Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 28.djvu/343

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appeal for further support (Gent. Mag. 1811, pt.i. pp.99-100), and in 1813 the third volume appeared with Gough's name as its editor. The fourth volume came out in 1815. On this edition Bellasis expended much of his own means. A further edition has since been published in four volumes, dated respectively 1861, 1864, 1868, and 1873. It began under the editorship of William Shipp and James Whitworth Hodson, but the former was sole editor from 1868, and although the prolegomena are dated September 1874 he died on 8 Dec. 1873. Many parts of this noble history have been issued separately. From the first edition were extracted descriptions of Poole and Stalbridge, and 'a view of the principal towns, seats, antiquities in Dorset, 1773.' Accounts of Milton Abbas, Shaftesbury, and Sherborne were selected from the second edition, and a history from the Blandford division, taken from the last impression, was circulated in 1860. Further use of his labours was made in 'Doomsday Book for Dorset, with a Translation by Rev. William Bawdwen, and a Dissertation on Doomsday by Rev. John Hutchins.'

An engraving by John Collimore of a portrait of Hutchins by Cantlo Bestland appeared in Bingham's 'Memoir,' 1813. The library of Hutchins was sold by Thomas Payne in 1774. Many letters by Hutchins are in Nichols's 'Illustrations of Literature' and 'Literary Anecdotes,' Stukeley's ' Family Memoirs' (Surtees Soc.), lxxvi. 128-34, and in 'Notes and Queries,' 5th ser. x. 343.

[An anonymous memoir entitled Biographical Anecdotes of the Rev. John Hutchins, M.A.,the work of the Rev. George Bingham, was printed in 1785 with a separate title-page, and in John Nichols's'Bibl. Topogr. Brit. vol. vi. pt. v. pp 19; a second edition with additions appeared in 1813. It was also reprinted in the second and third issues of the History of Dorset and in the Literary Anecdotes of Nichols, vi. 406-20. See also Foster's Oxford Reg.; Mayo's Bibl. Dorset, pp.2-4, 20, 114, 177, 221, 228, 278; History of Dorset, 2nd edit. i. 60, ii. 34, 141-2, 335, iv. 206; Nichols's Illustr. of Lit. and Literary Anecdotes, passim; information from E. Bellasis, F.S.A., Heralds' College.]

HUTCHINSON, Baron. [See Hely-Hutchinson, John, afterwards second Earl of Donoughmore, 1757–1832.]

HUTCHINSON, Mrs. ANNE (1590?–1643), religious enthusiast, born in 1590 or 1591, was the daughter of Francis Marbury (d. 1610), a noted preacher, who, after officiating for a while in Lincolnshire, was preferred successively to the rectories of St. Martin Vintry, St. Pancras, Soper Lane, and St. Margaret, New Fish Street, London. About she married William Hutchinson of Alford, Lincolnshire. In 1633 her eldest son Edward accompanied the Rev. John Cotton to Massachusetts, and in September of the following year he was joined by his parents, Mrs. Hutchinson being a devoted admirer of Cotton's preaching. She was well versed in the scriptures and theology, and maintained that those who were in the covenant of grace were entirely freed from the covenant of works. She also pretended to immediate revelation respecting future events. Under pretence of repeating the sermons of Cotton, she held meetings twice a week in Boston, which were attended by nearly a hundred women. There was a wide difference, she asserted, between Cotton's ministry and that of the other Massachusetts clergy. The latter could not hold forth a covenant of free grace, because they had not the seal of the Spirit, so were not able ministers of the New Testament. In the dissemination of her doctrines she received vigorous support from her brother-in-law, the Rev. John Wheelwright. Her adherents, called antinomians, included Captain John Underbill, William Coddington, and other influential men; and when Cotton expressed disapproval of some of her views, they tried to elect Wheelwright as his associate. The agitation seriously affected the peace of the infant colony; it interfered with the levy of troops for the Pequot war; it influenced the respect shown to the magistrates and clergy, the distribution of town lots, and the assessment of taxes. On 30 Aug. 1637 an ecclesiastical synod at Boston condemned Mrs. Hutchinson's doctrines, and in the ensuing November the general court arraigned her for not discontinuing her meetings as had been ordered. After two days' trial, during which she defended herself with ability and spirit (cf. the report in Hutchinson's Massachusetts Bay, vol. ii. Appendix), she was sentenced to banishment, but was allowed to winter at Roxbury. Along with her husband she accompanied William Coddington's party, who settled on Aquidneck, now Rhode Island, in 1638, and founded a democracy. In 1642 William Hutchinson died, and his widow moved into the territory of the Dutch settling near Hell Gate, West Chester, co. New York. There in August or September 1643 she was murdered by Indians, together with her servants and all her children except one son, to the number of sixteen.

Her surviving son Edward (1613-1675) had left Boston in 1638, but returned some years afterwards, and from 1658 to 1675 was deputy to the general court. He was also a captain of militia. In July 1675, after the disastrous beginning of Philip's war, he was