Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 11.djvu/465

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(Leland, Collectanea, i. 27). The end of his life was not eventful. He died in 1274.

Comyn is described by Fordun as 'a man prone to robbery and rashness.' Wyntoun, who calls him 'Red Jhon Cwmyn,' speaks of him as 'a knycht of gret renown.' He was twice married, and left a large family, who after his death could not settle his heritage without disputes (Cal. Doc. Scot. ii. 51). William, his eldest son, who died early, engaged in an ineffectual struggle to obtain the earldom of Menteith. Of the two sons named John, the elder became lord of Badenoch and a claimant to the Scottish throne [see Comyn, John, Lord of Badenoch]. Alexander and Robert, the two youngest, were both taken prisoners at Dunbar, while Robert was slain with the Red Comyn at Dumfries. His four daughters all married into noble houses.

[Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland, vols. i. and ii.; Rymer's Fœdera, Record edit., vol. i.; Acts of Parliament of Scotland, vol. i.; Fordun's Chronicon Gentis Scotorum, ed. Skene, i. 298, 302; Wyntoun's Chronykil of Scotland, ed. Laing, bk. viii. line 1161 sq., who gives a full account of his family; Douglas's Peerage of Scotland, i. 161–2; Mrs. Cumming Bruce's Bruce and Comyns, pp. 404–6. Dugdale, Baronage of England, i. 685, confuses John Comyn with his son the competitor.]

COMYN, JOHN, the elder (d. 1300?), of Badenoch, 'claimant to the Scottish throne,' was the second son of John Comyn, justiciar of Galloway [q. v.], and succeeded to the estates of his branch of his family on the death of his elder brother, William Comyn, without issue. His lordship of Badenoch came from his uncle, Walter Comyn, earl of Menteith [q. v.] In 1281 he was present at the convention of magnates at Roxburgh, when the marriage was settled between Margaret, daughter of Alexander III, and King Eric of Norway (Fœdera, i. 595). In 1284 he was one of the nobles who agreed to uphold the title of Margaret to the throne on Alexander's death. In 1286 he became one of the six guardians of the realm, being one of the three to whom the lands south of the Forth were entrusted (Fordun, i. 310). At Michaelmas 1289 he, with the bishops of St. Andrews and Glasgow, his fellow regents, and others, signed at Salisbury the treaty by which the young Queen of Scots was to be married to the eldest son of the English king (Stevenson, Documents, i. 106). In March 1290 he was at the parliament of Brigham, which confirmed the treaty of Salisbury (ib. i. 129). In August of that year Comyn and others signed a new agreement with Edward at Northampton which confirmed the treaty of Brigham (ib. i. 173). But the death of Margaret at once gave Scottish affairs a new aspect. The regency was for a time continued, even although Comyn himself became one of the claimants for the vacant throne. His somewhat fantastic claim was derived from Donaldbane, whose granddaughter Hexilda was the mother of Comyn's great-grandfather (Fœdera, i. 776). Along with the other competitors he made his submission to Edward I as liege lord of Scotland (ib. i. 755), as the only condition of obtaining him as arbitrator (June 1291). But though his claim was presented, it was hardly seriously urged. During the protracted negotiations which preceded and accompanied the great trial he appears as one of the guardians of Scotland rather than as a pretender to its throne. He and the other guardians were compelled to surrender their trust into Edward's hands, but almost immediately a new commission of regency, in which one fresh name only was added, restored them to power. But while previously styling themselves the elected of the commons of Scotland, they were now ' custodes regni per Edwardum supremum dominum Scotiae constituti' (Stevenson, Documents, i. 243, 278). In the contest for the succession Comyn used all his great influence in favour of his brother-in-law, John Baliol; and the whole Comyn family took up the same side (Wyntoun, bk. viii. line 1903). He was associated with Baliol in naming forty arbitrators to join with the forty appointed by Bruce and the twenty-four Englishmen of Edward's choice, in the further proceedings of the suit ('Magnus Rotulus Scotiae,' in Fœdera, i. 762 sq.) But he soon practically withdrew his own claims, and was ultimately neither present himself at the court nor represented by attorney. The decision which in November 1292 made John Baliol king of Scots brought his seven years' regency to an end. On 28 Nov. Comyn and his son were exempted from the common summons to attend common pleas in the liberty of Tyndale. After King John's accession to the throne Comyn adhered to his royal brother-in-law, and incurred the hostility of Edward by continuing his friend even after the Scottish king had broken from his grasping overlord. His eldest son, John Comyn, the younger [q. v.], took a prominent part on the patriotic side, and was taken prisoner at Dunbar. The elder Comyn made his submission to Edward in July 1296 at Montrose (Stevenson, Documents, ii. 63), and was sent with other Scottish magnates to live in England south of the Trent until quieter times came. In his exile at Geddington his family was allowed to join him, and permission to hunt in the-