Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 21.djvu/22

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days after Inkerman, and did much gallant service throughout the siege of Sebastopol.

Garrett, a familiar and well-remembered figure in the trenches, commanded a brigade of the 4th division from November 1854 to November 1855, when he succeeded to the command of that division, and held it until the British troops left the Crimea next year. He served as a brigadier at Gibraltar, and in the China expedition of 1857, and, becoming major-general in 1858, commanded a division in Bengal and afterwards in Madras until 1862, when he returned home. He was appointed to command the south-eastern district with headquarters at Shorncliffe in 1865, but resigned on promotion to the rank of lieutenant-general in 1866. In that year he was transferred to the colonelcy of the 43rd light infantry, from that of the late 4th West India regiment, to which he had been appointed in 1862.

Garrett was a K.C.B. and K.H., and had the orders of the Legion of Honour and the Medjidie, the Peninsular medal and four clasps, and the English and foreign Crimean medals. He was a J.P. and D.L. for Kent. He married, first, Charlotte Georgina Sophia, daughter of Lord Edward Bentinck, and granddaughter of the second Duke of Portland; she died in 1819. Secondly, Louisa, widow of Mr. Devaynes, by whom he left issue. A tough, hard-going veteran of the old school, Garrett died rather suddenly on 13 June 1869, aged 75.

[Walford's County Families, 4th edit., 1868; Army Lists and London Gazettes under date; Cannon's Hist. Records 2nd Queen's, 7th Royal Fusiliers, and 46th Foot (to 1848); Times, 27 July, 1 and 7 Aug. 1854; Nav. and Mil. Gazette, July–August 1854; W. H. Russell's Letters from the Crimea; Army and Navy Gazette, 19 June 1869; Illustr. London News (will), 29 Aug. 1869.]

GARRICK, DAVID (1717–1779), actor, was born on 19 Feb. 1716-7, at the Angel Inn, Hereford, where his father, a captain in the army, was quartered on recruiting service. On the 28th of the same month he was baptised at All Saints Church in that city. He was of Huguenot extraction, his grandfather, David de la Garrique (d. 1694), having fled from Bordeaux in 1685, and changed his name (that of a family in Saintonge) to Garric. Peter Garric, the eldest son of the refugee, born in France, escaped as a child in 1687, and after obtaining a commission came to reside in Lichfield, where he married Arabella Clough, of Irish descent, the daughter of a vicar of the cathedral in that city. David was the third child. He was educated at Lichfield grammar school under a Mr. Hunter. "When about the age of eleven he played Sergeant Kite in Farquhar's 'Recruiting Officer.' About the same period he was sent to learn the wine trade from his uncle David, a wine merchant at Lisbon, but soon returned. He had already made the acquaintance of Samuel Johnson. David and his brother George became Johnson's first pupils at Edial. In 1737, furnished with recommendations from Gilbert Walmsley, registrar of the ecclesiastical court at Lichfield, to John Colson [q. v.], Garrick travelled with Johnson to London. The statements that they rode and tied and reached town with twopence halfpenny in Johnson's case and three halfpence in Garrick's are probably fanciful. In Walmsley's letters to Colson (5 Feb. and 2 March 1736-7) Garrick's father is spoken of as an honest valuable man, and Garrick himself is described as 'a very sensible young man and a good scholar.' Walmsley adds: 'He is of sober and good disposition, and is as ingenious and promising a young man as ever I knew' (Garrick Correspondence). Garrick set out from Lichfield 2 March 1736-7, and on the 9th of the month was entered at Lincoln's Inn. Payment of the fee, 3l. 3s. 4d., left him unable to meet the modest demands of Colson. His father died in a week or two, and his mother within a year. His uncle David also died, and left him a legacy of 1,000l., on the strength of which he went to Rochester, where he stayed for some months with Colson. He then started a wine business with his brother Peter in Durham Yard, the site of which is now merged in the Adelphi. Here Garrick's old love of the stage came out to the prejudice of his business. Introduced by Johnson to Cave, he took part in amateur performances at St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, in the room over the archway, where he played in the 'Mock Doctor' of Fielding, and afterwards in a burlesque of 'Julius Cæsar.' Garrick wrote an epilogue to the 'Mock Doctor,' which was inserted in the 'Gentleman's Magazine,' and wrote verses and theatrical criticisms. On 15 April 1740 (Geneste; 1 April, Fitzgerald) 'Lethe,' a mythological sketch by Garrick, subsequently enlarged, was played at Drury Lane, with his friend Macklin as the Drunken Man. At this period Garrick became warmly attached to Margaret Woffington. In March 1741, at the theatre in Goodman's Fields, in the pantomime of 'Harlequin Student/ he played two or three scenes as Harlequin Student in the absence of Yates. He then joined a troupe which Giffard, manager of Goodman's Fields, took to Ipswich, and here, under the name of Lyddal, made his first regular ap-