Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 17.djvu/157

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yon, vol. iii.; Haddan and Stubb's Ecclesiastical Documents, vol. iii. Much light is thrown on the chronology of Ecgberht's reign, p. 557, in Bishop Stubbs's Introd. to Roger Hoveden, i. xc-icviii. and in the Introduction to the Codex Dipl.; for the other side of the question see Hardy's Introd. to Mon. Hist. Brit. p. 120; Stubbs's Constitutional History. i. 172, 235, and his exhaustive art. 'Egbert,' Dict. of Christian Biog.; Green's Making of England, and Conquest of England; Robertson's Historical Essays, p. 200.]

EGERTON, CHARLES CHANDLER (1798–1885), surgeon, was born at his father's vicarage of Thorncombe in Dorsetshire in April 1798, and received his medical education at the then united hospitals of St. Thomas's and Guy's. In 1819 he became a member of the College of Surgeons. Four years later he was appointed by the East India Company assitant-surgeon on the Bengal establishment to practise as an oculist, and especially to take charge of those Indo-European lads at the lower orphan school who had contracted disease of the eyes. He dealt successfully with the epidemic there, and during his stay in India he held the first position as an oculist at the Eye Hospital, which was established under his own immediate care, and afterwards at the Medical College Hospital. He was appointed the first surgeon at the Calcutta Medical College Hospital, and held that position until he retired from the service. The establishment of the college for teaching the natives anatomy by actual dissection was mainly due to his exertions. Early in 1817 he left India, and, retiring from practice, resided at Kendal Lodge, Epping, until his death, which took place there in May 1885, at the age of eighty-seven.

[Address of the President of the Royal Medico-Chirurgical Society of London on 1 March 1886.]

EGERTON, DANIEL (1772–1835), actor, was born in the city of London on 14 April 1772. According to various accounts, presumably supplied by himself, he was 'bred to the law in a public office.' The 'Thespian Dictionary,' 1805), says, however, 'he was in business near Whitechapel, and made his first attempt on the stage in this assumed name at the Royalty Theatre.' He played also once or twice for benefits at the Haymarket. On 4 June 1799 he made, as Captain Absolute in 'The Rivals,' his first appearance at the Birmingham theatre, then under the management of the elder Macready. Here he remained two summers, playing during the winter months with Stephen Kemble in Edinburgh. On 28 Nov. 1801, as Millamour in Murphy's 'Know your own Mind,' he made his first appearance at Newcastle, and on 17 May 1803, as Frederick in the 'Poor Gentleman,' was first seen in Bath, where he also played Jnffier in 'Venice Preserved' and other characters. After the departure of Elliston from Bath, Egerton took Jaques. Lord Townly;, Mr. Oakley in 'The Jealous Wife,' Rolla in 'Pizarro,' and many important parts. He left Bath for London in 1809, appearing on 28 Oct. at Covent Garden during the O. P. riots as Lord Avondale in the 'School of Reform.' In tragedy King Henry VIII, Tullus Aufidius in 'Coriolanus,' Syphax in 'Cato,' and Clytus in 'Alexander the Great' were esteemed his best parts. From this time until close upon his death he remained a member of the Covent Garden company, his chief occupation being secondary characters in tragedy or serious drama and what is technically called 'heavy business.' While engaged at Covent Garden he assumed the management first of Sadler's Wells(1821-1824), and of the Olympic (1821). He acted himself at neither house, though his wife, Sarah Egerton [q.v] constituted at both a principal attraction. His conduct of the Olympic embroiled him for a time with the management of Covent Garden. It was, however, a failure and was soon abandoned. On 1 July 1833, in conjunction with William Abbot [q. v.], his associate at Covent Garden, he opened the Victoria Theatre, previously known as the Coburg. In 1834 he retired from the management ruined, and died in July (22nd, Era Almanack; 24th, Oxberry, Dramatic Chronology) of the following year. He was five feet ten inches in height, of strong and rather portly appearance. Contemporary criticism charges him with listlessness in his acting. The 'Thespian Dictionary' says he gave in Birmingham in 1800 an entertainment of his own extracted from Stevens's 'Lecture on Heads.'&c, and entitled 'Whimsicalities.' A portrait of him as Clytus in 'Alexander the Great' is in the 'Theatrical Inquisitor,' vol. xi.

[Genest's Account of the English Stage; Theatrical Inquisitor, October 1817; Theatrical Biog.1824; Thespian Dict; Oxberry's Dramatic Biog. 1825, vol. iii.; Era Almanack, 1872, 1873; Era newspaper, 15 Aug. 1847; London Mag. 1821; Sir F. Pollock's Macready's Reminiscences]

EGERTON, FRANCIS, third and last Duke of Bridgewater (1736–1803), was a younger son of Scroop, first duke, by his second wife, Lady Rachel Russell, daughter of Wriothesley, duke of Bedford. In early boyhood be lost his father. His mother in the first year of her widowhood married Sir Richard