Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 28.djvu/148

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J. C. Bampfylde [q. v.], when the former was twenty-eight. An engraving appeared in the ‘English Illustrated Magazine,’ viii. 72. The price of the picture was 105l. Reynolds also painted a likeness of Mrs. Huddesford, and its half-payment is entered in the artist's books as 17l. 7s. With many and influential connections in the church Huddesford took holy orders. He was presented by the lord chancellor to the vicarage of Loxley in Warwickshire on 21 Oct. 1803, and was incumbent of Sir George Wheler's Chapel, Spital Square, London. He died in London at the end of 1809.

Huddesford's first production was: 1. ‘Warley, a Satire’ (anon.), part i., October 1778; part ii., November 1778, which ridiculed the military reviews at Warley in Essex. As it was dedicated to Reynolds, it soon came under the notice of his friends, and Fanny Burney was much distressed at the mention of her name as ‘dear little Burney’ (Diaries, i. 177–9; Early Diary, ii. 269–70). He edited, and was the principal contributor to: 2. ‘Salmagundi: a Miscellaneous Combination of Original Poetry’ (anon.), 1791; new edition, 1793; which was dedicated to Richard Wyatt of Milton Place, Surrey, and mainly consisted of odes and elegies with some humorous verses. After this he attacked France and its leading men in: 3. ‘Topsy Turvy; with Anecdotes and Observations illustrative of the Present Government of France’ (anon.), 1793; two editions. 4. ‘Bubble and Squeak: a Gallimaufry of British Beef with the Chopp'd Cabbage of Gallic Philosophy and Radical Reform’ (anon.), 1799. 5. ‘Crambe Repetita, a Second Course of Bubble and Squeak’ (anon.), 1799. 6. ‘Les Champignons du Diable, or Imperial Mushrooms,’ 1805. A collected edition of his works, including ‘Salmagundi,’ ‘Topsy Turvy,’ ‘Bubble and Squeak,’ and ‘Crambe Repetita,’ appeared in two volumes in 1801 with a dedication to Lord Loughborough, ‘in gratitude for favours spontaneously conferred.’ In this issue the contributions of other writers to ‘Salmagundi’ were marked by asterisks. Huddesford subsequently published two satires on the Middlesex election in 1802 and the Duke of Northumberland's neutrality, viz.: 8. ‘The Scum Uppermost when the Middlesex Porridge-pot Boils Over: an Heroic Election Ballad,’ 1802; two editions. 9. ‘Wood and Stone, or a Dialogue between a Wooden Duke [of Northumberland] and Stone Lion [over his house at Charing Cross, London],’ n.p. or d.[1802]. In 1804 he edited a volume of poems written by boys who were his contemporaries at Winchester, which he called the ‘Wiccamical Chaplet.’ He is also credited with the authorship of ‘Bonaparte: an Heroic Ballad.’

[Foster's Alumni Oxon.; Gent. Mag. 1809, pt. ii. p. 1238; Notes and Queries, 6th ser. xi. 198; Kirby's Winchester Scholars, p. 259; Wood's Oxford City, ed. Peshall, p. 228; Cook's National Gallery, p. 423; Taylor's Sir J. Reynolds, ii. 126, 224, 228.]

HUDDESFORD, WILLIAM (1732–1772), antiquary, was baptised on 15 Aug. 1732 at St. Mary Magdalen, Oxford, and was son of George Huddesford, president of Trinity College, Oxford. George Huddesford [q.v.] was his youngest brother. He matriculated at Trinity College on 20 Oct. 1749, was elected scholar in 1750 and fellow in 1757. He graduated B.A. in 1753, M.A. in 1756, and B.D. in 1767, and he was proctor of the university in 1765. In 1758 he was ordained, and held from 1755 until his death the keepership of the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford. He was appointed in 1761 vicar of Bishop's Tachbrook, Warwickshire. Huddesford died unexpectedly at Oxford on 6 Oct. 1772.

During his short life he worked vigorously. He published: 1. ‘Edvardi Luidii … lithophylacii Britannici ichnographia,’ Oxford, 1760, a new edition of the treatise of Edward Lhuyd [q.v.], whose fossils were under his charge at the Ashmolean. It contained some new plates and the author's discourse on the sea-shells of the British ocean. 2. ‘Martini Lister, M.D., Historiæ, sive Synopsis Methodicæ Conchyliorum et Tabularum Anatomicarum editio altera,’ Oxford, 1760. The plates in this edition were especially fine. Two indices are added, one for the shells in Lister's arrangement, the other for that of Linnæus. The latter is in both Latin and English. 3. ‘Catalogus librorum Manuscriptorum Antonii à Wood,’ 1761, a new edition of which was struck off by SirThomas Phillipps at the Middlehill press in 1824. 4. ‘An Address to the Freemen and other Inhabitants of the City of Oxford,’ 1764, an anonymous address playfully described as printed at ‘Lucern for Abraham Lightholder.’

In 1772 Joseph Pote, bookseller at Eton, published in two volumes the lives of Leland, Hearne, and Anthony à Wood, and in the last two memoirs obtained some aid from Huddesford. At the time of his death Huddesford had many works in view, including a collection of curiosities from the 160 pocketbooks of Hearne, and he had collected materials for the lives of two Welsh antiquaries, Humphry and Edward Lhuyd. His description of Osney Abbey is in the ‘Gentleman's