Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 09.djvu/184

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tonsuram 13 June 1620, and was ordained priest by special dispensation 15 June 1625, Afterwards he was appointed procurator of the college, and he held that office till 1634, when he undertook the project of founding a monastery of canonesses of St. Augustin at Paris, where he resided as their confessor till his death. The foundation of this monastery cost him much time and labour. 'Tis recorded that he crossed the seas sixty times between England and France to bring it to perfection, and bestowed all his time, money, interest, learning, and piety for forty years together to the same purpose.' Being seized with a palsy he became almost unserviceable for nearly twelve years before his death, which occurred in the monastery, then situate in the Rue des Fossés Saint Victor, Paris, on 31 Oct. 1674.

Carre was for many years a canon of the English chapter, and the clergy never failed to consult him in matters of consequence. He was a great friend of Richard Crashaw the poet. Arras College in Paris was in 1667 much augmented by him, though it was not completed till many years later, when Dr. John Betham [q. v.] was appointed to preside over it. Carre was greatly respected by the court of France, especially by Cardinal Richelieu, who was a munificent benefactor to the English catholics abroad through his mediation.

His works are: 1. 'A Treatise of the Love of God,' 2 vols., Paris, 1 630, 8to, translated from the French of St. Francis of Sales. 2. 'The Spiritual Conflict,' 1632, translated from the French of Bishop Camus. 3. 'The Draught of Eternity,' 8vo, 1632, a translation from the French of Bishop Camus. 4. 'The Principall Points of the Faith of the Catholike Chvrch. Defended against a writing sent to the King by the 4 Ministers of Charenton. By the most eminent Armand Ihon de Plessis, Cardinal Dvke de Richeliev. Englished by M.C., confessor to the English Nuns at Paris,' 1635, 8vo. 5. 'Of the Following of Christ,' written in Latin by Thomas à Kempis, Paris, 1636, 8vo. 6. 'Occasional Discourses,' Paris, 1646, 8to. 7. 'Thomas of Kempis, Canon Regvlar of S. Avgvstine's Order, his Sermons of the Incarnation and Passion of Christ. Translated out of Latine,' Paris, 1653, 12mo. 8. 'Thomas of Kempis, his Soliloquies translated ovt of Latine,' Paris, 1653, 12mo. fl. 9. 'A Christian Instrvction composed longe a goe, by that most eminent Cardinall Armand Ihon de Plessis, Cardinall of Richeliev,' newly translated, 3rd ed., Paris, 1562 (misprint for 1662), 10. 'Meditations and Prayers on the Life, Passion, Resvrrection, and Ascension of our Saviovr Iesus-Christ. Written in Latine by Thomas of Kempis,' Paris, 1664, 12mo. 11. 'Sweete Thoughtes of Jesvs and Marie, or Meditations for all the Sundays and Feasts of our B. Saviour and B. Virgin Mary; for the use of the daughters of Sion,' 2 parts, 8vo, 1665. 12. 'Pietas Parisiensis, or a short description of the Pietie and Charitie comonly exercised in Paris. Which represents in short the pious practises of the whole Catholike Church,' Paris, 1666, 12mo. An abridgment of this work was published by Abraham Woodhead in 'Pietas Romana et Parisiensis,' Oxford, 1687, 4to, which work elicited 'Some Reflections,' with a 'Vindication of Protestant Charity' by James Harrington, Oxford, 1688, 4to. 13. 'The Funerall Sermon of the Queen of Great Britanie,' Paris, 1670, 8vo.

[Dodd's Church Hist. iii. 293; Addit. MS. 24491, f. 261 b; Palatine Note-book iii. 102, 174; Jones's Popery Tracts, 434; Husenbeth's Colleges and Convents on the Continent, 18; Bibl. Heberiann, ii. 1016, 1017.]

CARRE, WALTER RIDDELL (1807–1874), topographer, was descended from the old family of Riddell of Riddell, in the county of Roxburgh, immortalised by Scott in the ‘Lay of the Last Minstrel’ as ‘ancient Riddell's fair domains.’ He was the second son of Thomas Riddell of Carnieston, and was born at Edinburgh on 4 Aug. 1807. After completing his education at the high school of Edinburgh, he entered a mercantile house in London, where he remained till 1848, when he took up his residence in Hertfordshire. Some years afterwards he succeeded by the will of his uncle, Admiral Robert Riddell Carre, to the estate of Cavers Carre in Roxburghshire, when he assumed the additional surname and arms of Carre. From this time he devoted much of his attention to researches into family and county records, and the biography of ‘worthies’ connected with the Borders, giving the result of his studies occasionally in popular lectures, and in contributions to the newspapers and to ‘Notes and Queries.’ He also took an active interest in various Border societies. He was a justice of the peace and a commissioner of supply for the county of Roxburgh. He died in December 1874. He was the author of ‘Border Memories; or, Sketches of Prominent Men and Women of the Border,’ published posthumously in 1876, with a biographical sketch by James Tait.

[Tait's Memoir, as above.]

CARRICK, Earl of. [See Bruce, Robert de VII.]

CARRICK, JOHN DONALD (1787–1837), song writer and journalist, was born