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Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 12.djvu/462

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��Index to Volume XIL

��QMtekj, OiiaiMiflM (i6n--iao6) . . OoMOo^DwSkij aaotr-un) • . .

OiMWIlOk LoaiM Sliurt (17W-1A90) OortcUOb WillMm Bimfai^Mm (1600-1687) Gosinqr, lla» Cedlift LouiM Ul. UiO) . Ocwww, BUhmgd (1740-1861) . CtotwQrth €r Gfwmwll^ MkiiMl (>f. 1600) Ool0i,FE«iieis(17667*17TO) . Ootei, Bogw (1666-1716) Ootei, SmbmI (1764-1816) OolpntiB, John (>f. 1666) . Ooli»v«JBMidle (iL 16847) . . . CotaMB, John Ml (1766-1646) GolBua, JoMph John (1614-1878) . OolnaB, MilM RdmnDd (1810-1866) Golta €r Gott^, John (1676 7-1660 ?) Cnttimi ThomM (1646-1686) ... CoHwhinij Bad of. 8m PWrn, C3uue1m

Ohrislflli^ (1781-1861). OoMv, GioHs SMkrOlA (1766-1661) Oollv,PfeiriQk (1761 7-1606) . . . . OottsraU, Sir GImiIm (1616-16877) Goltanll, Sir GlMilMLodoinflk(<L 1710). 6m

tnckr OoMmU, Sir Chtdm. OolteraU, Sir GUmMift (iL 1768). Sm imd«r

OoilsnU, Sb QuilM. OoltenlVWilUam (iL 1744) . . . . CMtotfoid, XboBMt (<1 1666) . . . . OnttfnghMn, L«wia NoekaUt (1787-1847) CflltinghMfn, NoekaUt JohnMn (1866-1864).

8m vadm CoHJngfiMn, Lewis Nookalli. Oottiiigton, FmMM, ImA Goltington (16787-

OoiytfanCjolm(<i 16407) '.

C!o*dA,AiiiM Simon (1768 7-1800) .

C!o*dA, JoMph (1770-1866)

Cotton, Bmrthtiamtm da (A 16687)

Cotton, GImiIm (1660-1687) .

Cotton, Sir ChiiilM (1766-1816)

Cotton, George Edward Lynch (1816-1866)

Cotton, Henry (1789-1879)

Cotton, John (12th cent ?) . . .

Cotton, Sir John (1631-1701). See under

Cotton, Sir Robert Brace. Cotton, John (1679-1781). See under Cotton,

Sir Robert Bruce. Cotton, Sir John, sixth Baronet (d. 1752).

See under Cotton, Sir Robert Bruce. Cotton, Sir John Hynde (d. 1752) . Cotton, Joseph (1745-1825) . . . . Cotton, Nathaniel (1705-1788) Cotton, Richard Lynch (1794-1880) Cotton, Robert (JL 1800). See Cowton. Cotton, Robert (1669-1749). See under

Cotton, Sir Robert Bruce. Cotton, Sir Robert Bruce (1571-1681) .

Cotton, Roger (/. 1596)

Cotton, Sir St. Vincent (1801-1868)

Cotton, Sir Stapleton, sixth Baronet and first

Viscount Combermere (1778-1866) Cotton, Sir Sydney John (1792-1874) Cotton, Sir Thomas, second Baronet (1594-

1662). See under Cotton, Sir Robert

Bmoe. Cotton, William (<{. 1621) . . . . Cotton, William (1786-1866) . . . . Cotton, Sir Willoughby (1786-1860) Cottrell. See CottereU. Couch, Jonathan (1789^1870) .... Couch, Richard Quiller (1816-1868) Coaohe, William (1782-1768) .... Conlaon, Walter (1794 7-1860) .

��677 677



��661 661

��601 802

804 806

��806 806 807 807

��808 816 816

816 819

��821 821 822

��828 824 826 826

��Oookon, WiDiam (1606-1877) . Coolton, David Tmrena (1810-1867) . 687

Oaupm, 8m abo Cooper and Gowper. Cooper, BolMfi (1760-1616) .... Coi^ena, Albert Blieime Jean Bapiute Ter-

riao Da La (A 1664). Sm Tssrien. GoQBMir, Piem Fraiicoia la (1681-1776) Coord, John do (4 1616 7) .... Coorftaa, PMer (d. 1666). Sm oiider OoortM

or Corteena, Sir WilliaBL Coorton or Corteena, Sir WHMam (1676-1666) 686 Goorl«&,WiIliaBi,«liajoDiiger(<11666). Sm

onder Coorton or Corteena, Sir William. Goorten, William a646-1706) . Ooortanaiy. See iJao Gowtiioy. Coortenaj, Bdwaid (d, 1606). Sm onder

Coartenaj, Henij, MaiqoiB of Exeler and

Eail of Devonafaire. Coortanay, Bdward, Eari of Devonddre


Coortaiiaj, Gertmda, Marohionew of Exetor

{d, 1668). Sm ooidar Goortcnay. Heory,

Maiqoia of Exeter and Bail of Denm-

ahira. Coorteunr, Hemy, Margnia of Exeter and

Bail ofDeTonahire (1406 7-1668) . Coortenaj, Hrary Reginald a741-1806) . . 667 Coortonaj, John (1741-1816) . Coorlenay, Peter {d. 1466) Coortenaj, Bkhard (d. 1416) ... .640 Coortenaj, ThomM Peregrine (1786-1841) . 646 Coortenaj, William (16467-1866) . .646

Coortenaj, Sir William (li. 1611). SMondear

Coortenaj, Heniy, Maiqnia of Exetor and

Earl of DoTonahire. Coorteville, Bankaal or Balph (<i. 1779) . .647 Goorthope, William (1806-1866) . .648

Goorthoiip, Nathaniel {d. 1660) .648

Coorlney. See alM Conrtenay. Courtney, Edward (16997-1677), whoee real

name was Leedes 848

Couse, Kenton (1721-1700) .849

Cousen, John (1804-1880) .849

Cousine, Samuel (1801-1887) . . . 850

Coutances (De ConstantiiB), Walter de [<L

1207) .851

Coutts, John (1699-1751) 854

Coutte, Thomas (1785-1822) . . . 854

Cove, Morgan (1768 7-1880 1 .855

Corel, Covell, or Colvill, John (1688-1722) . 855 Covell, William (d. 1614 ?) . .856

Coventry, Anne, Countess of Coventry (1678-

1768) 857

Coventry, Anne, Countess of (1690-1788). See

under Coventry, Anne, Countess of Coven- try (1678-1768). Coventry, Francis {d. 1680). See Davenport,

Christopher. Coventry, Francis (d. 1769 ?) . .857

Coventry, Henry (1619-1686) . .857

Coventry, Henry (d, 1762) .858

Coventry, Sir John {d. 1682) . . . . 868 Coventry, John (1786-1812) . .859

Coventry, Maria, Countess of (1788-1760) . 859 Coventry, Sir Thomas (1547-1606) . .860

Coventry, Thomas, Lord Coventry (1578-

1640) 860

Coventoy, Walter of {fl. 1208 7) . . . 862 Coventry, William of {jfl. 1860). See William. Coventry, Sir William (1628 7-1686) . . 862 Coverdale, Bfiles (1488-1668) ... .864 Coward, JamM (1824-1880) . .872

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