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the study of languages, mastering French, Spanish, Italian, Latin, Hebrew, and Transylvanian. At the age of fifteen she was married to Sir Henry Cary. As the result of her study of the fathers, she, when about nineteen years of age, became a convert to the catholic faith, but she did not acknowledge the change in her opinions till twenty years afterwards. She accompanied her husband to Dublin, where she took a great interest in the establishment of industrial schools. On her husband learning her change of faith they quarrelled, and she left Dublin in 1625. She was allowed by the privy council a separate maintenance of 500l. a year. After her husband's return to England they became reconciled, but continued to live separately. On account of her change of faith her father probably passed her over in his will [for the circumstances see under Cary, Lucius]. When her husband died she had only the annuity of 200l. a year given her by her parents. She died in October 1639. One of the most intimate friends of Lady Falkland was Chillingworth, but after his conversion to protestantism she blamed him for endeavouring to pervert her children. She published a translation of Cardinal Perron's reply to the attack on his works by King James, but the book was ordered to be burned. Afterwards she translated the whole of Perron's works for the benefit of scholars at Oxford and Cambridge; the translation, however, not being printed. She also wrote in verse the lives of St. Mary Magdalene, St. Agnes the Martyr, and St. Elizabeth of Portugal, as well as numerous hymns in honour of the Virgin. The collected edition of the works of John Marston (1633) is dedicated to her.

Of the eleven children of Lord and Lady Falkland there are records of eight, four sons and four daughters. His son Lucius, second viscount, is the subject of a separate article. The father's petition to the king praying for the release of his son, who had been confined in the Fleet prison, is preserved in the Harleian MS. 1581, where there are also four letters to Falkland from the Duke of Buckingham, has been printed in the ‘Cabala.’ The second son, Sir Lawrence, was killed fighting under Sir Charles Coote at Swords in 1642. The other two sons, Patrick [q. v.], who was the author of some poems, and Placid, took orders in the catholic church. The four daughters, Anne, who had been maid of honour to the queen, Lucy, Elizabeth, and Mary, ultimately became nuns in the convent of Cambray.

[Wood's Athenæ (Bliss), ii. 565–6; Fuller's Worthies (ed. 1811), pp. 431–2; Lloyd's State Worthies; Douglas's Peerage of Scotland (Wood), i. 567–8; Biog. Brit. (Kippis), iii. 290; Chalmers's Biog. Dict. viii. 335–6; Walpole's Royal and Noble Authors, v. 65–6; The Lady Falkland, her Life, from a Manuscript in the Imperial Archives at Lille; Life, by Lady Georgiana Fullerton, 1873; Cal. State Papers, Dom. Series, containing many letters both of Lord and Lady Falkland; Cal. Irish State Papers, 1615–25; Cal. Carew MSS.; Harleian MSS. 1581, 2305; Add. MS. 3827; Gilbert's History of the Irish Confederation, I. xi, 24, 170–6, 210–17; Gardiner's History of England, viii. 9–28.]

CARY, HENRY FRANCIS (1772–1844), translator of Dante, was born at Gibraltar 6 Dec. 1772. His father, an officer in the army, and grandson of Mordecai Cary, bishop of Killala, shortly afterwards settled as a country gentleman at Cannock in Staffordshire. Young Cary received his education at local grammar schools, Rugby, Sutton Coldfield, and Birmingham. While at the latter, being only fifteen, he published an ode to Lord Heathfield on his defence of Gibraltar, the youthful writer's native place. The ode was greatly admired, and led to Cary's becoming a regular contributor to the ‘Gentleman's Magazine,’ and publishing a small volume of odes and sonnets in the following year. It also procured him the notice of Miss Seward and her literary coterie at Lichfield. He corresponded assiduously with Miss Seward, and one of his letters (Life, i. 42–4) is especially interesting as disclosing the germ of his attachment to Dante. It is written from Christ Church, Oxford, where he had entered in April 1790. In 1796 he took orders, was presented to the vicarage of Abbot's Bromley, Staffordshire, and married the daughter of James Ormsby of Sandymount, near Dublin. His time was chiefly employed in study, of which his diary, published by his son, gives a detailed account. His principal publications during his residence at Abbot's Bromley were an ‘Ode to Kosciusko’ and three sermons, contributed to the publication of a clerical friend who ‘was driven by his necessities to publish a volume of sermons by subscription, but had not energy to write them himself.’ In 1800 he removed to the living of Kingsbury in Warwickshire, to which he had been presented in addition to Abbot's Bromley, and in May of that year commenced his translation of the ‘Inferno,’ which was published in 1805. It attracted little attention, partly owing to the neglect into which his author had fallen (‘his fame,’ said Napoleon of Dante about this time, ‘is increasing and will continue to increase, because no one ever reads him’), partly from being weighted by a reprint of the original text, but even more from Cary's own independence of the corrupt