for her brother Earl Rivers. But he had been able to maintain a high position, on account of his well-known tried fidelity to the king. The king on his deathbed entreated him to be reconciled to the queen. When she afterwards proposed to the council that her son, Edward V, should be escorted to London with a strong army, Hastings passionately demanded whether the army was intended ‘against the people of England or against the good Duke of Gloucester.’ He threatened to retire to Calais if Rivers approached with an army. When, however, Gloucester tried by means of William Catesby [q. v.] to bring Hastings into his designs, Hastings seemed disposed to join the queen's party. He attended the council in the Tower (14 June 1483) in spite of a warning from Stanley. The scene which followed is described by Sir Thomas More, who heard of it from Cardinal Morton, then bishop of Ely, an eye-witness (Gairdner, Richard III, p. 81). More's account is dramatised by Shakespeare. Gloucester charged Hastings with treason, and he was immediately taken out and beheaded on a block of timber at the Tower. His body was buried in the north aisle of the chapel of St. George's in Windsor Castle, near the tomb of Edward IV. Edward, his son and heir, who was seventeen years of age at this time, was father of George Hastings, first earl of Huntingdon [q. v.] Hastings also left two younger sons, Richard and William, and a daughter Anne, married to George, earl of Shrewsbury. There are many slight references to Hastings in the ‘Paston Letters,’ including two letters by Hastings to John Paston (iii. 96, 107).
[Stow's Annals; Holinshed; Dugdale's Baronage, i. 580; Rymer's Fœdera, orig. ed.; De Comines' Mémoires; Paston Letters, ed. Gairdner; Doyle's Official Baronage.]
HATCH, EDWIN, D.D. (1835–1889), theologian, was born at Derby on 4 Sept. 1835, of nonconformist parents. In 1844 his family moved to Birmingham, and he entered King Edward's School, at that time under Dr. (afterwards Bishop) Prince Lee. Hatch began on the modern side, but his promise was discovered, and he was transferred to the classical department, where he rapidly rose until he left with an exhibition for Pembroke College, Oxford, in 1853. Shortly before this he had joined the church of England, through the influence of Dr. J. C. Miller. At Oxford he moved in a stimulating society, of which Edward Burne-Jones, the artist, an old schoolfellow, William Morris, and Swinburne, the poets, were prominent members. Hatch was already contributing largely to magazines and reviews when he took his degree, with second class honours in lit. hum., at the end of 1857. After working with zeal in an east-end parish in London, he was appointed in 1859 professor of classics at Trinity College, Toronto. This he held till 1862, when he accepted the rectorship of the high school of Quebec. Here he married. His work at Quebec left a lasting impression; but in 1867 he returned to Oxford to become vice-principal of St. Mary Hall, an office which he resigned under pressure of other duties in 1885. Along with his teaching at St. Mary Hall he took private pupils, and actively shared in the practical work of the university. It was through him that the ‘Official Gazette’ was started in 1870, and he was its first editor. Not much later he brought out the first edition of the ‘Student's Handbook to the University,’ and edited a translation of Aristotle's ‘Ethics’ in 1879, begun by his brother, the Rev. W. M. Hatch (d. 1879). In 1884 he was appointed secretary to the boards of faculties. Meanwhile he was collecting materials for the work which he had planned in theology. The first-fruits of these labours appeared in a series of important articles (‘Holy Orders,’ ‘Ordination,’ ‘Priest’) in vol. ii. of the ‘Dictionary of Christian Antiquities’ in 1880. In the same year he delivered the Bampton lectures on ‘The Organisation of the Early Christian Churches,’ published in the year following. The bold and original views put forward in these lectures aroused considerable controversy, in which Hatch himself took little part. In Scotland and Germany the recognition which the lectures received was even greater than in England. In 1883 the university of Edinburgh conferred on the author the distinction of an honorary D.D., while the eminent theologian, Dr. Adolph Harnack, himself translated the lectures into German. In 1887 Hatch brought out a little volume, ‘The Growth of Church Institutions,’ intended to be the pioneer of a larger work, continuing the Bampton lectures, and dealing comprehensively with the whole subject.
From 1882 to 1884 Hatch held the office of Grinfield lecturer on the Septuagint, another branch of study to which he had devoted himself. The substance of the lectures was published in ‘Essays in Biblical Greek,’ 1889. As the basis for a renewed examination of the ‘Biblical Vocabulary,’ he had long been at work on an elaborate ‘Concordance to the LXX and Hexapla,’ which will be published posthumously. Other New Testament studies of rather less importance are the articles ‘Pastoral Epistles,’ ‘Paul,’ ‘Peter,’ in the ‘Encyclopædia Britannica.’
In 1883 Hatch was appointed to the living