entitled ‘Satvrni Ephemerides, sive Tabvla Historico-Chronologica, containing a Chronological Series … of the foure Monarchyes. … As also a Succession of the Kings and Rulers ouer most Kingdomes and Estates of the World … with a Compend of the History of the Chvrch of God from the Creation … lastly an Appendix of the Plantation and Encrease of Religion in … Britayne,’ &c., London, 1633. It was probably inspired by Andrewes. The lists of authorities fill six pages, and the citations and references are remarkable for their accuracy. Richard Crashaw contributed some pleasing verses in explanation of the curious engraved title-page by W. Marshall (Crashaw, Works, ed. Grosart, i. 246).
Isaacson wrote also ‘An Exact Narrative of the Life and Death of … Lancelot Andrewes,’ 4to, London, 1650, which was incorporated in the following year in Fuller's ‘Abel Redivivus.’ The work treats of Andrewes's mental endowments rather than of the events of his life. An edition published in 1829 by a descendant, Stephen Isaacson [q.v.] , contains a life of the author. To Isaacson may be probably ascribed the devotional manuals issued under the initials of ‘H. I.:’ 1. ‘Jacob's Ladder, consisting of fifteene degrees or ascents to the knowledge of God by the consideration of His creatures and attributes,’ 12mo, London, 1637. The address to the reader is signed ‘H. I.’ 2. ‘A Treaty of Pacification, or Conditions of Peace between God and Man,’ 12mo, London, 1642. 3. ‘A Spirituall Duell between a Christian and Satan,’ &c., 12mo, London, 1646. 4. ‘The Summe and Substance of Christian Religion, set down in a Catechisticall Way,’ 12mo, London, 1647. 5. ‘Divine Contemplations necessary for these Times,’ 12mo, London, 1648. 6. ‘The Scripture Kalendar in use by the Prophets and Apostles and by our Lord Jesus Christ,’ 8vo, London, 1653. Isaacson may likewise have furnished the ‘Address to the Reader by H. I.’ prefixed to R. Sibbes's ‘Breathing after God,’ 12mo, 1639.
[Stephen Isaacson's Life referred to; Gent. Mag. vol. ci. pt. ii. p. 194; Notes and Queries, 2nd ser. iv. 286.]
ISAACSON, STEPHEN (1798–1849), miscellaneous writer, born on 17 Feb. 1798, at the Oaks, Cowlinge, Suffolk, was son of Robert Isaacson, auctioneer, of Cowlinge, and afterwards of Moulton, Suffolk, by his second wife, Mary Anne, daughter of John Isaacson, rector of Lydgate and Little Bradley, Suffolk, and perpetual curate of Cowlinge. He was educated at Christ's College, Cambridge, and graduated B.A. in 1820. Both at school and college he obtained some reputation as a writer of humorous verse, and was even then a frequent contributor to the ‘Gentleman's Magazine’ and other periodicals. In 1822 he projected the ‘Brighton Magazine,’ which had a very brief existence. More successful was his translation of Jewel's ‘Apologia’ (1825), with a life of the bishop and a preliminary discourse on the doctrine and discipline of the church of Rome in reply to some observations which Charles Butler had addressed to Southey on his ‘Book of the Church.’ Butler answered Isaacson in a ‘Vindication of “The Book of the Roman Catholic Church”’ (1826). Shortly afterwards Isaacson accepted the rectory of St. Paul, Demerara. In 1829 he edited Henry Isaacson's ‘Life’ of Bishop Andrewes, and prefixed a brief memoir of the author. By 1832 he had returned to England, and avowed as the results of his own experience that the social and religious condition of the negro slaves could not be bettered. On 8 Aug. of that year he delivered a clever speech in vindication of the West India proprietors at Mansion House Chapel, Camberwell, which was afterwards published. For the next year or two he served as curate of St. Margaret, Lothbury. In 1834 he was an unsuccessful candidate for the preachership of the Magdalen Hospital. He soon became curate of Dorking, Surrey, and remained there until February 1837. In that year he published two popular manuals, entitled ‘The Altar Service; for the use of Country Congregations,’ and ‘Select Prayers for all Sorts and Conditions of Men.’ He again came forward as an anti-abolitionist in 1840 by issuing part i. of ‘An Address to the British Nation on the Present State and Prospects of the West India Colonies,’ in which he argued in favour of an extensive system of immigration as the only means of extinguishing slavery and the slave-trade. From 1843 to 1847 he lived at Dymchurch, near Hythe in Kent, taking duty as chaplain of the Elham union.
During his residence there Isaacson became a member of the, newly established British Archæological Association, and contributed some papers on local antiquities to its ‘Journal.’ His quaint poem of the ‘Barrow Digger’ and other legends (printed in 1848) were suggested by the field operations of the association. He subsequently removed to Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire; but died on 7 April 1849 at 2 Tavistock Street, Bedford Square, London.
Isaacson married at St. George's Church, Guiana, in November 1826, Anna Maria