Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 31.djvu/112

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Belfast, being installed on 26 Feb. as the first minister of the new Duncairn Church, which prospered so much under his care that it was twice enlarged. He rose to be one of the foremost ecclesiastics of the Irish general assembly, of which in 1882 he was elected moderator. In 1883 the degree of D.D. was conferred on him by the presbyterian theological faculty (Ireland). He died suddenly on 21 Oct. 1886, leaving a widow and seven children.

He was author of ‘A Sacramental Catechism’ (Belfast, 1874), which ran through several editions, and was republished in America. For four years he edited a monthly magazine, the ‘Evangelical Witness,’ and on the establishment of the ‘Witness’ newspaper in Belfast he wrote much in its columns. He also published several sermons and tracts.

[Personal knowledge.]

KILLIGREW, ANNE (1660–1685), poetess and painter, daughter of Dr. Henry Killigrew [q. v.], master of the Savoy, was born in 1660 in St. Martin's Lane, London, shortly before the Restoration, and was christened privately, as the offices of the common prayer were not then publicly allowed. Her father was chaplain to the Duke of York, and in due course she became maid of honour to Mary of Modena, duchess of York; but in her twenty-fifth (or twenty-sixth?) year she was attacked by small-pox, and in June 1685 she died in her father's rooms in the cloisters of Westminster Abbey. She was buried 15 June 1685 in the chancel of St. John the Baptist's Chapel in the Savoy (entry in register, communicated by the late Rev. Henry White). According to the copy of the inscription upon her monument (since destroyed by fire), and given in her poems of 1686, she died on 16 June.

In 1686 a quarto volume, ‘Poems by Mrs. Anne Killigrew,’ was published. To the hundred pages of verses there was prefixed a mezzotint engraving of the author by Becket, after a painting by herself, and by way of introduction there was Dryden's ode ‘To the pious memory of the accomplished young lady, Mrs. Anne Killigrew, excellent in the two sister arts of Poesy and Painting.’ Johnson considered this ode to be the noblest in our language—a judgment then bold and now scarcely intelligible. Her own verses are forgotten, but she seems to have been a woman of sincere piety and much charm of character. Dryden alludes to paintings of James II and his queen by Anne Killigrew, and to pictures of country scenery. Three of her paintings are mentioned in her poems, and six others were sold in her brother Admiral Killigrew's collection in 1727. Besides Becket's engraving of Anne Killigrew, an engraving was made by Chambers from her own painting for Walpole's ‘Anecdotes of Painting;’ and there is a scarce mezzotint from the same painting by Blosteling. Lowndes mentions large-paper (folio) copies of Anne Killigrew's ‘Poems,’ with a portrait different from that in the ordinary copies.

[Ballard's Memoirs of Several Ladies of Great Britain, 1742, pp. 337–45; Wood's Athenæ Oxon. ed. Bliss, iv. 623; Loftie's Memorials of the Savoy, 1878, pp. 199–206; Cibber's Lives of the Poets, ii. 224–6; Granger's Biog. Hist. 1775, vol. iv. class x. p. 129; Boase and Courtney's Bibliotheca Cornubiensis, 1874, i. 286; Walpole's Anecdotes of Painting, 1849, ii. 456, 457; Miss E. C. Clayton's English Female Artists, pp. 59–70.]

KILLIGREW, CATHERINE or KATHERINE, Lady (1530?–1583), a learned lady, wife of Sir Henry Killigrew [q. v.], was the fourth daughter of Sir Anthony Cooke, knt. [q. v.], of Giddy Hall, Essex, by Alice, daughter of Sir William Waldegrave, knt., of Suffolk (Visitation of Essex, Harl. Soc. Publ., xiii. 39). Her elder sister was wife of Sir Nicholas Bacon [q. v.] She is said to have been proficient in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. She married Sir Henry Killigrew on 4 Nov. 1565. Sir John Harington, in the notes to book xxxvii. of his translation of ‘Orlando Furioso,’ has preserved some Latin lines in which she asked her sister Mildred, wife of Cecil, lord Burghley, to use her influence to get her husband excused from going on an embassy to France. The verses were reprinted in Fuller's ‘Worthies.’ On 21 Dec. 1583 she gave birth to a still-born child, and on 27 Dec. she died. She was buried in the church of St. Thomas the Apostle, London. It was burnt down during the great fire, but Stow, in his ‘Survey,’ has preserved the four Latin inscriptions on her monument, including one by herself and one by Andrew Melville (1545–1622) [q. v.]

[Sir John Harington's Notes to Orlando Furioso; Fuller's Worthies; Ballard's Memoirs of Learned Ladies; Stow's London; Harl. Soc. Registers, vol. vi.; Archæolog. xviii. 100.]

KILLIGREW, CHARLES (1655–1725), master of the revels, born at Maestricht on 29 Dec. 1655, was son of Thomas Killigrew the elder [q. v.], by his second wife, Charlotte, daughter of John de Hesse of Holland (Boase, Collectanea Cornubiensia, s. v.) He was gentleman of the privy chamber to Charles II, 1670, James II, 1685, and William and Mary, 1689, master of the revels