Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 13.djvu/44

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tion of that lamentable and fearfull accident, hapning on the 26 of October last by the fall of a roome in the Black-Friers, in which were assembled many people at a Sermon which was to be preached by Father Drvrie, a Iesvite,’ London, 1623, 4to. Generally attributed to Crashaw (Cat. of the Huth Library, i. 365). 14. ‘Ad Severinum Binnium Lovaniensem Theologum Epistola Commonitoria super Conciliorum Generalium editione ab ipso nuper adornata,’ London, 1624, 4to. 15. ‘Mittimus to the Jubilee at Rome, or the Rates of the Pope's Custom-House, sent to the Pope as a New Year's Gift from England,’ London, 1625, 4to. 16. ‘A Discoverye of Popishe Corruption, requiringe a kingley reformation,’ Royal MS. 17 B. viii.

[Authorities cited above; also Addit. MS. 5865 f. 28, 12497 f. 467, 17083 f. 145 b; Notes and Queries, 3rd ser. vii. 111, 4th ser. iii. 219, 314, 370, 440, 511, 5th ser. iv. 289, 377; Cowie's Cat. of MSS. and Scarce Books at St. John's College, Camb. pp. vi, 16, 24, 39, 43, 47, 113; Black's Cat. of Ashmolean MSS. p. 310; Parr's Life of Archbishop Ussher, 12–15, 55; Selden's Table Talk, 3rd edit. p. 87; Gent. Mag. February 1837, p. 151.]

CRATFIELD, WILLIAM (d. 1415), Benedictine, was camerarius and then abbot of Bury St. Edmunds. This latter appointment received the royal assent on 1 Feb. 1389–90; it was confirmed by the pope, and the temporalities of the abbacy were restored on 8 Oct. 1390. Cratfield is known solely as the compiler of a ‘Registrum’ of his house, which is preserved in the British Museum (Cod. Cotton. Tiberius B. ix. 2). From indications given by it we gather that Cratfield was a provident administrator. Thus it had previously been the custom for the abbot to pay three thousand florins to the papal curia for the confirmation of his appointment; from this obligation Cratfield obtained exemption on payment of a fixed sum of twenty marks a year, but it cost him nearly 800l. to secure the privilege. A similar liability to the crown was in like manner exchanged for a yearly tax under Cratfield's administration. It seems, however, from some remarks in Walsingham (Hist. Angl. ii. 180, ed. Riley), who calls the abbot Stratfield, that his financial arrangements were at the time considered to be disadvantageous to the monastery. During the latter part of his life Cratfield suffered from infirm health, and in 1414 had to transact the business of the abbey by a deputy. In the same year he resigned his office, and died on 18 June 1415. Dugdale, however, dates his death in 1418.

[Dugdale's Monasticon, iii. 112, 156, ed. 1821.]

CRATHORNE, WILLIAM (1670–1740), catholic divine, born in October 1670, was descended from the ancient family of Crathorne of Crathorne in Yorkshire. He was educated in the English college at Douay, where he was a professor for several years. On being ordained priest he assumed the name of Yaxley, and after he returned to this country on the mission he appears to have used the alias of Augustin Shepherd. The scene of his missionary labours was Hammersmith, where he died on 11 March 1739–1740.

He published: 1. ‘A Catholick's Resolution, shewing his reasons for not being a Protestant,’ 1718? 2. The ‘Spiritual Works’ of John Goter or Gother, 16 vols. Lond. 1718, 12mo. Bishop Giffard, with whom Crathorne resided, commissioned him to prepare this edition. 3. ‘Roman Missal for the use of the Laity,’ from the manuscript of Goter, 2 vols. Lond. n.d. 12mo. 4. ‘Historical Catechism,’ translated from the French of Fleury, 2 vols. Lond. 1726, 12mo. 5. ‘Life of St. Francis of Sales,’ from the French of Marsollier, Lond. 1737, 8vo. 6. ‘Life of our Lord Jesus Christ,’ from the French, Lond. 1739. 7. Several devotional works, including ‘The Daily Companion, or a Little Pocket Manual,’ 3rd ed. Lond. 1743, a prayer-book which has gone through innumerable editions.

[Gillow's Bibl. Dict. i. 587, quoting Kirk's manuscript Biographical Collections in the possession of Cardinal Manning.]

CRAUFURD. [See also Crawford and Crawfurd.]

CRAUFURD, Sir CHARLES GREGAN- (1761–1821), lieutenant-general, was the second son of Sir Alexander Craufurd, who was created a baronet in 1781, and brother of Sir James Craufurd, bart., who was British resident at Hamburg from 1798 to 1803, and afterwards minister plenipotentiary at Copenhagen, and of Robert Craufurd [q. v.] the famous commander of the light division in the Peninsula. He was born on 12 Feb. 1761, and entered the army as a cornet in the 1st dragoon guards on 15 Dec. 1778. He was promoted lieutenant in 1781, and captain into the 2nd dragoon guards, or queen's bays, in 1785. In that year he was appointed an equerry to the Duke of York, whose intimate friend he became. He studied his profession in Germany, obtained a perfect command of that language, and made his reputation by a translation in four large volumes, illustrated by numerous plates, of Tielke's great work on the art of war and ‘the remarkable events of the war between the Prussians, Austrians,