Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 09.djvu/436

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persons to whom the letters had at various times been attributed. His detailed reports, which confirmed the identification of Sir Philip Francis with Junius, were published, with a preface and collateral evidence by the Hon. Edward Twistleton, in 1871. Chabot died on 15 Oct. 1882.

[Times, 17 Oct. 1882; Law Journal, xvii. 566.]

CHACEPORC or CHACEPORT, PETER (d. 1254), treasurer, a Poitevin favourite of Henry III, and nephew of a certain Hugh de Vynon, a valued servant of the king, was one of the royal clerks, and as such took part in the confirmation of the truce with France in 1243. From 1245 onwards he held the office of keeper of the king's wardrobe. He was rector of Ivinghoe, and in 1250 was made archdeacon of Wells. In that year also the king sent him to Winchester to try to persuade the monks to elect Aymer de Valence [q. v.] as bishop. His name occurs in 1252 in a scheme of composition between the king and Earl Simon of Leicester, and he was sent the same year to ask Queen Blanche to grant Henry leave to pass through France on his proposed visit to Gascony, a request the queen answered by a flat refusal. In 1253 he received, with Henry of Lexinton, the temporary charge of the great seal, was made treasurer, and was named one of the executors of the king's will. During the vacancy of the see of Lincoln in 1254 the king gave him the treasurership of that church. Later in the year he was with Henry when, on his return from Gascony, he visited Louis IX at Paris. On his homeward journey the king stayed awhile at Boulogne, and there Chaceporc died, on 24 Dec. Henry, who greatly valued him, buried him with honour in St. Mary's Church. By his will, made two days before his death, he left six hundred marks to found a house of regular canons to be chosen from Merton. The king carried out the wishes of his favourite servant by the foundation of Ravenston Priory in Buckinghamshire.

[Matthew Paris, Chronica Majora, v. 179, 335, 484, 691 (Rolls Ser.); Annales de Dunstaplia ap. Ann. Monast. iii. 194 (Rolls Ser.); Royal Letters of Henry III, ii. 385 (Rolls Ser.); Rymer's Fœdera, i. 417, 488, 502, ed. 1704; Madox's History of the Exchequer, i. 609, ii. 116, 318; Liber Niger de Scaccario, ii. 534, ed. Hearne, 1771; Le Neve's Fasti (Hardy); Foss's Judges of England, ii. 295.]

CHAD or CEADDA, Saint. [See Ceadda (d. 672).]

CHADERTON, LAURENCE (1536?–1640), master of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, was the son of Thomas Chaderton of the Lees, Oldham. According to his biographers, he gave inconsistent accounts of his age. According to one, he was born in 1536; according to the other, two years later. His father was a gentleman of good means, and seems to have taken little pains to press Laurence forward in his education. The boy was further disgusted with study by the severity of a stupid schoolmaster; but after a youth devoted mainly to field sports, he came under the influence of an able and learned tutor, Laurence Vaux, the author of a catholic catechism, and afterwards warden of the Manchester College. The elder Chaderton was a strict catholic, as of course was Vaux, and Laurence was therefore trained in the old faith; but when young Chaderton entered Christ's College in 1564–5 he found the reformation question agitating the minds of all around him. The puritan party was especially strong at Christ's, and Chaderton, after much conflict of mind, determined to adopt the reformed doctrines. This change of opinion cost him the support of his father, who, after vainly attempting to induce him by the offer of an allowance of 30l. to quit Cambridge and study at one of the Inns of Court, addressed the following letter to him: ‘Son Laurence, if you will renounce the new sect which you have joined, you may expect all the happiness which the care of an indulgent father can secure you; otherwise, I enclose a shilling to buy a wallet. Go and beg.’ Chaderton, however, persevered in his Cambridge career, obtained a scholarship, eked out his scanty means by teaching, in 1567 obtained his degree, and shortly afterwards a fellowship at Christ's. He served his college in various capacities as dean, tutor, and lecturer, and enjoyed considerable reputation as a Latin, Greek, and Hebrew scholar, and made himself acquainted also with French, Spanish, and Italian. He was successful as a tutor, but it was as a preacher that he exercised the widest influence. For nearly fifty years he was afternoon lecturer at the church of St. Clement's in Cambridge, and had large congregations both from town and university, where preaching had been before his time much neglected. When he found it necessary, very late in life, to resign his lectureship, he received an address from forty clergy begging him to reconsider his decision, and alleging that they owed their conversion to his preaching. Instances of his influence as a preacher are recorded in various parts of the country, especially in his native county of Lancashire. In 1572 Chaderton's father died, without, it seems, carrying out his threat of disinheritance completely; and in