pox,’ the most interesting of his works. It contains many of his own notes of cases of small-pox, of measles, and of other fevers. He is the first English writer who points out clearly how to distinguish the spots produced by flea-bites (p. 145) from the spots seen in the eruptive fevers, and his is the first English book by a physician in which the qualifications necessary in a sick nurse are set forth in detail (p. 208). He narrates his cases with precision, and those illustrating the progress of small-pox after inoculation, of which he approved, are of permanent interest. He suffered from gout, and in 1727 he was threatened with blindness from cataract in both eyes to such a degree that he was unable to read the minute but clear handwriting of his youthful notes. He was, however, able to publish three collections of precepts:—‘Introductio ad Prudentiam, or Directions, Counsels, and Cautions, tending to Prudent Management of Affairs in Common Life,’ 2 vols. 1727 (2nd edition, 1740); ‘Introductio ad Sapientiam, or the Art of Right Thinking,’ 1731; ‘Gnomologia: Adagies, Proverbs, Wise Sentiments, and Witty Sayings, Ancient and Modern, Foreign and British,’ 1732. The first is most original, and includes 3,152 precepts for the guidance through life of his son John, of which some are copied with little alteration from the psalms, proverbs, and gospels, while none of the remainder rise above the level of the advice of Polonius, to which they have a general resemblance. He died 17 Sept. 1734, and is buried in Sevenoaks Church. He married Mary Plumer on 23 Sept. 1703. A portrait is prefixed to the ‘Pharmacopœia Domestica,’ 1739.
[Munk's Coll. of Phys. i. 400; Wadd's Nugæ Chirurgicæ, 1824; Works; Index Catalogue of Library of Surgeon-General's Office, Washington; Fuller's copy of Brown's Myographia, 1684.]
FULLER, WILLIAM (1580?–1659), dean of Durham, born in or about 1580, was the son of Andrew Fuller of Hadleigh, Suffolk. He was a fellow of St. Catharine Hall, Cambridge, where he took the degree of D.D. in 1625, and is said to have been a good linguist and an excellent preacher. These gifts recommended him to James I, who made him one of his chaplains. By Sir Gervase Clifton he was presented to the rectory of Weston, Nottinghamshire. In the next reign he was continued in his chaplaincy, and on 3 July 1628 he received a dispensation to hold the vicarage of St. Giles-without-Cripplegate, London, in addition to the rectory of Weston (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1628-9, p. 190). On the death of Henry Caesar, 27 June 1636, he was promoted to the deanery of Ely (Le Neve, Fasti, ed. Hardy, i. 348). In October 1641 some of the parishioners of St. Giles's petitioned parliament for his removal, complaining that, though the parish was very populous and the living worth 700l. a year, Fuller had 'pluralities of livings, and thereby was a non-resident,' and a 'popish innovator besides.' Altogether eight articles were exhibited against him. They alleged further that Fuller's curate, Timothy Hutton, 'repaired from his pulpit to the taverne on the Lords day, and there drinking uncivilly, danced and sung most profaine, & ungodly songs & dances, to the shame and disgrace of religion' (The Petition and Articles exhibited in Parliament against Dr. Fuller, &c., 4to, London, 1641). The commons evidently thought it more dignified to summon him as a 'delinquent,' 'for divers dangerous and scandalous matters delivered by him in several sermons.' For refusing to attend he was ordered into the custody of the serjeant-at-arms, but upon giving substantial bail he was released on 11 Nov. 1641, and nothing apparently came of the matter (Commons' Journals, ii. 299, 307, 309, 311). In July 1642 Fuller and his curate, Hutton, were sent for as 'delinquents' on a charge of having read the king's last declaration in church. Fuller denied having given orders for it to be read; he had in fact enjoined Hutton not to read it 'till he had received farther direction.' He was thereupon forthwith discharged 'from any farther restraint without paying fees;' but the unfortunate curate, who confessed to having read it at the afternoon service, was committed a prisoner to the king's bench, where he remained for nearly a month (ib. ii. 650, 669, 703). Fuller's money was ordered to be confiscated 'for the service of the commonwealth,' 18 Feb. 1642-3 (ib. ii. 970). By warrant of the Earl of Essex, he asserts, 500l. was unjustly taken from him (Will). In 1645 he was in attendance upon the king at Oxford, and was incorporated in his doctor's degree on 12 Aug. of that year. Charles, who greatly admired his preaching, made him dean of Durham, in which he was installed on 6 March 1645-6 (Le Neve, iii. 300). Ultimately he retired to London, and died in the parish of St. Giles, Cripplegate, on 13 May 1659, aged 79 (Smyth, Obituary, Camden Soc. p. 50; Probate Act Book, P. C. C. 1659, f. 245 b). The authorities having refused his relatives' request that he might be buried in the church of St. Giles, he was interred at the upper end of the south aisle of St. Vedast, Foster Lane. By his wife Katherine, who survived him, Fuller left issue three sons,