Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 28.djvu/318

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June 1838 he was promoted to the rank of commander, and in 1839 was appointed lieutenant-governor of the settlements on the river Gambia, in which capacity he had to repel the incursions of some of the adjacent tribes. In August 1841 he was appointed lieutenant-governor of Prince Edward's Island, and previous to going out was knighted, 9 Oct. 1841. He was afterwards arbitrator of the mixed courts at Loanda, and at a later date became consul at Santos in Brazil, where he died 7 May 1864. He was twice married, and left issue; his eldest son, Spencer Robert Huntley, a lieutenant in the navy, died in command of the Cherub on the North American and West Indian station in 1869.

While in command at Prince Edward's Island Huntley seems to have taken to literature as an amusement; and on his return to England published in rapid succession:

  1. 'Peregrine Scramble, or Thirty Years' Adventures of a Bluejacket' (in 2 vols. post 8vo, 1849), in very obvious and feeble imitation of Captain Marryat.
  2. 'Observations upon the Free Trade policy of England in connection with the Sugar Act of 1846' (8vo, 1849), an exaggerated protest against the policy adopted.
  3. 'Seven Years' Service on the Slave Coast of Western Africa' (2 vols. post 8vo, 1850), a personal narrative.
  4. 'California, its Gold and its Inhabitants' (2 vols. post 8vo, 1856).

Many of Huntley's official reports on African questions were also published in the different blue-books.

[O'Byrne's Nav. Biog. Dict.; Gent. Mag. 1864, pt. ii. p.112.]

HUNTLY, Earls of. [See Gordon, Alexander, third Earl, d. 1524; Gordon, George, second Earl, d. 1502?; Gordon, George, fourth Earl, d.1562; Gordon, George, fifth Earl, d. 1576; Seton, Alexander de, first Earl, d. 1470.]

HUNTLY, Marquises of. [See Gordon, Alexander, 1678?–1728, fifth Marquis, second Duke of Gordon; Gordon, Alexander, 1745?–1827, seventh Marquis, fourth Duke of Gordon; Gordon, George, first Marquis, 1562–1636; Gordon, George, second Marquis, d.1649; Gordon, George, fourth Marquis, first Duke of Gordon, 1643–1716; Gordon, George, eighth Marquis, fifth Duke of Gordon, 1770–1836; Gordon, George, ninth Marquis, 1761–1853.]

HUNTON, PHILIP (1604–1682), political writer and divine, born in Hampshire, was the son of Philip Hunton of Andover in Hampshire, who was the son of another Philip Hunton, and perhaps descended from Richard Hunton of East Knoyle in Wiltshire (Wood, Athenæ Oxon. iv. 50; Philip Hunton and his Descendants, by Daniel J. V. Huntoon; Hoare, Modern Wiltshire, Westbury, p.22). He was entered at Wadham College, Oxford, either as a batler or servitor, 31 Jan. 1622-3 (Gardiner, Wadham Coll. Reg. p.66). Of this college he afterwards became scholar, and graduated B.A. in 1626 and M.A. 1629 (Wood, Fasti Oxon. i. 426, 451). He was ordained priest, and held the appointment of schoolmaster of Avebury; he was later minister of Devizes, then of Heytesbury,and lastly vicar of Westbury, all in Wiltshire.

Hunton in 1654 was an assistant to the commissioners for Wiltshire for the ejection of 'scandalous, ignorant, and insufficient ministers and schoolmasters.' His zeal procured him a prominent position among the adherents of Cromwell, and in 1657 he was appointed master or provost of Cromwell's Northern University at Durham; the patent as transcribed by Hutchinson (History of Durham, i. 519) erroneously gives his name as Hutton. 200l. a year from the rich living of Sedgefield in the county of Durham was assigned him. When at the Restoration the Durham University totally disappeared, Hunton went back to Westbury, and was ejected from the living in 1662. He is said to have subsequently held conventicles in Westbury. Dying in July 1682 he was buried in the church there. He married a rich widow very late in life.

Hunton's sympathy with a limited monarchy was shown in his only well-known work, 'A Treatise of Monarchie,' published in 1643, which attracted attention at the time. Dr. Henry Ferne [q. v.] answered it in 'A Reply unto severall Treatises pleading for the armes now taken up by subjects in the pretended defence of Religion,' &c., Oxford, 1643. To this Hunton replied again in 1644. Sir Robert Filmer also briefly criticised Hunton's work in 'The Anarchy of a Limited and Mixed Monarchy,' London, 1646, reprinted in 1652. Hunton's 'Treatise of Monarchy,' according to Wood, was reprinted in 1680. The university of Oxford, condemning the position that the sovereignty of England resides in the three estates of the realm, ordered the book to be burnt in 1683. This decree of the university, however, suffered the same fate itself in 1710, being burnt at Westminster by order of the House of Lords.

Hunton's works are:

  1. 'A Treatise of Monarchie, containing two parts: (1) Concerning Monarchy in generall; (2) Con-