Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 13.djvu/445

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Peerage (1886), p. 459; Gent. Mag. 1791, pt. ii. p. 1065, 1792, pt. i. p. 326, 1852, new ser. xxxvii. 430; Official Return of Lists of Members of Parliament, pt. ii. pp. 665, 669, 679, 688; Notes and Queries, 2nd ser. iv. 451.]

DALY, Sir DOMINICK (1798–1868), governor of South Australia, was the third son of Dominick Daly of Benmore, county Galway, by his wife Joanna Harriet, widow of Rickard Burke of Glinsk, and daughter of Joseph Blake of Ardfry, county Galway. He was born at Ardfry on 11 Aug. 1798, and was educated at Oscott College, near Birmingham. Daly went to Canada in 1822 as private secretary to Sir Francis Burton, and in 1825 was appointed assistant-secretary to the government of Lower Canada. Two years afterwards he was appointed provincial secretary for Lower Canada, and upon the union of the Canadas in 1840 became the provincial secretary for the united provinces, and a member of the board of works with a seat in the council. He retired from the latter post in 1846, and from the former in 1848, but continued to represent the county of Megantic in the Canadian parliament. After more than twenty-five years' service in Canada he returned to England, and on 23 Oct. 1849 was placed on the commission appointed to inquire into the rights and claims over the New and Waltham Forests (Parl. Papers, 1850, vol. xxx.) On 16 Sept. 1851 Daly was appointed lieutenant-governor of Tobago, and on 8 May 1854 was transferred to the post of lieutenant-governor of Prince Edward Island. In July 1856 he received the honour of knighthood by letters patent, and in 1859 was succeeded as lieutenant-governor of Prince Edward Island by George Dundas. Daly was gazetted governor of South Australia in the place of Sir R. G. MacDonnell 28 Oct. 1861, but did not assume office until March 1862. Apart from the judicial difficulty, and the removal of Mr. Justice Boothby from his seat on the bench, matters went smoothly enough during Daly's administration of the colony. In 1864 and 1865 expeditions were despatched for the purpose of establishing a settlement in the northern territory. In 1867 he entertained the Duke of Edinburgh on his visit to the colony. During the last year or two of his life his health began to fail, and he died towards the close of the customary term of office, at the Government House at Adelaide, on 19 Feb. 1868, in the seventieth year of his age. Though not possessing any gifts as a speaker, Daly showed considerable sagacity and firmness as an administrator, while his genial manner and strict impartiality won him the golden opinions of the colonists over whom he ruled. He married, on 20 May 1826, Caroline Maria, second daughter of Ralph Gore of Barrowmount, county Kilkenny, who survived him, and by whom he had three sons and two daughters.

[Heaton's Australian Dict. of Dates, &c. (1879) p. 51; Men of the Time (1868), p. 224; Ward's Men of the Reign (1885), p. 243; Morgan's Sketches of Celebrated Canadians, &c. (1862), p. 375; Stow's South Australia (1883), pp. 37–42; Gent. Mag. 4th ser. (1868), v. 684; Burke's Peerage, &c. (1886), p. 1383; Dod's Peerage, &c. (1866), p. 208; London Gazette, 1849, ii. 3161, 1851, ii. 2361, 1854, i. 1442, 1856, ii. 2341, 1861, ii. 4303.]

DALY, RICHARD (d. 1813), actor and theatrical manager, was the second son of an Irish gentleman in the county of Galway. He entered Trinity College, Dublin, as a fellow-commoner, and while there engaged actively in the violent contests which occasionally took place between students and citizens. Daly is described as of tall stature and of elegant personal appearance, although squint-eyed. He was much addicted to gambling, and noted as a successful duellist, both with sword and pistol. The exhaustion of his patrimony led him to seek employment as an actor, and after having been instructed for the stage by his countryman, Macklin, he made his appearance at Covent Garden, London, in the character of Othello. This attempt was unsuccessful. He was, however, befriended by Spranger Barry's widow, Mrs. Crawford, and her husband, with whom he returned to Ireland. In their company at Cork he played Norval and other parts with success, and obtained an engagement from Thomas Ryder, then lessee of the Theatre Royal, Dublin. Daly first appeared on the Dublin stage as Lord Townley. He was well received, and subsequently attained to first-class parts in the Dublin theatre. His position was much improved by his marriage with Mrs. Lister, a popular actress and singer of high personal character, and possessed of considerable property. The pecuniary embarrassments of Ryder enabled Daly to acquire the lease of Smock Alley Theatre, Dublin, which he opened in 1781. Some of the most eminent actors of the time performed there under his management. Among them were John Philip Kemble, Macklin, Mrs. Jordan, Mrs. Inchbald, Mrs. Billington, and Mrs. Siddons. On the insolvency of Ryder and of Crawford, his successor at Crow Street Theatre, Daly became proprietor of that establishment, as well as of Smock Alley and of some Irish provincial theatres. In November 1786 Daly obtained a patent from the crown for a theatre royal at Dublin, with important