Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 09.djvu/349

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the whole work, and wrote new prolegomena. The copy was left in the hands of executors, Chief-justice Reeve and Dr. Jones, a brother canon of Windsor; they both died soon after the work went to press, and Dr. Daniel Waterland (than whom no more competent man could possibly have been found) undertook the care of it. It was published by subscription in 1740, and this, of course, is the best edition. Cave had another trouble in connection with this work. When he was engaged in compiling it, in 1686, Henry Wharton, then a young man (aged 22), was recommended to him by Dr. Barker, senior fellow of Caius, as an assistant. Cave was suffering from bad health and required such aid; Wharton lived in the house with Cave, and matters went on amicably between the workers, and Cave acknowledged most gratefully in his prolegomena the services of Wharton, testifying that the appendix of the three last centuries was almost wholly owing to him. A rupture, however, arose; Cave complained of Wharton, and Wharton of Cave, but it is not easy, nor at all necessary, to understand the nature of the dispute.

[Cave's Works, passim; Nichols's History and Antiquities of Leicestershire, vol. ii. pt. ii. pp. 773, &c.; Life of Henry Wharton, prefixed to his Sermons; information from Major Cave Orme, Cave's descendant.]

CAVELLUS, HUGO. [See MacCaghwell, Hugh.]

CAVENDISH, CHARLES (1620–1643), royalist general, second son of William, second earl of Devonshire [q. v.], was born on 30 May, 1620, and named after Prince Charles, his godfather. In 1638 he was sent abroad to travel with a governor; succeeded in reaching Cairo and saw a large part of Turkey. He returned to England in May 1641, and then served for a campaign under the Prince of Orange. On the outbreak of the war he entered the king's troop of guards as a volunteer under the command of Lord Bernard Stuart. At Edgehill he so distinguished himself by his valour that he was given the command of the Duke of York's troop left vacant by the death of Lord Aubigny. In consequence of a disagreement with an inferior officer, he sought an independent command, and obtained from the king a commission to raise a regiment of horse in the north. Up then established himself at Newark, and so distinguished himself by his activity against the parliamentarians, that, on the petition of the king's commissioners for Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire, he was appointed commander-in-chief of the forces of those two counties, with the rank of colonel-general. On 23 March 1643 he took Grantham. and on 11 April defeated young Hotham at Ancaster, and threatened an irruption into the eastern association. He received the queen at Newark, and escorted her part of her way to Oxford, taking Burton-on-Trent by assault during the march, 2 July 1643 (Rushworth, v. 274). But attempting to prevent the raising of the siege of Gainsborough, he was defeated by Cromwell, and fell by the hand of James Berry, Cromwell's captain-lieutenant (28 July 1643). He was buried at Newark, but thirty years later his body was removed to Derby, to be interred with his mother.

[Kennet's Memoirs of the Family of Cavendish. 1708. Kennet gives extracts from a manuscript life of Colonel Cavendish; Aubrey's Letters (ed. 1813), ii. 274; Lloyd's Memoirs of Excellent Personages, p. 672; Carlyle's Cromwell, Letter xii, and appendix ii. Waller wrote an epitaph on Charles Cavendish. which is to be found in his colleted Poems; there ia also a poem on him in the Characters and Elegies of Sir Francis Wortley.]

CAVENDISH, CHRISTIANA, Countess of Devonshire (d. 1675), was the daughter of Edward Bruce of Kinloss (1540?-1611) [q. v.] In token of her father's services she, on her marriage to William Cavendish, second earl of Devonshire [q. v.], received from the king a grant of 10,000l. After the death of her husband in 1628 she had the wardship of the young lord and the care of the estates, the value of which she greatly increased by her prudent management. At the rebellion she was one of the most enthusiastic supporters of the cause of the king. and her devotion to it was increased by the death of her second son, Charles [q, v.], who was slain at Gainsborough on 28 July 1043. She took charge of the king's effects after the battle of Worcester, and during the protectorate was accustomed to entertain the friends of the cause at her house at Roehampton. and also kept up a correspondence with the principal royalists on the continent. General Monck, it is said, sent her a private signal to make her aware of his intention to restore the king. After the Restoration Charles II frequently resorted to her house at Roehampton, and the queen mother lived on terms of unusual intimacy with her till her death, She is described by her biographer as 'of that affability and sweet address, with so great wit and judgment, as captivated all who conversed with her.' After the Restoration she was accustomed frequently to entertain the wits and men of letters, one of her favourite friends being Edmund Waller. who had been a sufferer in the royal cause. Waller dedicated to her his 'Epistles,' which