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i. 47–9). Thomas Martyn, in his preface to the new edition of Harris's ‘Natural System of Colours,’ 1811, speaks of him as being ‘nearly thirty years deceased;’ but according to Graves's ‘Dictionary of Artists,’ p. 108, he had exhibited a frame of English insects at the Royal Academy in 1785.

[Jardine's Naturalist's Library, 1843, i. 54, 55, 57 (Memoir of Dru Drury); Redgrave's Dict. of Artists, 1878, p. 199; Lowndes's Bibl. Manual (Bohn), ii. 1003; Notes and Queries, 3rd ser. v. 458; Bromley's Cat. of Engraved Portraits, p. 388.]

HARRIS, PAUL (1573–1635?), catholic divine, although often assumed to be an Irishman, distinctly states that he was a native of England (Ἀρκτόμαστιξ, p. 119). He became a secular priest of the Roman catholic church, and lived for many years in Dublin, where he was rector of a seminary for boys. He engaged in several acrimonious disputes with the Franciscans. It was alleged that Thomas Fleming [q. v.], archbishop of Dublin, himself a Franciscan, had formed the design of displacing the secular priests in order to introduce Franciscan friars into the parishes of his diocese. The seculars vehemently opposed the scheme, and Harris, being more active than the rest, and a man of great spirit, incurred the censure of excommunication from the archbishop, who eventually procured an order from Rome for his banishment out of the diocese of Dublin. The date of his death is unknown, but he says that he was sixty years old when he published his Ἀρκτόμαστιξ in 1633.

His works, all of which were probably printed in Dublin, are: 1. A book against Archbishop Ussher's sermon preached at Wansted before James I. 2. ‘The Excommunication published by the L. Archbishop of Dublin, Thomas Flemming, alias Barnwell, Friar of the Order of S. Francis, against the inhabitants of the Diocese of Dublin, for hearing the Masses of Peter Caddell, d. of divinity, and Paul Harris, Priests, is proved not only unjust, but of no Validity, and consequently binding to no obedience. In which Treatise is discovered that impious plot … of the aforesaid Archbishop and his Friars in supplanting the Pastors and Priests of the Clergy, thereby to bring all into the hands of the Friars,’ 1632, 4to, pp. 112; 2nd edit. 1633. 3. ‘Ἀρκτόμαστιξ, sive Edmundus Ursulanus, propter usurpatum Judicium de tribunali dejectus, et propter libellum famosum in Judicium vocatus,’ 1633, 4to, pp. 120. This is a reply to Francis Matthews, a friar, who in 1631, under the pseudonym of Edmundus Ursulanus, published ‘Examen Juridicum Censuræ Facultatis Theologicæ Parisiensis, et ejusdem Civitatis Archiepiscopi latæ circa quasdam propositiones Regularibus Regni Hiberniæ falso impositas.’ Ἀρκτόμαστιξ means a scourge for the bear, and has reference to the pseudonym Ursulanus. 4. ‘Fratres sobrii estote, 1 Pet. 5, 8. Or an Admonition to the Fryars of this kingdome of Ireland to abandon such hereticall doctrines as they daylie publish,’ 1634, 4to. 5. ‘Exile exiled. Occasioned by a Mandat from Rome procured by Thomas Flemming, alias Barnwell, archbishop of Dublin, and friar of the Order of St. Francis, from the congregation of the cardinalls de propagandâ fide, for the banishment of Paul Harris out of the diocesse of Dublin,’ 1635, 4to.

[Burnet's Life of Bp. Bedell, 1692, p. 71; Bibl. Grenvilliana; Shirley's Cat. of the Library at Lough Fea, p. 131; Cat. Librorum Impress. in Bibl. Coll. Trin. Dubl. iv. 70; Ware's Writers of Ireland (Harris), pp. 119, 338.]

HARRIS, RENATUS or RÉNÉ, the elder (1640?–1715?), organ-builder, according to Burney came from France with his father about 1660. Thomas Harris, his grandfather, however, was known in England as an organ-builder apparently at an earlier date, and built an organ for Magdalen College Chapel, Oxford. A Thomas Harris of New Sarum, possibly the father of Renatus, agreed to build an organ for Worcester Cathedral, 5 July 1666. On the death of Ralph Dallam in August or September 1673 (see his will in the Registers of the Archdeaconry of London), Renatus, whose father died at about the same time, found his only important rival in ‘Father Smith’ (Bernhardt Schmidt). The competition between these two organ-builders culminated in the famous contest over the Temple Church organ in 1684 (cf. Rimbault, History of the Organ, p. 105; Macrory, Few Notes on the Temple Organ). After May 1684 Smith and Harris both erected organs in the Temple church, and exhibited the good points of their instruments, Blow and Purcell performing upon Smith's organ, and Draghi upon Harris's. The contest lasted a year. New reed stops were added at intervals, and each builder challenged his rival to make further improvements. In this way the vox humana, cremorne, and double bassoon stops were heard for the first time by the public. The dispute was at length decided in favour of Smith's organ, the other, by Harris, being adjudged ‘discernably low and weak’ for the church. Harris suffered no loss of prestige by this defeat. ‘Now began the setting up of organs in the chiefest parishes of the city of London,’ wrote Tudway (see Hawkins, iii. 693), ‘when for the most part Harris had the advantage of F. Smith, making, I be-