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the park at his manor of Tynghurst in Buckinghamshire, which he had enlarged at the expense of his neighbours, until their wrongs should be redressed by the restoration of their lands. Knighton gives Burghersh a high character as regards business capacity and his power of influencing others: 'He was a man noble and wise in counsel, of great boldness, yet of polished manners; singularly endowed with personal strength, and very remarkable for nis power of netting brave men about him' (Twysden, col 2577). Of his work as bishop we know but little. His registers show, however, that he was not inactive in the discharge of his episcopal functions, when not otherwise engaged in diplomacy or state affairs, and that during his earlier years he was generally resident in his diocese. The number of letters dimissory given by him to candidates for holy orders leads to the conclusion that he was somewhat remiss in the duty of ordination. His frequent absences from the realm on state affairs compelled him to leave the management of his diocese for a long time together to suffragans or commissaries. He secured the gratitude of the vicars choral of his cathedral by a vigorous interference for the recovery of neglected payments to their body. We are told also that he regulated the consistorial court of his diocese and issued a code of statutes for its guidance. Burghersh's career as a bishop is far from edifying, but few are more instructive as to the character of the church of England and its rulers in the first half of the fourteenth century. An able administrator, an acute statesman, a practical man of business, usually carrying to a successful issue any task he undertook, he was destitute of political morality, and shamelessly intrigued for political or ecclesiastical advancement. He exhibited little or no religious feeling.

[Dugdale's Baronage, ii. 34-7; Rymer's Fœdera, vol. i. pt. ii., vol. ii. pts. i. and ii., iii. 1 passim; Adam of Murimuth's Chronicon; Walsingham's Hist. Angl.; Knighton ap. Twysden; Chronicles of the Reigns of Edward I and II (Rolls Series); William of Dene, Anglia Sacra, vol. i.; Stow's Annals; Froissart, bk. i. c. 146, 157, 249; Canon Perry's manuscript History of Bishop Burghersh.]

BURGHERSH, Lord. [See Fane.]

BURGIS, EDWARD (1673?–1747), catholic divine, was the son of a clergyman of the church of England. On becoming a Dominican friar he assumed the christian name of Ambrose. He passed through the highest offices of his order with distinguished credit, and died at Brussels on 27 April 1747. He wrote: 1. 'The Annals of the Church' (down to A.D. 300), 1712. 2. 'The Annals of the Church' (for five centuries), 5 vols., London, 1738.

[Oliver's Catholic Religion in Cornwall, 451; Palmer's Obit. Notices of the Friar-Preachers, (1884), 13.]

BURGHLEY, Lord WILLIAM (1520–1598). [See Cecil.]

BURGO, Dr. [See Burke, Thomas (1710?–1776).]

BURGOYNE, HUGH TALBOT (1833–1870), captain in the royal navy, only son of Sir John Fox Burgoyne [q. v.], entered the navy in 1847. On the completion of his time as midshipman, he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant on 11 Jan. 1854; and shortly afterwards (20 March) appointed to the Boscawen, in which he served for a few months in the Baltic. When the Boscawen, with the other sailing ships, returned to England, he was appointed on 16 Sept. to the Swallow, in which he went out to the Mediterranean. The Swallow was attached to the fleet before Sebastopol, and on 29 May 1855, after Genitchi had been shelled, Burgoyne volunteered to land, in company with Lieutenant Buckley and Mr. Roberts, and set fire to a quantity of Russian stores. It was a dangerous piece of service gallantly performed, and was rewarded with the Victoria cross when that order was instituted in the following year [see Buckley, Cecil William]. Burgoyne's want of seniority prevented his being promoted at once, but he was appointed to the command of the Wrangler, despatch gunboat, in which he continued actively employed during the rest of the war. He was made commander on 10 May 1856, and on 16 July 1857 was appointed to the Ganges, bearing the flag of Rear-admiral Baynes in the Pacific. He continued in her during the whole commission, and when she paid off was advanced to be captain on 15 May 1861. In 1863 he accompanied Captain Osborn to China, as second in command of the Anglo-Chinese flotilla, and when Osbom threw up the appointment [see Osborn Sherard] on a disagreement with the Chinese government, they immediately oflered the vacant appointment to Burgoyne, with an unusually liberal pay. Burgoyne, however, declined it, being no more disposed than Osborn had been to submit himself to the local authorities. The junior officers followed his example, and the flotilla was broken up. Shortly after his return to England, Burgoyne was appointed, on 27 Sept. 1865, to command the Wivern, a small turret-