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with two woodcuts, Westminster? 1481? [3]. 11. Lydgate's ‘The Horse, the Sheep, and the Goose,’ and other verses, 1st edition, 4to, Westminster? 1479? [unique copy in Cambridge University Library]; 2nd edition, 4to, Westminster? 1479? [unique in York Cathedral Library; fragment in Cambridge University Library]. The second edition was reprinted for the Roxburghe Club. 12. ‘Infancia Salvatoris,’ an adaptation of ‘Evangelium Infantiæ’ (cf. Fabricius, Codex Apocryphus Novi Testamenti, i.), 4to, Westminster? 1478? [unique in Göttingen University Library]. 13. ‘The Temple of Glass,’ a poem attributed to Lydgate, 4to, Westminster? 1478? [unique in Cambridge University Library]. 14. ‘The Chorle and the Bird,’ a poem attributed to Lydgate, 1st edition, 4to, Westminster? 1478? [unique in Cambridge University Library; fragment in British Museum]; 2nd edition, 4to, Westminster? 1479? [unique in York Cathedral Library]. The second edition was reprinted for the Roxburghe Club. 15. ‘Temple of Brass, or Parliament of Fowls;’ Ballads; ‘Chaucer's Envoy to Scogan,’ 4to, Westminster? 1478? [fragments in Cambridge University Library and British Museum]. 16. ‘The Book of Courtesy,’ 1st edition, 4to, Westminster? 1479? [unique in Cambridge University Library]; 2nd edition, Westminster, 1491? [fragment in Bodleian]. The first edition was reprinted by Dr. F. J. Furnivall for the Early English Text Society in 1868. 17. Queen Anelida and False Arcyte: ‘Chaucer's Complaint to his Purse,’ 4to, Westminster? 1479? [unique in Cambridge University Library]. 18.* Boethius's ‘De Consolatione Philosophiæ,’ translated by Chaucer, folio, †, Westminster? 1479? [16]. 19.* ‘Cordyale, or the Four Last Things,’ a translation from the French ascribed to Earl Rivers, folio, †, Westminster? 24 March 1479 [9]. 20. ‘A Latin Treatise on Rhetoric, by Laurentius Gulielmus de Traversanis of Savona,’ folio, Westminster? 1479? [2]. 21.* ‘Latin Letters of Indulgence issued with Sixtus IV's authority in 1480 for assistance at the Siege of Rhodes’ (parchment), folio, Westminster? 31 March 1480 [2]. 22. ‘The Mirrour of the World,’ translated by Caxton, through the French, from Vincent de Beauvais's ‘Speculum Naturale,’ at the request of Hugh Brice, for presentation to Lord Hastings, 1st edition,* folio, with woodcuts, Westminster? 1481 [16]; 2nd edition, folio, 1490? [13]. 23. ‘The History of Reynard the Fox,’ translated from the Dutch by Caxton at Westminster in 1481, 1st edition,* folio, Westminster? 1481? [4]; 2nd edition, folio, Westminster? 1489? [unique in Magdalene College, Cambridge]. 24.* ‘Tully of Old Age and Friendship: The Declamation of Noblesse,’ †, folio, Westminster? 1481 [22]. The translation, through the French, of Cicero's ‘De Senectute,’ undertaken at the desire of Sir John Fastolf, is attributed by Leland to Tiptoft, earl of Worcester, and by Anstis to Wynkyn de Worde. There seems, however, no doubt that the work was undertaken by William of Worcester [q. v.] 25. Caxton's ‘Advertisement’ (long 8vo), Westminster, 1478? [Althorp and Bodleian]. 26. ‘Directorium seu Pica Sarum,’ version i.,* 4to, 1478? [unique fragment]; version ii. (‘Directorium Sacerdotum’), with woodcut, 1st edition,* †, Westminster, 1487? [unique]; 2nd edition, †, Westminster, 1489? [unique in Bodleian]. 27.* ‘Psalterium,’ in Latin, 4to, Westminster? 1480? [unique]. 28. ‘The Chronicles of England,’ called ‘Caxton's Chronicle,’ though it is merely an imprint of the popular ‘Chronicle of Brut,’ 1st edition, folio, †, Westminster, 10 June 1480 [13]; 2nd edition,* folio, †, Westminster, 8 Oct. 1482 [6]. 29.* ‘Description of Britain,’ a translation by Caxton of a chapter of Higden's ‘Polycronicon,’ folio, †, Westminster? 18 Aug. 1480 [12]. 30. ‘Curia Sapientiæ, or the Court of Sapience,’ an English poem by Lydgate, fol. Westminster? 1481 [2; fragments in Bodleian and Brit. Mus.] 31.* ‘The History of Godfrey of Boulogne,’ translated by Caxton from the French, fol. †, Westminster, 20 Nov. 1481 [12]. Mr. Holford has a copy inscribed ‘This was king Edw. ye fourth Booke.’ 32.* ‘Letters of Indulgences for assistance against the Turks,’ in Latin, 1st edition, Westminster? 1481, in parchment [unique fragment]; 2nd edition, 1481 [unique in Bedford Library; fragment at Cambridge University Library]. 33.* ‘Polycronicon,’ a revised version by Caxton of Trevisa's English translation of Higden's Chronicle, fol. †, Westminster, 1482 [30]. 34. ‘Pilgrimage of the Soul,’ a translation from the French, ascribed to Lydgate, †, Westminster, 6 June 1483 [5]. 35. ‘Vocabulary in French and English,’ a book for travellers, fol. Westminster? 1483? [4]. 36.* ‘The Festial (Liber Festialis),’ an English translation by John Mirkus, fol. *, 1st edition, †, Westminster, 30 June 1483 [4]; * 2nd edition, with a few additions, †, 1491 [6]. 37. ‘Four Sermons,’ in English,* 1st edition fol. †, Westminster, 1483? [9]; * 2nd edition, 1491? [5]. A copy of this work at St. Andrews is carefully described in ‘Notes and Queries,’ 7th ser. ii. 264. It has been reprinted by the Roxburghe Club. 38.* ‘Servitium de Visitatione B. Mariæ Virginis,’ Latin, 4to, Westminster, 1482? [unique]. 39.* ‘Sex perelegantissimæ Epistolæ per Petrum Carmelianum emen-