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Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 26.djvu/117

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Frascati. When the Countess of Albany in 1777 separated from his brother, Charles Edward, and took refuge in a convent in Rome, she was kindly treated by the cardinal, who received her into his house, and allowed her lover, Alfieri, to have access to her. On his father's death on 1 Jan. 1766, he had a medal struck with the inscription, ' Henricus M[agnus] D[ecanus] Ep. Tvsc. Card. Dux. Ebor. s. r. e. v. Cane' On the death of his brother—who had never been recognised as king of England by the papal authorities—on 31 Jan. 1788, the cardinal caused a medal to be struck with the inscription, 'Henricus Nonus Magnæ Britannia} Rex' on the one side, and on the reverse 'Non voluntate hominum sed Dei Gratia.' Another medal, also dated 1788, bears on the obverse: 'Hen. IX. Mag. Brit. Fr. et Hib. Rex. Fid. Def. Card. Ep. Tusc.;' and on the reverse 'non desideriis hominum sed voluntate Dei, An. MDCCLXXXVIII.'

On the outbreak of the French revolution the resources of the cardinal were greatly narrowed by the loss of two rich livings—the abbeys of St. Auchin and St. Amand—which the king of France had granted him, and also of the pension which had been conferred on him by the court of Spain. But he willingly sacrificed the remains of his fortune to enable Pope Pius VI to meet the tribute demanded by Napoleon, parting with the greater part of the family jewels, including a ruby valued at 50,000l. Crippled in fortune, he continued to reside at Frascati. In 1799 his residence was sacked by the French, all his property seized, and he narrowly escaped with his life. Old and infirm, he fled to Padua, and thence to Venice, supporting himself by the proceeds of his silver plate until reduced to the verge of destitution. In these circumstances the Cardinal Borgia induced Sir John Hippisley to lay his case privately before the English government, and George III at once sent him 2,000l., to be renewed within six months 'should he continue disposed to accept it.' The gift was gratefully acknowledged by the cardinal. Subsequently he returned to Frascati, where he died, 13 July 1807. By his death the line of James II came to an end. To the Prince of Wales, afterwards George IV, the cardinal bequeathed the crown jewels which James II had carried with him to France in 1688. The correspondence of the exiled Stuart family, formerly in the possession of Cardinal York, was purchased by George IV for the Royal Library, Windsor. In 1819 the prince regent commissioned Canova to design the well-known monument for the chapel of the Virgin at St. Peter's, Rome, with half-length portraits in mezzo-relievo of the cardinal and of the cardinal's father and brother. Though deficient in force of character, the cardinal appears to have possessed more tact and prudence than either his father or brother. His disposition was genial and amiable, and, if not highly cultured, his tastes were elevated. He formed a splendid collection of art treasures and a valuable library.

A whole-length life-size portrait of the cardinal as a boy belongs to the Earl of Orford. Several miniatures of many members of his family, including one of himself, belong to the Earl of Galloway. Other portraits belong to the Duke of Hamilton and to Lord Braye. A fifth is at Blair's College, Aberdeen (Cat. Stuart Exhibition, 1889, pp. 58, 60,62). Gavin Hamilton (1730-1797) [q. v.] painted a portrait which belonged to Mr. Drummond of Edinburgh (Notes and Queries, 4th ser. iii. 418). In the National Gallery there are three, portraits respectively by N. Largillière, Pompeo Batoni, and Carriera Rosalba.

[Life appended to Orazione per la Morte di Enrico Cardinale Duca de York, da D. Marco Mastrofini, Rome, 1807; Collection of Miscellaneous Papers on the Cardinal York, bound in one vol. in the British Museum; Letters from the Cardinal Borgia and the Cardinal York, 1799-1800; Doran's Mann and Manners at the Court of Florence; Horace Walpole's Letters; Jesse's The Pretenders and their Adherents; Oliphant's Jacobite Lairds of Gask.]

HENRY, Saint (fl. 1150), an Englishman by birth, was bishop of Upsala in the reign of Saint Eric (IX), king of Sweden (1150?-1160). The statements of some Swedish historians, that he went to Sweden in the train of his fellow-countryman, Nicholas Breakspear, whom Pope Eugene III sent as legate to Scandinavia in 1148, and that he was consecrated by Nicolas in 1148 or 1152, seem to be mere conjectures; his earliest biographer simply says that he and the king were the two great lights who lighted their people in the way of true religion, righteousness, and peace; that he assisted Eric in his reforms, both secular and ecclesiastical; that he accompanied him in an expedition against the heathen Finns, which resulted in their total defeat and subjection, in the baptism of many converts, and the foundation of churches in Finland; that when the king returned home in triumph the bishop remained to water the seed which he had thus sown, till his zeal in enforcing the church's penitential discipline won him the crown of martyrdom at the hands of a man whom he had laid under ecclesiastical censure for homicide. Eric's conquest of Finland is placed by different