Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 28.djvu/232

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in 1826. The best edition is that in 4 vols. 8vo, edited by T. H. Green and Mr. T. H. Grose in 1874-5.

The 'History of England,' after its first publication as above, appeared in 2 vols. 4to in 1762, in 8 vols. 8vo in 1763, 8 vols, 4to 1770 (an edition to which portraits were added), 8 vols. 8vo 1773, 8 vols. 8vo 1778 (with autobiography and author's last corrections), and frequently since, with continuations by Smollett and others. A continuation by Thomas Smart Hughes [q.v.] was published in 1834-5, and was twice reissued. An abbreviated version, called `The Student's Hume,' was edited by Dr. William Smith in 1870, and again in 1878 by John Sherren Brewer [q. v.]

[Life of David Hume, written by himself (with Adam Smith's letter upon his last illness), 1777, prefixed to later editions of the History, and often reprinted; Supplement to the Life of David Hume, 1777; Curious Particulars and Genuine Anecdotes respecting the late Lord Chesterfield and David Hume, … by a friend to Civil and Religious Liberty, 1788 (includes a reprint of this, and partly follows an 'Apology for the Life and Writings of David Hume,' 1777, in answer to Horne's letter to Adam Smith); Account of the Life and Writings of David Hume, by Thomas Edward Ritchie, London, 1807; Life and Correspondence of David Hume, from the papers bequeathed by his nephew to the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and other original sources, by John Hill Burton, advocate, 2 vols. 8vo, Edinburgh, 1846 (the standard life); Private Correspondence of David Hume … 1761-1776, 1 vol. 4to, Edinburgh, 1820; Letters of David Hume … 1742-1761, edited by Thomas Murray, LL.D., 1841 (refers to the Annandale affair); Letters of Eminent Persons addressed to David Hume, by J. H. Burton from the Royal Society papers, 1 vol. 8vo, 1849; Letters of David Hume to William Strahan, … by G. Birkbeck Hill, 1 vol. 8vo, 1888; Exposé succinct de la Contestation qui est élevée entre M. Hume et M. Rousseau, avec les Pièces justificatives, Paris, 1766, reprinted in Appendix to Ritchie's life from the fourteenth volume of Rousseau's Works, Geneva, 1782, translated as 'A Concise and Genuine Account of the Dispute between Mr. Hume and M. Rousseau,' 1766 (reprinted in Hume's Philosophical Works, Edinburgh, 1826, i. pp. xxxv-cxxi). Notices of Hume (with letters chieflv reprinted bv Burton) are in A. Carlyle's Autobiography, 1860, pp. 272-9; Hardy's Life of Charlemont, 1812, i. 13-19, 230-7; D. Stewart's Life of Robertson (in Stewart's Works, 1858, vol. x.); A. F. Tytler's Life of Kames, 1808, i. 104-5, 123-9; H. Mackenzie's Life of Home (prefixed to Home's Works, 1822), i. 20-22; Mme. d'Epinay's Memoirs, 1818, iii. 284; Grimm's Correspondence, 1877, &c. vi. 468, vii. 139-40, 162, 204-6; Professor Huxley's Hume in Morley's Men of Letters Series; Professor Knight's Hume in Blackwood's Philosophical Classics, 1886.]

HUME, DAVID (1757–1838), judge, second surviving son of John Hume of Ninewells, Berwickshire, by Agnes, daughter of Robert Carre of Cavers, Roxburghshire, and nephew to David Hume the philosopher [q.v.], was born 27 Feb. 1757. He was admitted advocate in 1779, in 1784 was appointed sheriff of Berwickshire and afterwards of West Lothian, and in 1786 became professor of Scots law in the university of Edinburgh. Sir Walter Scott, who attended his classes, describes him as `neither wandering into fanciful and abstruse disquisitions, which are the more proper subject of the antiquary, nor satisfied with presenting to his pupils a dry and undigested detail of the laws in their present state, but combining the past state of our legal enactments with the present, and tracing clearly and judiciously the changes which took place and the causes which led to them.' He was also a curator of the Advocates' Library. In 1793 he became sheriff of Linlithgowshire, in 1811 principal clerk to the court of session, and in 1822 a baron of the Scots exchequer, which post he held until the abolition of the court, when he retired upon a pension. He was the author of the standard work on Scottish criminal law, first published in 2 vols. 4to in 1797—'Commentaries on the Law of Scotland respecting the Description and Punishment of Crimes,' having published seven years previously 'Commentaries on the Law of Scotland respecting Trials for Crimes.' He died at his house, Moray Place, Edinburgh, on 30 Aug. 1838. Lockhart calls him 'a man as virtuous and amiable as conspicuous for masculine vigour of intellect and variety of knowledge.' His contributions to the 'Mirror' and the 'Lounger' were published in Alexander Chalmers's edition of 'British Essayists,' 1802, vols. xxxiii-xl. His will, made in 1832, prohibited the publication of any of his lectures or legal papers except his great collection of Reports of Decisions, 1781-1822, which were published in 1839. His only son, Joseph, a young man of much promise, died in 1829.

[Anderson's Scottish Nation; Lockhart's Life of Scott; John Hill Burton's Life of David Hume; Gent. Mag. 1838.]

HUME, Sir GEORGE, Earl of Dunbar (d. 1611). [See Home.]

HUME, Lady GRIZEL (1665–1746), poetess. [See Baillie, Lady Grizel.]

HUME, HUGH, third Earl of Marchmont (1708–1794), third son of Alexander Hume, afterwards Campbell, second earl of Marchmont [see Campbell, Alexander, se-