Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 11.djvu/144

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in the meeting-room of the Medical Society of London. He married in 1796, at Walbrook Church, Harriet Matilda, daughter of William Browne of Kirby Street, Hatton Garden, attorney-at-law, by whom he had ten children. He was the author of the following works: 1. ‘An Account of a New Method of treating Affections which arise from the Poison of Lead,’ 1794. 2. ‘Remarks respecting Venereal Disease,’ 1799. 3. ‘Tentamen Pathologicum Inaugurale quædam de Sede et Natura Febris proponens,’ 1804. 4. ‘An Enquiry into the Seat and Nature of Fever,’ 1807; 2nd edition, 1825. 5. ‘Observations on the Epidemic Fever at present prevailing,’ 1819. 6. ‘An Essay on Pyrexia or Symptomatic Fever,’ 1837. 7. ‘On the Proper Administration of Blood Letting,’ 1840. 8. ‘A brief Memoir of G. Birkbeck, M.D.,’ 1842. 9. ‘A Series of Essays on Inflammation,’ 1846; besides many papers to the medical press. The medical profession owes much to his talent, enterprise, and independent spirit.

[Pettigrew's Medical Portrait Gallery (1840), ii. 10 (with portrait); Taylor's National Portrait Gallery (1846), ii. 88–9; People's and Howitt's Journal (1850), iii. 245–7 (with portrait); Medical Circular (1853), ii. 495–7 (with portrait); Lives of British Physicians (1857), p. 403; Illustrated London News, 17 May 1856, p. 523, 24 May, p. 567; Lancet (1850), ii. 210–15 (with portrait), and (1856), i. 490–1; Boase and Courtney's Bibl. Cornub. pp. 73, 1122; Boase's Collectanea Cornubiensia, cols. 148–9; Munk's Coll. of Phys. (1878), iii. 14–16; Index Catalogue of Library of Surgeon-General's Office, U. S. America (1882), iii. 234.]

CLUTTERBUCK, ROBERT (1772–1831), topographer, was the eldest surviving son of Thomas Clutterbuck, esq., of Watford, Hertfordshire, by Sarah, daughter of Robert Thurgood, esq., of Baldock in that county. He was born at Watford on 28 June 1772, and at an early age was sent to Harrow School, where he continued until he was entered as a gentleman commoner of Exeter College, Oxford. After graduating B.A. in 1794 he entered at Lincoln’s Inn, intending to make the law his profession; but his ardour in the pursuit of chemistry and in painting (in which he took lessons of Barry) induced him, after a residence of several years in London, to abandon his original plans. In 1798 he married Marianne, eldest daughter of Colonel James Capper, and after a few years' residence at the seat of his father-in-law, Cathays, near Cardiff, Glamorganshire, he took possession of his paternal estate at Watford, where he continued to reside until his death, on 25 May 1831. He was a county magistrate and a fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. For eighteen years he was busily engaged in the compilation of a new history of his native county. The work appeared under the title of ‘The History and Antiquities of the County of Hertford; compiled from the best printed authorities and original records preserved in public repositories and private collections. Embellished with views of the most curious monuments of antiquity, and illustrated with a map of the County,’ 3 vols. London, 1815, 1821, 1827, fol. The plates in this work have never been surpassed in an similar publication. Several of them were from his own sketches, and he also secured the assistance of Edward Blore [q. v.] and other eminent draughtsmen and engravers. Clutterbuck published, in 1828, an ‘Account of the Benefactions to the Parish of Watford in the County of Hertford, compiled from Authentic Documents.’ His portrait has been engraved by W. Bond.

[Gent. Mag. ci. (i.) 565; Evans's Cat. of Engraved Portraits, 14343, 14344; Upcott’s English Topography, i. 623*; Egerton MS. 1533; Cat. of Printed Books in Brit. Mus.; Nichols’s Illustr. of Lit. vi. 437, 447, 448; Cat. of Oxford Graduates (1851), 135.]

CLYDE, Lord. [See Campbell, Sir Colin, 1792-1863.]

CLYFFE, WILLIAM (d. 1558), divine, educated at Cambridge, where he graduated LL.B. in 1514, was admitted advocate at Doctors’ Commons on 16 Dec. 1522, graduated LL.D. in 1523, was commissary of the diocese of London between 1522 and 1529, instituted to the prebend of Twyford in the church of St. Paul, London, in 1526, appointed archdeacon of London three years later, prebendary of Fenton in the church of York in 1532, resigned the archdeaconry of London for that of Cleveland in 1533, became precentor of York in 1534, treasurer of York in 1538, on the suppression of which office in 1547 he was made dean of Chester. The last place he held till his death in 1558. As a civilian his reputation was sufficient to induce convocation to seek his advice as to the royal divorce in 1533. On his preferment to the deanery of Chester he was immediately thrown into the Fleet prison at the instance of Sir Richard Cotton, comptroller of the king’s household, and only obtained his liberty by leasing the chapter lands to Cotton at a considerable undervalue. He was one of the authors of the celebrated treatise on ‘The Godly and Pious Institution of a Christian Man,’ commonly known as the ‘Bishops’ Book,’ and published by the authority of Henry VIII in 1537.