Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 17.djvu/297

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Wellington's victory of the Nive and Soult's retreat on Toulouse. His ship was then ordered to the North American coast, where she captured the American frigate the President after a fierce fight, during which Ellis particularly distinguished himself, being the first man to board the enemy. On the conclusion of peace Ellis had no further opportunity to see service, and it was not until 15 Nov. 1826, when he had been more than twenty years in the marines, that he was promoted captain. It was not until many more years had passed, during which Ellis was employed in many different ships, that he again saw service in the capture of Fort Manora, which commands the entrance to the harbour of Kurrachee in Scinde, in 1839. He next commanded the marines employed in the Persian Gulf, and was mentioned in despatches for his services in bringing off the political resident at Bushire during a riot there, and saving his life. When the Chinese war broke out in 1840 he had the good fortune to be employed on the China station, and for his services in command of a battalion of marines at the capture of Chusan on 5 July 1840, and at the battle of Chuenpee on 7 Jan. 1841, he was promoted major by brevet on 6 May 1841. Before the news of his promotion reached him he had still further distinguished himself with his marines in the bombardment of the Bogue forts; he commanded the advance on Canton, and the services of his men were so great at the storming of the Canton forts on 26 May 1841, that he was promoted lieutenant-colonel by brevet, antedated to that day, and made a C.B. He then commanded a battalion of marines at Ningpo and Chusan until the conclusion of the war, when he returned to England. He was promoted colonel on 3 Nov. 1851, and commanded the Chatham division of the royal marines until he became major-general on 20 June 1855. He was promoted lieutenant-general in 1867, made a K.C.B. in 1860, promoted general in 1862, and died at Old Charlton on 10 March 1860, after having been for more than sixty years an officer of marines, at the age of seventy-eight.

[Hart's Army List; Gent. Mag. April 1865.]

ELLIS, SARAH STICKNEY. [See under Ellis, William, 1795–1872.]

ELLIS, THOMAS (1625–1673), Welsh antiquary, the son of Griffith Ellis of Dolbemaen, Carnarvonshire, was born at that place in 1625. At the age of fifteen he was entered at Jesus College, Oxford, and took the B.A. degree in 1644. In the same year he is stated by Wood to have borne arms for the king in the garrison at Oxford. A letter containing 'The exact and full Relation of the last Fight between the King's forces and Sir William Waller,' which describes the battle at Cropredy Bridge and is signed Thomas Ellis, was published in July of this year; but the writer belonged to the parliamentary army. Ellis proceeded to the M.A. degree on 23 Jan. 1646, and was elected a fellow of his college, where he continued to reside as a tutor. On the resignation of Dr. F. Mansell he confidently expected to succeed him as principal of Jesus, but, being disappointed in this hope, he threw up his tutorial work, and, though still remaining at Oxford, lived in retirement. In 1665 Ellis, who had taken the B.D. degree on 17 Oct. 1661, became rector of St. Mary's, Dolgelly, Merionethshire, succeeding his kinsman, Dr. John Ellis. While still at Oxford he had devoted himself largely to the study of Welsh antiquity, and had made himself a recognised authority on the subject. At the request of Robert Vaughan, who purposed publishing a revised and enlarged edition of Powell's 'History of Cambria,' but who was unable to find time for the work, Ellis undertook to carry it on, incorporating his own notes with Vaughan's additions and corrections. One hundred and twenty-eight sheets of the book had been printed by Hall of Oxford, when Ellis refused to proceed, alleging that all the materials with which he had been supplied by Vaughan had been already utilised by Percie Enderbie in his 'Cambria Triumphans.' As the latter work was published in 1661 and the sheets of Ellis's book are dated 1663, it is curious that he did not make the discovery earlier. Persisting in the belief that he had been anticipated in his researches, Ellis published nothing further. In 1775, however, there was issued, together with a 'History of the Island of Anglesey' by H. Rowlands, 'Memoirs of Owen Glendowr, being a well-compiled History of the Transactions during the whole war, originally written by Mr. Thomas Ellis, and now faithfully copied out of a manuscript in the Library of Jesus College.' Ellis died in the spring of 1673 at his birthplace, Dolbemaen, and was there buried.

[Wood's Athenæ Oxon. ed. Bliss, iii. 992; Fasti, ii. 70, 91, 260; Williams's Eminent Welshmen.]

ELLIS, THOMAS FLOWER (1796–1861), law reporter, born in 1796, was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he graduated in 1818, and was elected a fellow. He was a brilliant scholar, though only a senior optime in the mathematical tripos. He became a member of Lincoln's