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Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 26.djvu/386

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Although to a great extent self-taught, Higson early became an industrious collector of facts of local history and antiquities, some of which relating to his native place he published under the title of ‘Gorton Historical Recorder, … a History of the Chapelry, illustrating the Rise of the Mesne Manor,’ with illustrations, Droylsden, 1852, 12mo. He also published a local history of Droylsden. With some friends he started a Droylsden paper on liberal-conservative lines, which proved a failure. He was a contributor to the ‘Ashton Reporter’ from its commencement in 1855, under the signature ‘H.’ At the time of his death he was engaged on a ‘Glossary of Lancashire Idioms.’

[Ashton Reporter, 16 Dec. 1871, and information from private sources.]

HILARY (fl. 1125), mediæval Latin poet, is supposed to have been a native of England from the fact that one of his poems narrates the life of Eva, an English recluse, who died in Anjou, as well as from various allusions in other of his poems, some of which are addressed to English friends. Hilary went to France to study at Paris under Abelard, whose disciple he calls himself, and to whom he addressed a poem on the occasion of his retirement to the Paraclete in 1125. From Paris Hilary went to Angers, and there became a canon of Ronceray. The majority of his poems, fifteen in number, are contained in a manuscript now in the Bibliothèque Nationale at Paris. The most important are three scriptural dramas upon a miracle of St. Nicholas, the raising of Lazarus, and the history of Daniel. They are written in Latin, interspersed with lines of French in the early style of the mysteries and miracle plays. The shorter poems are for the most part on serious or religious subjects, though some of them are of a lighter and even licentious character. One is a violent satirical attack on the pope, another is written in praise of Caliastrum (Chalautre-la-Petite) in the diocese of Sens. The poem addressed to Abelard refers to a misunderstanding that had arisen between him and his pupils through the indiscretions of a servant. Besides these poems the volume contains a mystical interpretation of the name Jerusalem, which M. Champollion-Figeac attributed to Hilary, and a satirical charter in another hand, printed in ‘Collections des Documents relatifs a l'Histoire de la France.’ These poems were edited by M. Champollion-Figeac, and printed at Paris in 1838, ‘Hilarii Versus et Ludi.’ French translations of the ‘Daniel’ and ‘Lazarus’ are given in the ‘Dictionnaire des Mystères,’ pp. 279–84 and 490–1. The poem to Abelard is printed in Duchesne's edition of Abelard's works in 1616, and in Migne's ‘Patrologia,’ clxxviii. Part of it is in Wright's ‘Biographia Britannica Literaria,’ ii. 91–4, together with extracts from some other of Hilary's shorter poems. M. Marchegay has been able to identify as Hilary's a poetical version of a dispute in which the nuns of Ronceray were concerned, and which is entitled ‘Judicium de Calumnia molendini Briesarti;’ this piece is contained in a cartulary of Ronceray, and the author, who calls himself Hilarius, is probably the ‘Hilarius Canonicus’ mentioned in other places in the cartulary. This piece is printed in the ‘Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Chartes,’ xxxvii. 250–2. M. Marchegay thinks Hilary must have been at Angers before 1122. The manuscript containing the only copy known to exist of the poems of Hilary was first referred to by Duchesne, and was again quoted by Mabillon in 1713, after which it seems to have disappeared until it was brought to light at M. de Rosny's sale in 1837 and acquired for the Bibliothèque Nationale.

[Mabillon's Annales ordinis sancti Benedicti, v. 315; Histoire Littéraire de la France, xii. 251–254, xx. 627–30, by M. Paulin Paris; Champollion-Figeac's Preface; Wright's Biog. Brit. Lit. Anglo-Norman, pp. 91–4; Biographie Universelle, xix. ed. 1857; Douhet's Dictionnaire des Mystères, pp. 279–84, 406–7, 489–92, in Migne's Encyclopédie Théologique; Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Chartes, xxxvii. 245–52; see also Misnet's Lettres Chrétiennes (1882), v. 225; Petit de Julleville's Mystères, i. 38–40, 55–7, 72–4.]

HILARY (d. 1169), bishop of Chichester, was nominated to the bishopric in 1146 (Chr. Petrob.), and consecrated by Archbishop Theobald at Canterbury 3 Aug. 1147 (Gervase, i. 132). On the deposition of William, archbishop of York, in the same year, the majority of the chapter chose Hilary, but Pope Eugenius III preferred Henry Murdac [q. v.], the candidate of the minority. Hilary seems to have gone to France at this time, and to have endeavoured to defend King Stephen before the pope (see R. de Diceto, i. 263). Next year he was instrumental in effecting a reconciliation between Theobald and Stephen, and for not attending the council of Rheims incurred the sentence of the pope, from which he obtained absolution in November (Gervase, i. 136, 138). In 1157 Hilary was involved in a dispute with the abbot of Battle, who under a charter granted by William I, and confirmed by Lanfranc, claimed exemption from episcopal control. In spite of this Hilary endeavoured to exercise episcopal authority over the abbot, and excommunicated him for resistance. He also