tory. We find his name also as attending the king on his third inglorious and unprofitable campaign in Brittany in 1342–3. In 1316 he was one of the retinue of the Black Prince, then in his filteenth year, in the ever memorable campaign of Crecy, and in the following year was present at the siege of Calais, being rewarded for his distinguished services there by a rich wardship. In 1349 he was in the campaign in Gascony. On the institution of the order of the Garter in 1350 he was chosen to be one of the first knights companions. In 1354 he fulfilled a religious vow by taking a journey to the Holy Land. On his return home he joined the Black Prince in the expedition—the largest and most formidable yet directed against France—in 1355. He was one of the most eminent of the commanders of the invading army, and had a leading share in the events of the campaign, especially in the battle of Poitiers, 19 Sept. 1356 (Froissart, bk. i. c. 161). A daring exploit of Burghersh is recorded by Froissart shortly before the battle. In company with Sir John Chandos and Sir James Audley, and attended by only four-and-twenty horsemen, he made an excursion from the main body of the army, and, falling on the rear of the French army, took thirty-two knights and gentlemen prisoners (ib. c. 157). His prowess and skill were again tried about the same time, when, on his return with a small foraging party near Berry, he was attacked from an ambuscade by a much more formidable force, which, however, he managed to keep at bay till relieved by the Black Prince (ib. c. 219). During this campaign his father, Lord Burghersh, died, and he received livery of his lands as his heir. In 1359 he again accompanied Edward III on his last and most formidable invasion of France, ending in the decisive treaty of Bretigny, 8 May 1360. He was deputed to aid in the negotiation of this treaty between ‘the firstborn sons of the kings of England and France’ at Chartres, for which letters of protection were given him. He and his brother commissioners were taken prisoners in violation of the bond, and Edward had to interpose to obtain their liberation (Rymer, sub ann.) During this campaign Knighton records his successful siege of the castle of Sourmussy in Gascony, in which he appears to have evidenced no common skill (Knighton, 2622). In 1362 he was appointed one of the commissioners on the state of Ireland. When, in 1364, King John of France, to make atonement for the Duke of Anjou’s breach of faith, determined to yield himself back to captivity, to die three months after his landing at the Savoy Palace, Burghersh was one of the nobles deputed to receive him at Dover and conduct him by Canterbury to Edward’s presence at Eltham (Froissart, bk. i. c. 219). In 1366 he was one of the commissioners sent to Urban V, who had rashly demanded the payment of the arrears of the tribute granted by King John. His death took place in 1369. By his desire he was buried in the lady chapel of Walsingham Abbey. He was twice married: first to Cecilia, heiress of Richard Weyland, and secondly to his cousin Margaret, sister of Bartholomew, lord Badlesmere. He left an only daughter, Elizabeth, married to Edward, lord Despenser.
[Authorities as under Burghersh, Henry.]
BURGHERSH, HENRY (1292–1340), bishop of Lincoln, was third son of Sir Robert Burghersh, lord Burghersh, whose family took their name from Burghersh or Burwash in Sussex. His mother was the sister of the powerful noble, Bartholomew, lord Badlesmere. Having chosen an ecclesiastical career, the young man devoted himself to the study of civil and canon law in the foreign universities. When only twenty-five years of age, 17 Nov. 1316, he was appointed to the prebendal stall of Riccall in York Minster (Le Neve, iii. 209). On the death of John Sendale, bishop of Winchester, in 1319, the young man’s all-powerful uncle, Badlesmere, sought the dignity for him. Badlesmere was the main bulwark of Edward against Thomas of Lancaster, and his influence is illustrated by the urgency with which Edward assailed the pope (John XXII) on behalf of Burghersh, who was still studying law at Angers. On 2 and 9 Nov. and 15 Dec. 1319 the king made three distinct applications to the pope in favour of Burghersh, accompanying his letters to the pope with others to the cardinals of the curia and his own nuncios calling upon them to use their influence on his behalf. The letters rise in earnestness of entreaty and in commendation of Burghersh, whom he declares, contrary to the fact, to be of legitimate age for consecration, and to be endowed with all necessary learning, especially of a legal character, and every suitable virtue. The king’s urgency failed. The rich see of Winchester was bestowed on a foreigner, Rigaud Asser. The correspondence, which is curious and painfully instructive, as showing the complete subjugation of the church of England to the papal see, may he found in Rymer, ii. i. 405, 406, 407, 411. The bishop of Lincoln, John of Dalderby, universally revered for his sanctity, died on 12 Jan. 1320. The dean and chapter, in pursuance of their