Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 23.djvu/393

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king of the English, Alstemus by name,' as sending envoys and presents to Hrolf, who leaves the siege of Paris (885) to go to his aid against his rebellious subjects, the English people (Dudo in Duchesne, Hist. Norm. Scriptt. pp. 72, 73, 78). Guthrum died in 890 (Engl. Chron. ad ann.) Some laws are extant which purport to have been drawn up between 'Guthrum' and Eadward the Elder, who became king in 901, whence it appears that there was a second bearer of the name who may have been a son of the first, and may have ruled in East-Anglia between 906, when Eadward made a treaty with the East Anglian Danes after the death of their king Eohric (905), and 921, when their territory was annexed to the dominions of the West-Saxon king.

[English Chronicle, ed. Thorpe (Rolls Ser.); Asser, ed. Wise; Æthelweard, ed. Savile (Angl. Rer. Scriptt. post Bedam); Green's Conquest of England.]

K. N.

GUTHRY, HENRY (1600?–1676), bishop of Dunkeld. [See Guthrie.]

GUTO Y GLYN (fl. 1430–1468), Welsh poet, was a native of Llangollen in Denbighshire. He was domestic bard to the abbot of Valle Crucis, or Glyn Egwestl (whence his name), near Llangollen. Gutyn Owain and Dafydd ab Edmwnt were among his contemporaries. According to Dr. W. O. Pughe, 119 of his poems are extant in manuscript, chiefly in the British Museum. Wilkins gives the titles of more than ninety of these, as well as translations of two. From one of these two Iolo Morganwg adduced what he considered substantial proof of the genuineness of the alleged ancient British alphabet called 'Coelbren y Beirdd.' Two poems are addressed to his patron, and contain particulars respecting the abbey not obtainable elsewhere; two are published in the Iolo MSS., and three more in the records of Denbigh. One of these to the Lord Herbert was composed about 1468, when Denbigh was burnt, and another describes 'how it was' (sut y bu) in the battle of Malmesbury (Mambri). Another interesting poem is that in which he seeks to borrow 'The Book of the Holy Grail' from Trahaearn of Waunllwg for the abbot of Valle Crucis. 'His celebrity as a man of genius made him a welcome guest when he made the usual triennial circuit through the Principality. The publication of his poems would be a valuable introduction to the social history of Wales' (Williams, 'Eminent Welshmen).

[Stephens's Lit. of Kymry, 1876, p. 418; Lewis Glyn Cothi's Works, p. 259; Wilkins's Lit. of Wales, pp. 80-91; Williams's Eminent Welshmen; Gweirydd ab Rhys's Llenyddiaeth y Cymry, 1888; Archæologia Cambrensis, 1876.]

R. J. J.

GUTTERIDGE, WILLIAM (1798–1872), violinist, organist, and professor, was born at Chelmsford, Essex, in 1798, and lived when a child at Tenterden in Kent, where he had lessons on the violin from a dancing-master. Further musical instruction was obtained at Brussels, where he stayed during the events of 1815, and led the band of the theatre in the park. On his return to England about 1818, Gutteridge held a similar post at the Birmingham theatre, and somewhat later that of chorus-master at the Surrey. Gutteridge became a member of George IV's band (of seventy performers, mostly Germans, under Cramer) and afterwards of William IV's private band, and was occasional organist at the Royal Chapel of the Brighton Pavilion. Gutteridge's activity in Brighton, where he resided from about 1823 to 1872, was very great. He was organist of St. Peter's Church from its opening in 1828, and in the same year helped in the re-establishment of the Old Sacred Harmonic Society; he was afterwards conductor, then leader, of the newer society of that name. He opened for a short time a music warehouse in Castle Square, and was enterprising in introducing to Brighton audiences great performers, such as Paganini, Pasta, and Braham. Gutteridge's compositions are unimportant; they include services, anthems, ballads, &c.; but it is as a violinist and organist that he is remembered. His talent secured him the direct patronage of royalty. He took part in a quartet with George IV and the two princes, who afterwards became respectively king of the Belgians and king of Hanover; he accompanied Queen Victoria (September 1837) in a song from Costa's 'Malek Adel' (sung 'in a pure, unaffected, correct, and charming manner') on the old Pavilion organ; and counted the present Duke of Cambridge among his pupils. Gutteridge was also greatly respected for his excellent personal qualities, and his reminiscences of an active life added interest to his conversation. Not the least satisfactory of his adventures was his runaway marriage (from Margate to Gretna Green) with a lady who afterwards bore him nineteen children, seven of whom survived their parents. Gutteridge died at 55 London Road, Brighton, 23 Sept. 1872, and was buried in a vault in the old churchyard of St. Nicholas, Brighton.

Another William Gutteridge (fl. 1813), military music-master and bandmaster of the 62nd regiment, published in 1824 'The Art of playing Gutteridge's Clarinet.'

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