Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 11.djvu/424

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more he apparently obtained his degree in medicine. In 1730 he and his congregation transferred themselves to the non-subscribing presbytery of Antrim (expelled from the synod in 1726). His original meeting-house being out of the town, a new one was built for him on Pound Hill, Dromore. On the outbreak of the rebellion of 1745 Colvill obtained from Lord Chesterfield a commission for raising a volunteer corps, which he commanded in person. He died of apoplexy at Dromore on 23 April 1777, in his seventy-eighth year. His funeral sermon was preached on 4 May by James Bryson [q. v.], who eulogises his 'rich, clear, and comprehensive understanding.' From his will (dated 3 Oct. 1772) it appears that he had a son, Maturine, and five daughters, two of them married. His congregation returned to the general synod after his death, but left it again with the remonstrants of 1829.

Colvill published: 1. 'Funeral Sermon for Rev. T. Nevinof Downpatrick,' Belfast, 1745, 8vo. 2. 'The Persecuting, Disloyal, and Absurd Tenets of those who afiect to call themselves Seceders, &c.,' Belfast, 1749, 8vo. 3. 'Some important Queries,' &c., Belfast, 1773, 8vo (defends the 'Catholic Christian,' by John Cameron (1724–1799) [q. v.], against the attack of Benjamin McDowell).

[Belfast News-Letter, 29 April 1777; Bryson's Sermons, 1778; Christian Moderator, September 1827, p. 197; Armstrong's Appendix to Martineau's Ordination Service, 1829, p. 89; Reid's Hist. Presb. Ch. in Ireland (Killen), 1867, iii. 191 sq., 281; Dromore Household Almanac, 1879; Witherow's Hist. and Lit. Mem. of Presb. in Ireland, 2nd ser. 1880, p. 71 sq.; Killen's Hist, of Congregations Presb. Ch. in Ireland, 1886, p. 122; Records of Presbytery of Cupar, per Rev. D. Brewster; Registers of Edinburgh University, negative results from Glasgow and St. Andrews universities, per custodians; Belfast Funeral Register (Presbyterian); attested copy of Colvill's will.]

COLVILLE, ALEXANDER (1530?–1597), Scotch judge, was the second son of Sir James Colville of Easter Wemyss, by his wife Janet, second daughter of Sir Robert Douglas of Lochleven, sister of William Smith, earl of Morton. On 4 Feb. 1566-7 he obtained a charter of the abbey of Culross, and by an act of the secret council, 20 Jan. 1574, it was decreed that 100 marks only should be paid by him for the thirds of this benefice. After the death of Darnley he had supported the party who opposed Queen Mary, and during the regency of Morton he was, some time before 26 Oct. 1575, appointed one of the judges of the court of session. He was a member of the commission appointed by parliament on 15 July 1578 to 'visit, sycht, and consider the laws,' and about the same time he was appointed one of the arbitrators in the deadly feud between the families of Gordon and Forbes. On 11 Nov. of the following year he was named a privy councillor, and appointed a lord of the articles and a commissioner for settling the jurisdiction of the church. He was present at Holyrood House on 19 Oct. 1582, when King James was forced to emit a declaration regarding the raid of Ruthven. After the return of Hamilton and other banished lords in 1585, he was again named a privy councillor. In May 1587, on account of illness, he resigned his seat on the bench in favour of his nephew John Colville, chanter of Glasgow, who was appointed on 1 June, but he was reappointed on the 21st of the same month. In 1592 he was made a commissioner for the reform of the hospitals. He died in April or May 1597. He collected the decisions of the court of session from 1570 to 1584. By his wife Nicolas, daughter of Alexander Dundas of Fingask, he had, with two daughters, two sons: John of Wester Cumbrae, who in 1640 became by right third Lord Colville of Culross, but did not assume the title; and Alexander, justice depute and professor of divinity in the university of St. Andrews.

[Lord Hailes's Catalogue of the Lords of Session; Haig and Brunton's Senators of the College of Justice, 160–2; Douglas's Scottish Peerage (Wood), i. 354.]

COLVILLE, ALEXANDER (1620–1676), Scottish episcopalian divine, eldest son of John Colville of Wester Cumbrae, by right third lord Colville, and Elizabeth, daughter of Sir James Melville of Halhil, was born in 1620. He was educated at the university of Edinburgh, and for some time had a charge at Dysart, Fifeshire. Subsequently he became professor of Hebrew and theology in the university of Sedan, France, under the patronage of the reformed churches. He was the author of several pamphlets against the presbyterians, and of a humorous poem called the 'Scotch Hudibras.' He died at Edinburgh in 1676. By his wife Ann le Blanc he had two sons. He is erroneously stated to have been principal of Edinburgh University.

[Douglas's Scottish Peerage (Wood), i. 355; Anderson's Scottish Nation.]

COLVILLE, Sir CHARLES (1770–1843), general, second son of John, ninth lord Colville of Culross in the peerage of Scotland, was born on 7 Aug. 1770. He entered the army as an ensign in the 28th regiment on