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Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 17.djvu/457

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Index to Volume XVII.

Ellis, Welbore (1661 P-1734) . . . .292 Ellis,VVelb<)re,tir8t Baron Mendip (1713-1802) 292 Ellis, Sir William (1609-1680) . . . 294 Ellis, Sir WUliam (rf. 1732) . . . .295 EUis, William (1747-1810) . . . .295

Ellis, William (rf. 17.58) 295

Ellis. William (1794-1872) . . . .296 Ellis. William (1800-1881) . . .298

EUis, Wynne (1790-1875) . . . .298 Elliston, Henrv Twiselton (1801 P-1804) . 299 Elliston, Robert William (1774-1831) . .299 Ellman, John (1753-1832) .... 302 Ellwood, Thomas (1639-1713) . . .803 EUvs, Anthony (1690-1761) . . . .806 EllysorEUis, John (1701-1757) . . .306 Ellys, Sir Richard (1688P-1742) . . .307 Elmer. See Ethelmaer. Elmer, John. See Avlmer, John (1521-1594). Elmer, Stephen (d. 1796) . . . .808 Elmer, William (ft. 1799). See under Elmer,

Stephen. Elmes, Harvey Lonsdale (1813-1847) . . 808 Elmes, James (1782-1862) . . . .808 Elmham, Thomas {d, 1440 ?) . . . .309 Elmore, Alfred (1816-1881) . . . .309 Elmslev or Elmslv, Peter ( 1736-1802) . .810 ElmsleV, Peter (1773-1825) . . . .310 Elphege (954-1012). See iElfheah. ElphiDston, James ( 1721-1809) . . .811 Elphinston, John (1722-1785) . . . 312 Elphinstone, Alexander, fourth Lord Elphin-

stone (1552-1648?) 314

Elphinstone, Arthur, sixth Lord Balmerino

(1688-1746) 314

Elphinstone, George Keith, Viscount Keith

(1746-1823) 316

Elphinstone, Hester Maria, Viscountess Keith

(1762-1857) 321

Elphinstone, Sir Howard (1773-1846) . . 321 Elphinstone, James, first Lord Balmerino

(1553P-1612) 322

Elphinstone, John, second Lord Balmerino

(rf. 1649) 323

Elphinstone, John, third Lord Balmerino

( 1 623-1 704 ) . See under Elphinstone, John

(rf. 1649). Elphinstone, John, fourth Lord Balmerino

(1682-1736). See under Elphinstone, John

(d.1649). Elphinstone, John, thirteenth Lord Elphin-

stone (1807-1860) 325

Elphinstone, Margaret Mercer, Comtease de

Flahault, Viscountess Keith, and Baroness

Naime ( 1788-1867) 325

Elphinstcme, Mountstuart (1779-1869) . . 326 Elphinstone, William (1431-1514) . . . 828 Elphinstone, William George Keith (1782-

1842) 380

Elrington, Charies Richard (1787-1850) . 331 Elrington, Thomas (1688-1732) . . .832 Elringt(m. Thomas, D.D. (1760-1835) . . 383 Elsdale, Robinson (1744-1783) . . .884 Elwlale, Samuel (d. 1827). See under Elsdale,

Robiimon. Elstob, Elizabeth (1688-1756) . . .334 Elstob, William (1673-1715) . . .335

ELjtracke, Renold (Renier) (ft, 1590-1630) . 336 Elsum, John (^. 1700-1705) . . . .336 Elsynge, Henry (1598-1654) . . . .336 Elton, Sir Charles Abraham (177a-1853) . 337 Elton, Edward William (^1794-1843) . . 837 Elton, James Frederic (1840-1877) . . 338


. 339 . 339 . 340 . 340

. 842 . 344 . 344 . 846 . 847 . 347 . 350 . 35L . 852 . 352 . 353 . 854 . 354 . 855 , 855 . 355 , 356 . 360 , 361 , 362 , 363 . 864 . 364 865

365 360 368 369 370 870

��Elton, Richard (ft. 1650)

Elvey, Stephen (1805-1860) ....

Elviden, Edmund (/. 1570) .

Elwall, Edward (1676-1744) ....

Elwes, Sir Gervase (d. 1615). See Helwvs.

Elwes or Meggott, John (1/14-1789) .'

Elv, Ilumphrev, LL.D. (d. 1604) .

El'v, Nicholas of (d. 1280) ....

Ely, William (rf. 1609)

Elvot, Sir Richard ( 1450 P-1522) .

ElVot, Sir Thomas ( 1490 P-1546) .

Elys, Edmund (fl, 1707) ....

Emerson, William (1701-1782)

Emery, Edward (rf. 1850?) ....

Emery, John r 1777-1 822) ....

Emery, Samuel Anderson (1817-1881) .

Emes, John (/. 1785-1805) ....

Emes, Thomas (d. 1707)

Emily, Edward, M.D. ( 1617-1657) . Emlyn, Sollom (1697-1754) .... Emlyn, Henry (1729-1815) .... Emlyn, Thomas (1663-1741) . Emma, called iElfgifu (d 1052) . Emmet, Christopher Temple ( 1761-1788) Emmet, Robert (1778-1808) .... Emmet, Thomas Addis (1764-1827) Emmett, Anthony (1790-1872) Empson or Emson, sir Richard (d. 1510 ) Empson, William a791-l852) Enda, or, in the older spelling, Enna, Saint,

of Arran ( /f. 6th cent.) .... Endecott. John (1588 P-1666) Enfield, Edward (1811-1880) . Enfield, William (1741-1797) . England, George (/. 1735) England, George ( ^ "^^'^ '" England

under England, John, D.D. (f786^1812) England. Sir Richard ( 1793-1883 ) . England, Thomas Richard ( 1790-1847) . Englefield, Sir Francis (d, 1596 V) . Englefield, Sir Henry Charles ( 1752-1822) . Engleheart, Francis (1775-1849) . Engleheart, Timothy Stansfeld (1803-1879).

See under Engleheart, Francis. Engleheart, George (1752-1839) . Eneleheart, John Cox Dillman (1783-1862).

See under Engleheart, George. Engleheart, Thomas (</. 1787 P) English, Hester. See loglis. English, Sir John Hawker, M.D. (1788-1840) English, Josias {d. 1718 P) English, William («/. 1778) . Ensom, William (1796-1832) . Ensor, George (1769-1843) . Ent, Sir George, M.D. ( 1604-1689) EnUck, John (1703?-1773) . Entwisle, Joseph (1767-1841). Entv, John (1675 P-1743) Eoghan, Sjiint and Bishop (d,6\S) Eon, Chevalier tV. See D'Kon de Beaumont. Epine, Francesira Margherita de V {d. 1746) Epi)s, George NaiM>le<m ( 1815-1874)

Epps, John (1805-1869) 882

Erard, Saint and Bishop ( /. 730-754) . . 38.*} Erbur>', WilliHm (1604-1(>54) . . .383

Erceldoune, Thomas of, called also thi;

  • Rhymer' and * Lcarmont ' (/. 1220 P-

1297 P) * . . 385

Erdeswicke, Sampson. (d. 1603) . . .388 Erigcna, John Scotus {d. 875). See Srotui>.

��md, George (/. 1740-1788) . . .87 ind, George Pike (1765 P-1814). See ler England, George (./f. 1740-1788).

��370 371 372 372 374 375



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