Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 21.djvu/306

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and retired with a pension. He died on 20 Jan. 1887. On the 27th he was buried in the old Calton cemetery. He was survived by one son, Herbert James Gifford; his wife, Maggie, only daughter of James Pott, W.S., to whom he was married on 7 April 1863, having died on 7 Feb. 1868.

Gifford was an able judge, with strong common sense and little respect for technicalities. He often lectured to literary and philosophical societies. By his will, recorded on 3 March 1887, a sum, estimated at 80,000l., was bequeathed to found lectureships on natural theology, 25,000l. being assigned to Edinburgh, 20,000l. to Glasgow and Aberdeen, and 15,000l. to St. Andrews. The object was to found ‘a lectureship or popular chair for promoting, advancing, teaching, and diffusing the study of natural theology, in the widest sense of that term, in other words, the knowledge of God,’ and ‘of the foundation of ethics.’ All details and arrangements were left to be settled by the accepting trustees in each town, subject only to certain leading principles and directions stated in the will. The first appointments were made and lectures delivered in 1888.

[Private information obtained from relatives; Lord Gifford's will, in General Register House; Scotsman newspaper, 1870, and 21 Jan. 1887.]

GIFFORD, ANDREW (1700–1784), baptist minister and numismatist, was the son of Emanuel Gifford, and grandson of Andrew Gifford, both baptist ministers at Bristol. He was born on 17 Aug. 1700, and was sent to the academy of Samuel Jones at Tewkesbury. After leaving that academy he studied for a time under Dr. John Ward. He seems to have performed ministerial work in Nottingham in 1725, and to have been assistant to his father at Bristol in 1726, in which year he was invited to become pastor of the congregation in Devonshire Square, London. He declined this position, but in the beginning of 1730 he accepted a call from the baptist meeting in Eagle Street, London. He was chaplain to Sir Richard Ellys [q. v.], and after Sir Richard's death to Lady Ellys, from 1731 to 1745. In 1754 he received the degree of D.D. from Aberdeen.

He collected coins, of which he had a great knowledge, and was a fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. Owing to this, and to the influence of powerful friends with whom he had become acquainted during his chaplaincy to Ellys, and also probably owing to the fact that his old tutor, Dr. John Ward, was one of the trustees, he was appointed assistant librarian in the British Museum in 1757. He held this office till his death on 19 June 1784. He edited for the Society of Antiquaries ‘Folkes' Tables of English Silver and Gold Coins,’ which was published, in 2 vols. 4to, in 1763. His own collection of coins was purchased by George II for his private cabinet, but he left a valuable collection of books, manuscripts, pictures, and curiosities to the baptist academy at Bristol. His second wife, Grace Paynter, whom he married in 1737, died in 1762. She brought him a fortune of 6,000l. (Gent. Mag. vii. 637, xxxii. 600). He had no children. Pastor of the Eagle Street meeting till his death, he bequeathed 400l. to it, making the six deacons his executors.

Two of his sermons were published, one on ‘the Great Storm in 1703,’ 1734, and the other, preached ten days before his death, ‘To the Friendly Society,’ 1784.

[John Rippon's Funeral Sermon on Andrew Giffard, p. 34 ff.; Wilson's Dissenting Churches, i. 439; Nichols's Lit. Anecd. v. 461, vi. 367; Gent. Mag. liv. 478, 485, 595.]

GIFFORD, GEORGE (d. 1620), divine, was a student at Hart Hall, Oxford, ‘several years before 1568’ (Wood, Athenæ, Bliss, ii. 201). He took no degree at Oxford, and seems to have graduated B.A. (1569–70) and M.A. (1573) from Christ's College, Cambridge. It is probable that he is the George Gifford who, aged 30, was ordained by the bishop of London both deacon and priest in Dec. 1578. In 1573 he published a translation from the Latin of Fulke's ‘Prelections upon the Sacred and Holy Revelations.’ His next work, ‘Country Divinity, containing a Discourse of Certain Points of Religion which are among the common sort of Christians, with a Plain Confutation thereof,’ London, 1581, 8vo, was probably the cause of his presentation in August 1582, by Richard Franks, to the living of All Saints' with St. Peter's at Maldon, Essex (Newcourt, Repert. ii. 398). In 1582 he published a ‘Dialogue between a Papist and a Protestant applied to the capacity of the unlearned,’ and in 1584 a tract ‘Against the Priesthood and Sacrifice of the Church of Rome …,’ London, 1584, 8vo. He also published ‘A Cathechism containing the sum of Religion …,’ London, 1583, 8vo, and 1586. He won a reputation as ‘a great and diligent preacher’ (Brook, Lives of the Puritans, ii. 273), and was much valued at Maldon for the reformation effected by his preaching (Strype, Annals, iii. ii. 470). In January and February 1584 he joined a synod of nonconformist Essex ministers in London (Bancroft, Dangerous Positions, 2nd edit. reprint, p. 75), and publicly refused to subscribe the articles of the established