PAGE . 268
271 273 273 275 275 276
Fleetwood, William (1535 P-1594) . Fleetwood, William (1656-1723) . . . Fleming, Miss, afterwards Mrs. Stanley (1796P-1861) Fleming, Abraham (1552 P-1607) . Fleming, Alexander, M.D. (1824-1875). . Fleming, Caleb, D.D. (1698-1779) . Fleming, Christopher ( 1800-1880) . Fleming, Sir Daniel (1633-1701) . Fleming, Sir George (1667-1747) . Fleming, James, fourth Lord Fleming (1534 ?- Fleming or Flemming, James (1682-1751) . Fleming, John, fifth Lord Fleming (d. 1572) Fleming, John, first Earl of Wigtown or Wig- ton (d. 1619). See under Fleming, John, fifth Lord Fleming. Fleming, John, second Earl of Wigtown or Wigton (d. 1650). See under Fleming, John, fifth Lord Fleming. Fleming, John (d. 1815) 279 Fleming, John, D.D. (1785-1857) . . .279 Fleming, Sir Malcolm, Earl of Wigtown (d. 1360?) 280 Fleming, Margaret (1803-1811) . . .281 Fleming, Patrick (1599-1631) . . .281 Fleming, Richard (d. 1431) .... Fleming, Robert, the elder (1630-1694) . Fleming, Robert, the younger (1660 P-1716) . Fleming, Sir Thomas (1544-1613) . Fleming, Thomas (1593-1666) Flemming, James (1682-1751). See Fleming. Flemming, Richard (d. 1431). See Fleming. Flemming, Robert (d. 1483) .... Flemyng, Malcolm, M.D. (d. 1764) Fleta Fletcher, Abraham (1714-1 793) . Fletcher, Alexander (1787-1860)
284 285 286 . 289 . 290 . 290 . 291 Fletcher, Andrew, Lord Innerpeffer (d. 1650) 292 Fletcher, Andrew (1655-1716) . . .292 Fletcher, Andrew, Lord Milton (1692-1766) . 297 Fletcher, Archibald (1746-1828) . . .298 Fletcher, Eliza (1770-1858) . . . .298 Fletcher, George (1764-1855) . . . .299 Fletcher, Giles, LL.D. (1549 P-1611) . . 299 Fletcher, Giles, the younger (1588 P-1623) . 302 Fletcher, Henry (ft. 1710-1750) . . .302 Fletcher, Sir Henry (1727-1807) . . .303 Fletcher, John (1579-1625) . . . .303 Fletcher, John, M.D. (1792-1836) . . .311 Fletcher, John, D.D. (d. 1848 ?) . . .311 Fletcher or De la Flechere, John William (1729-1785) 312 Fletcher, Joseph (1582 P-1637) . . .314 Fletcher, Joseph, D.D. (1784-1843) . . 315 Fletcher, Joseph (1813-1852) . . . .315 Fletcher, Joseph, the younger (1816-1876). See under Fletcher, Joseph, D.D. (1784- ). Fletcher, Mrs. Maria Jane (1800-1833). See Jewsbury. Fletcher, Phineas (1582-1650) . 316 Fletcher, Richard, D.D. (d. 1596) . 31 Fletcher, Sir Richard (1768-1813) . 319 Fletcher, Robert ( A. 1586) . . 32 Fletcher, Thomas (1664-1718) . 32 Flete, John (fl. 1421-1465) . . 325 Flexman, Roger, D.D. (1708-1795). 325 Flexmore, Richard (1824-1860) . 32c Fliccius or Fliccus, Gerbarus, Gerlachus, or Gerbicus (/. 1546-1554) . .32: Flight, Benjamin (1767 P-1847) . 324 PAGE Flight, Walter (1841-1885) . . . .324 Flindell, Thomas (1767-1824) . . .325 Flinders, Matthew (1774-1814) . . .325 'linter, George Dawson (d. 1838) . . . 329 lintoft, Luke (d. 1727) ..... 329 Flitcroft, Henry (1697-1769) . . . .329 Flood, Sir Frederick (1741-1824) . . .330 Flood, Henry (1732-1791) . . . .331 Flood, Robert. See Fludd. Flood, Valentine, M.D. (d. 1847) . . .335 Florence of Worcester (d. 1118) . . . 335 Florio, John (1553 P-1625) . . . .336 Florio, Michael Angelo (fl. 1550). See under Florio, John. Flower, Benjamin (1755-1829) . . .339 Flower, Edward Fordham (1805-1883) . .339 Flower, Eliza (1803-1846) . . . .340 Flower, John (fl. 1658) ..... 340 Flower, Roger (d. 1428?) . . . .340 Flower, William (1498 P-1588) . . .341 Flowerdew, Edward (d. 1586) . . .342 Flowers, Frederick (1810-1886) . . .342 Flowers, George French (1811-1872) . . 342 Floyd, Floud, or Lloyd, Edward (d. 1648 ?) .343 Floyd, Henry (1563-1641) . . . .344 Floyd, John (1572-1649) . . . .344 Floyd, Sir John (1748-1818) . . . .345 Floyd, Thomas (fl. 1603) . . . .346 Flover, Sir John (1649-1734) . . . .346 Fludd or Flud, Robert, M.D. (1574-1637) . 348 Fludyer, Sir Samuel (1705-1768) . . .350 Fogg, Laurence (1623-1718) . . . .350 Foggo, George (1793-1869) . . . .351 Foggo, James (1789-1860) . . . .351 oggo, oillan, Saint and Bishop (d. 655) . Folbury, George (d. 1540) Folcard or Foulcard (fl. 1066) Foldsone, John (d. 1784?) . Foley, Daniel (1815-1874) . Foley, John Henry (1818-1874) Foley, Paul (1645 P-1699) . Foley, Samuel (1655-1695) . Foley, Thomas (1617-1677) .352 .352 .352 .353 .353 .353 .354 .355 .355 Foley, Thomas (d. 1733). See under Foley, Thomas. Foley, Sir Thomas (1757-1833) . . .356 Foliot, Gilbert (d. 1187) 358 Foliot, Robert (d. 1186) 360 Folkes, Lucretia (fl. 1707-1714). See under Folkes, Martin. Folkes, Martin (1690-1754) . . . .361 Follett, Sir William Webb (1798-1845) . . 362 Follows, Ruth (1718-1809) . . . .363 Fonblanque, Albany (1793-1872) . . .363 Fonblanque, John de Grenier (1760-1837) . 365 Fonblanque, John Samuel Martin de Grenier (1787-1865) 365 Fonnereau, Thomas George (1789-1850). . 366 Fontibus (Fountains), John de (d. 1225) . 366 Foot, Jesse (1744-1826) 367 Foot, Jesse (1780-1850). See under Foot, Jesse. Foote, Sir Edward James (1767-1833) . .368 Foote, Maria, Countess of Harrington (1797 ?- ) 369 Foote, Samuel (1720-1777) . . . .370 Forannan, Saint and Bishop (d. 982) . . 375 Forbes, Alexander, first Lord Forbes (d. 1448) 376 Forbes, Alexander, fourth Lord Forbes (rf. ) 376 Forbes, Alexander (1564-1617) . . .376 Forbes, Alexander, fourth and last Lord Forbes of Pitsligo (1678-1762) . . . .377