�Index to Volume XXX.
��Johnston or Ji-bnstona, Jumes (IMS ?-I737) . JohMton.JumesFinliiy Weir (1796-1855) . ■ Johnston, Jamra Henry (1787-1851) Jnbnstan.Jolui. D.D.(lSTU7~ieil) . . > JiihnatoD, Sir John (ri. 1600) .... Jobnitua, Nitli«ni(^l.M.D. (16JT-170fi) . . i Johnetiin, Fdbani {_d. 1765). See andir John-
$toa, Nattutnicl. Johnilon, Robnt (1BS7 P-1699) ... Johoston, Sunnel <17S3-18ie) jDhaaton, Sir WilllBm (1770-1844) . Johiutoa, ^William (1700-1844). Seeunacr
JohnstoD, Sir William (I7T3-1814). Jabnstiin, WilUiiin, D.D. (ISOO-ieTJ) . Johnston, BirWilli»m(180a-l88a). . • ' JohnslflQe, S« sIh) Johnsnn uid Johnston. Johnstone, AndrcH James Coghruie Cfi-
Johnjtone, Birce, D.D. (1747-1803) Johnstone, Charles (1719 ?-1800 P) . Job ostone, Christian Isobel (1781-1867) Johnstone, Edward (1757-1851) . JohnMone, Edward (1804-1881). See under
Johnstone, Edward (1757-1851). Johntlooe, (Jeorge (1730-1787) JohnstonB, James, the yoimger (1764-1783).
See nnder Johnstone, James, M.D. Johnntoae, JomcB (if. 1798) . . . • JobnMone, James, Cbevnjier de Jobnstone
Johnitone.JamM,M.D. (1780?-i808) . Johnstone, James (1806-1869). See under
Johnstone, Edward M767-1851). Johnstone, JaniBB (1816-1878) Johnstone, James Hope, third Earl of Hope-
toun (1741-1816). See Hope, James. Johnstone or Jonslon, John (1608-1675) Johnstone, John (1768-1B36) . Johnstone, John Henrr (1749-1839) . Johnstone, William, ttird Earl of Annaudale
and Hartrell, and fint Marquis of Annan- dale (if. 1721)
Johnstone, William Borlhwich (1804-1868) . JohDTS, Sir Hugh (Ji. 1417-1468) . Jollffie, George, M.D. (1621-1868). See Joy- See under JoUie,
Thomas (1629-1703). Jollie, John, the younaer (d. 1725). Seeundec
��Jollie, Thomas, the vnangwKrf. 1764).
uoderJoltie, Timothy (16S9>-17U). Jollie, Timotbv (16697-1714) .
��younger ithv (165! B ilyltoa
��Iton, Brst Baron
��Jones, Ambrose (d. 1678). See under Jones,
Jones, Avmiia(I8S9?-18<i7) . Jonea, Basset (ft. 1634-165H) . Jonst, Charles Handfleld < 1819-1890) . Joan, Charlotte (1768-1847) . Jones, David (jt. 1660-1590) . Jimei, Uarid (ft. 1676-1720) . Jones, Davld(166S-1724P) . Jonea, David (1711-1777) Jones. David (jt.l76U-1780), otherwise knoiv. u DoA-dd SioD Darydd and Deni Fardd
��Jones, David ( 1735-1810) Jones, David (1765-1816) Jonet, David (1796-1S41) Jones, Ebeneier (1820-1860) .
��tlic Kind's Bard (1752-1824) Jones, Edwani (/. 1771-1831) Jonej, Edward 1 1777-1837) 1. — V — an8in84ai. i
\t Charles (1819-1
1 (1820-1862), better known as nan Ciwvnodd .... Jones, Frcderielt Edward (1750-1834) Jones, George (1786-1809) Jones, Uoorge Matthew (ns'i P-183t) Jonea. Giles (A. 1765). See under Jones,
Griffith (1712-1 788) Jonea, (;riffith(l«a3-! 761) Jonea, Griffith (1722-1786) Jones, Sir Harford (1764-1847). ;8*o BiJ-dgea.
Sir Uarrord Jones. Jones, Sit Harry Darid (1791-1866) Jones, tiarrv I.nn^eviUa '1806-1870] . Junes, HcnrV, D.D. (1606-1682) .
f, Henry id. 17*7) .... Jonea, Henry (1721-1770) Jones, HenrvBencclCD. (1814-1873) . Jones, Sir Horaee (1819-1887; ~ 9, Sir Hugh {ft. 1417-1463). See Jobnva. Jones, Hu«b (I508-l.'>74) Jones, lnigo( 1573-1652) Jon«, Isaac (1804-:B50) , Jones, James Rbya (1813-1889), better Imown
aa Kilshv Jones ... Jane9,Jankin (1700?-1743) . Jones, Jeremiah (1093-1724) . Jones, JeiteeUd. 1731) . Jones, John (^ 1579) . . Jones, John, aliai Buckler, aKat Uodfrar
"■ ica (d. 1598)
la Leander a Sancto Martini Jones, John (d. 1660) ' i, John (1640-1709) . . .,, John (1693-1752). . Jones, John (1700-1770) . ' es, John (d. 1796)
es, John (ft. 1707). See under Jo&es, ohn (d. 1796). Jones, Jiihn(1745?-1797) Jonea, John (1767-1821), better known u __
Jonas, John,'ffi.D. (1766 7-1827) '.
Jones, John ( /f. 1827) .
Jones, John (l'772-18S7) .
Jones, John (1793-1852) .
Jones, John (Talsam) (1736-1867)
Jonea, John (1788-1858) .
Jones, John, or, accordias to his bardic name,
Talhalam (1810-1860) Jono.",John (1836-1877) . Jones, Sir John (1811-1878) . Jones, John, commonlv known as Mathetes
(I82i M878) . Jones, John (1800 9-1882) .... Jones, John, also known by the pseudoajm ot
Idrisvn (1804-1887) .' . . "
Jones, 3ohn (1791-1880) . lonea,JobnAtiilrewB(l779-lBfi8) . Jones, John Edward 11806-1862) . Jonaa,John Felix (d. 1878) .
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