Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 08.djvu/279

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sick, of delayed prayers, and the hiding of God's countenance’ (a sermon on Ps. cxliii. 7), and ‘Eye-Salve for the blinde world’ (a sermon on Isaiah lvii. 1), York, 10 Oct. 1647. 3. ‘The Wise Merchant; or the peerless pearl, set forth in some meditations delivered in two sermons upon Matt. xiii. 45, 46, to the company of merchants in the city of York,’ London, 1660. Calamy and Palmer enumerate many other sermons, including one preached at the funeral of Lady Burdet, and a translation of Gerard's ‘Schola Consolatoria.’

[Palmer's Nonconf. Memorial, iii. 458–9; Brit. Mus. Cat.]

CALVERT, THOMAS (1775–1840), theologian, was born at Preston in 1775. His father, whose name was Jackson, sent him to Clitheroe free grammar school, of which the master was then the learned Rev. Thomas Wilson, B.D. He entered St. John's College, Cambridge, and was fourth wrangler. He was B.A. in 1797, M.A. in 1800, B.D. in 1807, and D.D. in 1823. The last-named degree was taken in the name of Calvert, which he assumed on the death of a friend belonging to an old Lancashire family, who, although unconnected by blood, left him about 1819 a large fortune. He was fellow of his college in 1798, tutor in 1814, and Norrisian professor of divinity from 1814 to 1824, in which year he resigned the post of Lady Margaret's preacher, which he had held since 1819. Having been appointed king's preacher at Whitehall, he attracted the attention and admiration of Lord Liverpool, who appointed him to the rectory of Wilmslow. Although the crown claimed the patronage, it was ultimately decided that the right vested in the ancient family of the Traffords of Trafford, who for more than two centuries have been Roman catholics. Calvert had his consolation in the college living of Holme, Yorkshire, in 1822, and in the wardenship of the collegiate church of Manchester, conferred unsolicited on the recommendation of his admirer, Lord Liverpool. He was installed on 8 March 1823. He married Juliana, daughter of Sir Charles Watson of Wratting Park, Cambridgeshire, and had three sons.

He wrote: 1. ‘The Disinterested and Benevolent Character of Christianity, a Sermon,’ Cambridge, 1819. 2. ‘The Rich and Poor shown to be of God's appointment and equally the objects of His regard, two Sermons at Whitehall,’ Cambridge, 1820. 3. ‘Christ's Presence a source of Consolation and Courage, a Sermon,’ London, 1823. 4. ‘Help in Time of Need, a Sermon,’ London, 1826. 5. ‘Infidelity Unmasked, a Sermon,’ Manchester, 1831. 6. ‘An Established Church the best means of providing for the Care of a Christian Community, a Sermon,’ Manchester, 1834. 7. ‘A Sermon preached before the Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy in St. Paul's Cathedral’ (? 1837). 8. ‘On the Duty of Bridling the Tongue, a Sermon,’ 1840. This was written for a volume made up of contributions by thirty-nine divines towards a fund for St. Andrew's Schools, Manchester. Calvert was constitutionally diffident, and did not take much part in public affairs except in his opposition to catholic emancipation. His serene manners and gentle deportment made him very popular. He died after a short illness in his house at Ardwick on 4 June 1840, and was followed to the grave by the whole body of the Manchester clergy.

[Raines's Lives of the Wardens of Manchester (Chetham Society), 1885; Baker's St. John's College, Cambridge, ed. Mayor, p. 311.]

CAMBELL or CAMPBELL, Sir JAMES (1570–1642), lord mayor of London, was the grandson of Robert Cambell of Foulsham, Norfolk. His father, Sir Thomas Cambell (d. 1613), was alderman successively of Bridge Without (15 Nov. 1599), of Broad Street (23 April 1610), and of Coleman Street (11 Oct. 1611); sheriff of London (24 June 1600); lord mayor (29 Sept. 1609); governor of East India Company (1602–3); and twice master of the Ironmongers' Company (1604 and 1613). Sir Thomas, who was knighted at Whitehall (26 July 1603), married Alice, daughter of Edward Bright of London (Harl. MS. 1096, f. 13). The son James followed his father's trade of ironmonger. He was elected sheriff of London in 1619, alderman of Billingsgate ward, 24 May 1620, whence he removed to Lion Street, 14 May 1625, and lord mayor in 1629. Thomas Dekker, the dramatist, arranged and wrote the pageant ‘London's Tempe’ for Cambell's installation (Fairholt, Lord Mayor's Pageants (Percy Soc.), part ii. 35–60). During his mayoralty Cambell was knighted (23 May 1630), and he presented an elaborate cup to the king at the christening of Prince Charles (15 June 1630). Cambell was thrice master of the Ironmongers' Company (1615, 1623, and 1641). He died at his house in Throgmorton Street, 5 Jan. 1641–2, and was buried (8 Feb.) at St. Olave's Jewry. His wife Rachel survived him, but he had no children. By his will he left a large number of legacies to relatives and friends, and made several charitable bequests to the London hospitals and the Ironmongers' Company, for ‘redemption of poor captives from Turkish slavery,’ ‘for erecting of a free school at Barking in Essex,’ and