Edit.,' 8vo, Cambridge. 1831.
- 'A Digested Series of Examples in the applications of the Principles of the Differential Calculus,' 8vo, Cambridge, 1832.
- 'The Principles and Practice of Arithmetic,' 8vo, Cambridge, 1832; 8th edit., with a new appendix of miscellaneous questions, 1856.
- 'The Principles and Practice of Arithmetical Algebra, &c., 3rd edit.,' 8vo, Cambridge, 1855.
- 'The Solutions of the Questions in the Principles and Practice of Arithmetic, 2nd edit.,' 12mo, Cambridge, 1856.
[Light Blue, ii. 120; information kindly supplied by the master of Sidney Sussex College; Cambr. Univ. Calendars; Hind's Works.]
HINDE, WILLIAM (1569?–1629), puritan divine, born at Kendal, Westmoreland, about 1569, entered Queen's College, Oxford, in Michaelmas term 1586 as a servitor, but was elected successively tabarder and perpetual fellow. He graduated B.A. on 2 July 1591 (Wood, Fasti Oxon. ed. Bliss, i. 254), and M.A. on 2 July 1594 (ib. i. 267). About 1603 he became perpetual curate of Bunbury, Cheshire, in which county, says Wood, he was ‘esteemed the ringleader of the nonconformists during the time that Dr. Thomas Morton sate bishop of Chester, with whom he had several contests about conformity.’ He was, in fact, in constant trouble through his so-called ‘indifferency’ (Barwick, Life of Bishop Morton, 1669, passim). Hinde died at Bunbury in June 1629, and was buried there.
A devoted admirer of John Rainolds, Hinde published the latter's ‘Prophecie of Obadiah opened and applyed in sundry … sermons,’ 4to, Oxford, 1613, and ‘The Discovery of the Man of Sinne … preached in divers sermons,’ 4to, Oxford, 1614. With J. Dod he revised and edited Robert Cleaver's ‘Bathshebaes Instructions to her sonne Lemuel: containing a fruitfull … exposition of the last chapter of Proverbs,’ 4to, London, 1614. His own writings include:
- ‘A Path to Pietie, leading to the Way, the Truth, and the Life, Christ Jesus,’ 8vo, Oxford, 1613.
- ‘The Office and Use of the Moral Law of God in the days of the Gospel justified and explained at large,’ &c., 4to, London, 1623.
- ‘A faithful Remonstrance: or the Holy Life and Happy Death of John Bruen of Bruen-Stapleford, in the County of Chester, Esq.,’ 8vo, London, 1641, published by Hinde's son Samuel, who was chaplain to Charles II and incumbent of St. Mary's Church, Dover.
[Wood's Athenæ Oxon. ed. Bliss, ii. 461–24; B. Brook's Puritans, ii. 36; Brit. Mus. Cat.]
HINDERWELL, THOMAS (1744–1825), historian, eldest son of Thomas Hinderwell, a retired master-mariner and shipowner, of Scarborough, was born at Scarborough on 17 Nov. 1744. He received his early education in his native town and at Coxwold grammar school, near Helmsley, and while still young entered the merchant service, in which he remained till about 1775. In 1778 Hinderwell was elected a member of the corporation of Scarborough, and afterwards took a very active part in promoting the general interests of the port. In 1781 he was elected to the mayoralty of the borough, which office he also filled in 1784, 1790, and 1800. In 1816 he retired from the corporation. For a period of upwards of forty years Hinderwell was a staunch supporter of the Amicable Society, which in 1784 elected him as its president. He also rendered great assistance in the formation of the Scarborough Auxiliary Bible Society. He did much to establish the lifeboat; and when the claim of Henry Greathead [q. v.] to remuneration for this invention was referred to a committee of the House of Commons, Hinderwell's evidence was highly complimented by the Right Hon. George Rose, and is said to have carried great weight. Hinderwell died at his residence in Scarborough on 22 Oct. 1825, and was buried beneath a plain marble slab in the ground attached to St. Mary's Church, near the grammar school.
Hinderwell is chiefly known by his ‘History of Scarborough,’ of which the first edition appeared at York in 1798, 4to. A second edition, considerably augmented and improved, was published at London in 1811, with a dedication to his friend William Wilberforce, then M.P. for the county of York; a third edition was published at Scarborough in 1832. Bigland, in his ‘Beauties of England,’ calls Hinderwell's ‘History of Scarborough’ ‘one of the most accurate and interesting works relating to this or any other part of England.’ He also wrote ‘Authentic Narratives of Affecting Shipwrecks,’ 1799; ‘Address to the Public on the Sabbath,’ 1800; ‘Remarks on the Times,’ 1809; ‘Lines descriptive of Scarborough,’ 1823.
[Brief Memoir of T. Hinderwell, by B. Evans, prefixed to the third edition of the History of Scarborough, 1832; Bigland's Beauties of England.]
HINDLE, JOHN (1761–1796), vocalist and composer, born in 1761, was the son of Bartholomew Hindle of Westminster. It appears that after 1789 he owned some property at Tottenham in Middlesex. He was lay vicar of Westminster Abbey; matriculated 16 Nov.