Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 09.djvu/105

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Heathens Infidelitie, the Turkes Blasphemie, the Popes Hypocrisie, Amsterdams Varietie, the Church of Englands Veritie in Religion. And in our Church of England, the Kings Excellency. His Issues Integritie. The Nobles and Gentries Constancie. The Councels and Iudges Fidelitie. The Preachers and the Bishops Sinceritie. Conceived and written by Robert Carliell, Gent., for the love and honour of his King and Country,’ London, 1619. This allegorical poem, in forty-two six-line stanzas, is followed by a prose exposition, in which the glories of the church of England are further described. A singular attack on tobacco figures in the early pages. In the British Museum Library are three copies of the work, two dated 1620, and a third dated 1622. Nothing certain is known of the author. The will of a citizen and leatherseller of London of the same name, dated 9 Oct. 1622, was proved on 7 Nov. following. This Robert Carliell had a son Robert, who according to the will had treated his father very undutifully.

[Carlisle's Collections for a History of the Carlisle Family, p. 373; Corser's Collectanea Anglo-Poetica, iii. 253–5; Brit. Mus. Cat.]

CARLILE. [See also Carliell, Carlisle, and Callyle.]

CARLILE or CARLISLE, ANNE (d. 1680?), was an artist. In 1658 Sir William Sanderson, speaking in his ‘Graphice’ of painters ‘now in England,’ says (p. 50), ‘and in Oyl Colours we have a virtuous example in that worthy Artist, Mrs. Carlile.’ She painted her own portrait; Vertue saw in the suceeding century about 1730. She was largely empployed in copying the paintings of the Italian masters, and in reproducing these in miniature; an Charles I was so warm an admirer of her work, Graham says, that he presented Vandyke and the lady with ultramarine to the value of 500l. Anne Carlile died about 1680; and many of her pictures were afterwards in the possession of Lady Cotterel.

[Sir William Sanderson's Graphics, p. 20; Walpole’s Anecd. of Painting, ed. 1849, ii. 381.]

CARLILE, CHRISTOPHER, D.D. (d. 1588?), divine, was a member of Clare Hall Cambridge, of which society he was elected a fellow. He commenced M.A. in 1541, and in 1548 was chosen one of the proctors of the university. In 1552 he took the degree of B.D,, and he was suhsequently created D.D. He was residing at Monks' Horton in Kent in 1563. The first dated edition (1572) of his discourse on the controverted point, whether St. Peter was ever at Rome is dedicated to Lord Wentworth, ‘by whom,’ says the author, ‘I have bene liberally sustained these xxx. yeares.’ On 22 Aug. 1571 one Christopher Carlile, M.A., was instituted to the rectory of St. John's, Hackney, which was vacant by his death on 2 Aug. 1588 when William Sutton, M.A., was appointed his successor. Another Christopher Carlile, who lived for some time at Barham in Kent, removed thence to the parsh of St. Botolph, near Bishopsgate, London, where he died in the beginning of the year 1596.

Carlile was an excellent Hebrew scholar. He wrote 1. ‘A Discourse wherein is plainly proved by the order of time and place that Peter was never at Rome. Furthermore, that neither Peter nor the Pope is the head of Christes Church,' Lond. n.d. and 1572, 4to. Another edition bears this title, 'A Discourse of Peters Lyfe, Peregrination, and Death,’ Lond. 1582, 4to. The first discourse was reprinted, with two letters to a clergyman, by James Billet, Lond. 1845, 8vo. 2. ‘Discourse, concerning two divine Positions. The first effectually concluding, that the soules of the faithfull fathers deceased before Christ went immediately to Heaven. The second sufficientlye setting foorth unto us Christians, what we are to conceive, touchinq the descension of our Saviour Christ into Hell,’ Lond. 1582, 16mo. Dedicated to Henry, earl of Huntingdon. This book contains the substance of a public disputation held at Cambridge in 1562: and was written in confutation of a work by Dr. R. Smith of Oxford. Carlile’s book was interdicted by public authority soon after its appearance. The Psalms of David in English, with annotations, 1573; manuscript in the Cambridge University Library, Ff. 5. 6.

[Carlisle’s Collections for a History of the Carlisle Family, 58; Tanner’s Bibl. Exit. 154; Ames's Typogr. Antiq. (Herbert). 862, 878. 908, l008, 1071, 1191, 1319; Lyson's Environs, ii. 476; Cooper's Annals of Cambridge, v. 283; Additt MS. 5865, f. 49; Wood's Athenæ Oxon. (Bliss), i. 836, 418; Cooper's Athenæ Cantab. ii. 84; Newcourt's Repertorium, i. 619; Robinson’s Hackney. ii. 154, l55.]

CARLILE, CHRISTOPHER (1551-1593). [See Carleill, Christopher.]

CARLILE, JAMES (d. 1691), actor and dramatist, was a native of Lancashire, and joined the company at Drury Lane at some time previous to 1682. After mentioning the famous union of the two companies—the king's and the Duke‘s—under Betterton [q. v.] in 1882, Downes (Roscius Anglicanus) writes as follows: ‘Note, now Mr. Monfort and Mr.