Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 30.djvu/170

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(Cal. State Papers, Ireland, 1574–85, p. 279). During the short time he held the deanery of St. Patrick's, he injured the property of the church by granting improper leases (Cotton, Fasti Ecclesiæ Hibernicæ, ii. 97). One case, as endorsed by Dean Swift on the original document, was ‘a lease of Colemine made by that rascal Dean Jones and the knaves or fools of his chapter to one John Allen for eighty-one years, to commence at the expiration of a lease for eighty-one years, made in 1585, so that there was a lease for 161 years of 253 acres, within three miles of Dublin, for 2l. per annum, now worth 150l.’ Loftus, nevertheless, strongly recommended him for advancement to the archbishopric of Armagh on the death of Thomas Lancaster in 1584 (Cal. State Papers, Ireland, 1574–85, p. 491); but John Long was appointed. In May following Jones was promoted to the premier bishopric of Meath by letters patent dated the 10th of the month; and immediately after he was called to the privy council of Ireland by the special instructions of the government to Sir John Perrot, lord deputy. For twenty years he presided over his diocese, and took an active part in public affairs. In November 1605 he was translated to the archbishopric of Dublin, which had become vacant by the death of Loftus, and was allowed to hold the prebend of Castleknock, in St. Patrick's, Dublin, and the rectory of Trim, in the diocese of Meath, in commendam. In the same year he was appointed, in succession to Loftus, to the lord chancellorship of Ireland, which office he held until his death. He caused very extensive repairs to be made in his cathedral of Christ Church. From the university of Dublin he received, in 1614, the degree of D.D. honoris causâ; and twice, in 1613 and 1615, he was one of the lords justices of Ireland. He died at his palace of St. Sepulchre's, Dublin, on 10 April 1619, and was buried in St. Patrick's Cathedral, in the north aisle of which there is a fine monument with a kneeling statue of the archbishop, and with inscriptions in memory of him and his wife, Margaret (d. 5 Dec. 1618), daughter of Adam Purdon of Lurgan-Race, co. Louth, and widow of John Douglas. It was erected by their only surviving son Roger, who was raised to the peerage of Ireland in 1628 as Baron Jones and Viscount Ranelagh. The monument was restored in 1731 by Lady Catherine Jones, at the request of Dean Swift.

This prelate, who was undoubtedly severe in his treatment of ‘recusants,’ is thought to have been the author of ‘An Answer to Tyrone's Seditious Declaration sent to the Catholics of the Pale in 1596,’ manuscript copies of which are in Marsh's library, and in that of Trinity College, Dublin. He and his son were engaged in bitter disputes with Lord Howth; and the letters from both parties occupy a large space in the ‘Calendar of State Papers,’ Ireland, 1608–10.

[Sir James Ware's Works, ed. Harris, i. 156, 354; Cotton's Fasti Ecclesiæ Hibernicæ, ii. 20, 97, 116, 156, iii. 117, v. 222; D'Alton's Archbishops of Dublin, p. 250; Bishop Mant's History of the Church of Ireland, i. 388–90, 430; Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 1880, p. 1020; Todd's Catalogue of Dublin Graduates, p. 308; Webb's Compendium of Irish Biography, p. 268; Smyth's Law Officers of Ireland, p. 26; O'Flanagan's Lives of the Lord Chancellors of Ireland, i. 296; Leeper's Historical Handbook of St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, 2nd edit., p. 42.]

JONES, alias Moetheu, THOMAS (1530–1620?), Welsh bard and genealogist, commonly known as Twn Shon Catti, was, according to a pedigree dated 30 Dec. 1588, and supplied by him to Lewys Dwnn, a natural son, not, as generally supposed, of Sir John Wynn of Gwydir, but of John, the son of David ap Madog ap Howel Moetheu, by Catherine, a natural daughter of Meredydd ap Ieuan. ‘Twm’ must have been born before or about 1530. It is probable that in his younger days he gained considerable notoriety by sportive escapades, and possibly by irregular freebooting habits, the memory of which, coupled with his superior wisdom and his knowledge of what then appeared as the occult science of heraldry, formed the basis of the popular and traditional representation of him as a bandit and magician. It is stated (Notes and Queries, 1st ser. ii. 12) that there exists a pardon granted to him under the great seal, and dated 15 Jan. 1559, forgiving him ‘omnia escapia et cautiones.’ The maturer years of his life were devoted to the study of Welsh history and literature. He is said, though on doubtful authority, to have been present as an ordained bard at an Eisteddfod held at Llandaff in 1564. The first really authentic account of him is that given by Dwnn (Heraldic Visitations of Wales, i. 7, 45, 46), who describes him, under the date of 1588, as a man of good family, his armorial bearings being those of Gwaethvoed, prince of Ceredigion. By rank he was probably a respectable yeoman. He lived till his death at Porth y Ffynon, or Fountain Gate, near Tregaron, Cardiganshire.

He appears to have been employed by the chief Welsh gentry in his own part of the country to draw up their pedigrees, and most of those for the upper part of Cardiganshire were probably copied by Dwnn from manu-