected a fellow of that society. After taking degrees in arts he applied himself to medicine, and proceeded B.M. and D.M. at Oxford on 12 July 1614. He was admitted a candidate of the College of Physicians on 24 Jan. 1616-17, and fellow on 21 April 1620. On 3 March 1623-4 Richard Spicer was admitted a fellow in his place. According to Wood, Bowne practised medicine in London, 'and was much in esteem for it in the latter end of King Jam. I and beginning of Ch. I.' It is probable, nevertheless, that 1624 was the date of his death. He was the author of 'Pseudo-Medicorum Anatomia,' London, 1624, 4to, in which his name appears as Bounæus. A Laurentius Bounæus, probably a son of Peter Bowne, matriculated at Leyden University on 16 Nov. 1602, and is described in the register as 'Anglus-Londinensis' (Peacock's Leyden Students (Index Soc.), p. 12).

[Wood's Athenæ Oxon. (Bliss), ii. 363-4; Fasti Oxon. (Bliss), i. 357-8; Munk's College of Physicians, i. 177.]

BOWNESS, WILLIAM (1809–1867), painter, was born at Kendal. He was self-taught, and after some practice in his native town he, soon after his twentieth year, came to London and achieved moderate success as a portrait and figure painter. In 1836 he exhibited his 'Keepsake' at the Royal Academy, and afterwards sent thither about one picture annually until his death. He also contributed to the exhibitions of the British Institution in Pall Mall, and, in great number, to those