Index to Volume X.
��Chwple, Sir William (1077-1745) .
Ch.ppl«, WiUi«m a71»-n81) .
Chard, Geaivfl Williun (lTSS?-lBt8)
Chardin, Sir John (1M3-17181
Chardon, Clmrldoo, or Charlton, John {d.
Obuile, Williun (14a2-160a?f
Charke, Charlotte (A 1780?| ,
ChurkB, -WiUiwn I fl. HUM)
Chatlomont, first Earl of (ITSft-lTW). See CanlFeild, lunM.
Chaileinont, ViBcoaotH of. See CautfeilJ, William, first Viscount, d. ISTl ; Caulieild, WUliam, Bscond VieMinnt. d. 1726; Caul- Ceild, Jamca, fourth ViEuinnt, 1728-lTW.
Charlemont, BaronB. See Caolfeild.SiF Toby. Hrst Baron, 16S5-lfl37: Canlfcild, Tobj', third Baron, d. 1643; CaalfeOd, William,
��09 Chatslain, Clais de, Ttie de Fontign; (1S07-
" . . 1<
eHtde CUrs
��ton, Jan
��itlrf. 1
��fifth I
��ron,* 1
��.[ Cheilnod, John
��Charles I (1600-1649) '
Charles Edward Louis Philm Caaunir, com- monly callsd the Young Prelender |I7aO-
1788) H
Charles, Darid (1763-1884) . . , . 1 Charles, Dand (11.1878). Sea noder Charles,
Thomas. Charles, Joseph (1716-17861 . . . . 1 Charles or Carles. Nicholas (d. 16181 . . 1 Charles, Thomas (176,1-18141 . . . . 1 Charlcsworth, Edward Parkpr (17a3-ta.'>3| . 1 Charlnsworth, John (1783-1884). See under
Chuletworth, Maria Louisa. Charlesworth, Maria Louisa (1819-1880) . I Charleton. 3ee alao Charlton, CharletoD, Rice (1710-1789) . . . . 1 Charleton, Robert |ie09-187i) . 1
Charleton, Walter I181lt-1707) . 1
Charlott, Arthur (1865-17S ■Charlewood, Charlnood, i
(d. IBSai Charlotte Augusta, Frinee: Charlotte Aunuta Hacildu., PriucesB Royal of Oreat Britain and Ireland and Qaeen o[ Wiirtemberg (176«-iaas| . , . . 1 Charlotte Sophia (1744-1818) . .1
Charlboo. See also Charleton. Chnrllon or Cherleton, Edward, fifth and last
Baron Charlton of Poirya (1370-1431) . 1 Churlton, Sir Job tl614-16B7) . . . . 1 Charlton or Cherleton, John de, first Baron
Charlton of Powys {d. 18BB) . I
Charlton, Jolm (/f, 1S71), See Cbi.rdou,
John. Charlton or Cherleton, Lewis {d. 1S69) , Charlton, Lionel (1720-1788) . Charlton or Cherleton, Thomas (<f, 1844) Chamook, Job Id. IflBB) .... Chamock, John (1766-1807) . CharDDckoc Chemock. Robert (ie63?-169Cl Chamork, Htupheii (1628-1680) Chamook, Thomas (1634 7-15BI Char|iunti£re, See CarpPUli&re and Carpen-
Charteris, Pranoia (1676-17^2)
Charteris, Honry, the elder (d. ISgO)
Charteris. llenr;, the younger (1666-1028)
Charteris, lAirrence ( 1635-1700)
Chary, Chintamanny Bagoonatha (d, ISBOI
Chase, John (I810-1B7SI
- ■■" w CastiUon, Homy do {ft. IIW)
��Chatfield, Edward (1800-18891 . . 1<
Chatham, Earls of. See Pitt, William, flnt
Earl, 1708-1778: Pitt, John, eeeoud Bwl,
1766-1835. Chattertey. William Slmmonds (lT87-iaB'>, . li Chatterton. Henrietta Oeorgiona Hanaa
Lsacelles, Lady (1806-1876) Chatterton, John Balsir |1803?-187I) Chatterton, Thomas (1759-1770) ChaCto, William Andrew (1799-1864) Chattodnnoa, Walter id. 1S4S). See Catton. Chancer, Oeofifrey (1340 ?-ltOO) Chaucer, Thomas (1367 ?-148l > Chaacombe, Hugh de Ift. 1300) Chouneej, Charles (1706-1777) Chsuncey, Ichabod (rf. 1891) . Chauney, Charles (1692-1672) Chauncy, Sir Henry (1662-1719) Chauncy. Isaac 11683-1713) Chauncy, Haurice (d. 1E81I Chavasse, William (178S-1814) Cheadse;, William (1510 ?-lB74 ?). a«e
Chodsay. Cheape, Douflaa (1797-1861) . . . I'
Cheape, Sir John (1792-18761 . . . .I' Chehham, Thomas de {ft. 1230). See Chab-
��Chedsey or Cfaeadsey, William jlKIO 7-1S74 I Chedworth, fourth Baron (1754-180*), Ilowp. John.
Cbpdwurth, John (d. 1*71) 1 Clioeke, William (;). 1613)
Cheere, Sir Henry (1703-1781) I Cbeesman, Thomas (1760-183G?! .
ChefprorCheHer.Biohaidl^.HOO?) .
Cheke, Heury(lB48?-1689?l ,
Cheke, Sir John I1614-1SB7) .
Chfillc or Chell, William ifl. 15.WH ,
- Chelmpston or Cbelreston, John ift. 1997)
' Chelmsford, first Baron (1704-1878). Se< Theslger, Frederick.
Chelsum, James (1T40 7-1801 ) .
Chenery, Thomas (1836-18841
Chcnovii, Richard (1GB8-17T0)
ChencTi*, Richard (1774-1830) I Chepman, Walter (1173?-153B7p . , Cherbury or Cliirbui?, David tft- llBOi .
■ ' "* Robert Aleiander (1787-
��1860) ,
Chiron, Louis (1665-17351
Cherry, Andrew(na2-1813l ,
Cherry, Francis 0665 ?-1718j .
- liprry, Thomas (1683-1706). See un<
Cb.'rry, Francis, Cimrtsoy, Andrew {ft. 1608-15.13) . Cbeaeldsn, William (16*9-1763) Chesham, Francis (1749-1606) Cheshire, John (1605-1769) Cliesney, Cliarles Comwallis (1826-1876) Chesney, Pranoia Rawddii (1789-1879) , Chesiiey, Robert de td. 1166) . Cheesnr, Jane Agnes (1835-1880) . Cbesshor, Robert (1750-1831) . CheaBbjra, Sit John (1661-1788) .
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