Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 28.djvu/143

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early quaker, of the type anterior to Barclay and Penn, without the emotional genius, at the same time without the overbalanced mysticism of James Nayler [q. v.], in conjunction with whom he wrote two tracts. His writings are almost all controversial, and their tone is more moderate than that of some of his contemporaries. His works are contained in `A Collection of the several Books and Writings of … Richard Hubberthorn,' 1663, 4to. Smith enumerates thirty-seven separately published pamphlets; the most important are:

  1. 'Truth's Defence,' &c., 1653, 4to (partly by Fox).
  2. `The Immediate Call,' &c., 1654, 4to (part by James Parnel).
  3. 'The Real Cause of the Nation's Bondage,' &c., 1659, 4to.
  4. 'The Light of Christ Within,' &c., 1660, 4to.
  5. 'An Account from the Children of Light,' &c., 1660, 4to (part by Nayler).
  6. 'Liberty of Conscience asserted,' &c., 1661, 4to parts by Crook, Fisher, and Howgil).

[Fox's Journal, 1694, pp.84-250; Sewel's Hist. of Quakers,1725,pp. 87 sq., 246sq.,363;Life of Adam Martindale(Chetham Soc.), 1845, p. 115; Webb's Fells of Swarthmoor, 1867, pp. 133 sq.;Smith's Cat. of Friends' Books, 1867, i. 1010 sq.; Barclay's Inner Life, 1876,p. 286; extract from baptismal register of Warton, per Rev. T. H. Pain.]

HUBBOCK, WILLIAM (fl. 1605), divine, born in 1560 in the county of Durham; matriculated at Magdalen Hall, Oxford, on 15 April 1580, aged 19; proceeded B.A. from Magdalen College early in 1581; and was in 1585 admitted M.A. from Corpus Christi College, where he was elected a probationer-fellow (cf. Oxf. Univ. Reg., Oxf. Hist. Soc.,ii. ii. `91, iii. 95). He was incorporated in the degree of M.A. at Cambridge in 1586. His opinions were puritanical, and he was cited before the Archbishop of Canterbury for a sermon preached about 1590 (cf. Lansdowne MS. lxviii. 77; Strype, Whitgift, ii. 32-4). He became chaplain at the Tower of London, and on 12 July 1594 wrote to Burghley complaining that his lodging at the Tower was defective; he was ill at the time, and stated that his salary was but twenty nobles (ib. lxxvii. 48). In 1595 he published a sermon entitled 'An Apologie of Infants,' a work intended to prove 'that children prevented by death of their Baptisme by God's election may be saved.' On 6 Feb. 1596-7 he was appointed lecturer at St. Botolph's Without, Aldgate, and preached twice on Sundays. When James I visited the Tower in March 1604 on his way to his coronation, Hubbock composed and delivered to the king a congratulatory address which, although in Latin, was published with an English title, 'An Oration gratulatory,' &c., at Oxford, 'by his highnesse special command.' It was reprinted, with translation, in Nichols's 'Progresses of James I,' i. 325*.

About 1609 he claimed in a petition to the king the constable's lodgings in the Tower as a residence; the petition was forwarded to Sir William Waad, lieutenant of the Tower, who reported adversely. The mint (according to Waad) was the usual residence of the chaplain when he had not 'a wife and family as this man hath.' Waad also states that when he came to the Tower Hubbock was resident at a benefice in Leicestershire, and provided 'lewd substitutes' at the Tower. In an undated letter to Burghley Hubbock urged him to provide learned ministers, and described himself as 'a poore exile.'

[Wood's Athenæ Oxon. ed. Bliss, i.752-3;Cooper's Athenæ Cantabr.ii. 528-9; Bodl. Libr., MS.Rawl.D. 796.]

HUBERT, Sir FRANCIS (d. 1629), poet, was probably son of Edward Hubert, one of the six clerks in chancery. Hubert, who appears to have been a member of the Middle Temple, was appointed clerk in chancery 9 March 1601 (Hardy, Catalogue of Chancellors, &c., p. 109). He was buried at St. Andrew's, Holborn, on 13 Dec. 1629. A poem by Hubert entitled ‘The Historie of Edward the Second, surnamed Carnarvon, one of our English Kings: together with the fatall Downfall of his two Vnfortunate Favorites, Gaveston and Spencer,’ was completed in the reign of Elizabeth, but owing to the freedom with which it treated kings, favourites, and affairs of state, a license for its publication was refused. A surreptitious and incorrect edition appeared in 1628, and in the following year Hubert issued the first authentic edition, 8vo, London, 1629 (other editions, 1631 and 1721), with portrait of the author. Manuscript copies are in the Harleian MSS., Nos. 558 and 2393, the former in the handwriting of Ralph Starkie. Hubert also published ‘Egypt's Favorite. The Historie of Joseph, divided into foure parts … Together with Old Israels progresse into the land of Goshen,’ 8vo, London, 1631.

[Addit. MS. 24490, ff. 270–1; Gent. Mag. vol. xciv. pt. ii.pp. 21–2; Brydges's Restituta,i.93;Lowndes's Bibl. Man.(Bohn), ii. 1133; Brit. Mus. Cat.]

HUBERT WALTER (d. 1205), archbishop of Canterbury, was a son of Hervey Walter and Matilda de Valognes, whose sister Bertha was married to Ranulf de Glanville [q. v.] (Monast. Angl. vi. 380, 1128). The 'Hubert Walter' mentioned in the 'Pipe Roll' of 1158, p. 30, was probably his