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pilations include: 1. ‘Practical Chess Grammar,’ 4to, London, 1817; 2nd edit. same year. 2. ‘Practical Chess Exercises,’ 8vo, London, 1818. 3. ‘Why and Because, being a collection of familiar Questions and Answers on subjects relating to Air, Water, Light, and Fire, altered from the French,’ 12mo, London, 1830; 18th edit. 1854. 4. ‘The Manual of Science,’ 18mo, London, 1844. 5. ‘One Thousand Questions, with their Solutions, on Goldsmith's Grammar of Geography,’ 18mo, London, 1853. 6. ‘The Grammatical Omnibus; or, a Methodical Arrangement of the Improprieties frequent in Writing and Conversation, with Corrections,’ 8th edit. 8vo, London, 1853. 7. ‘The Improved French Word-Book … revised by J. Duprat Mérigon,’ 18mo, London (1854). 8. ‘The Improved Italian Word-Book,’ 18mo, London (1854). 9. ‘The Improved Italian Phrase-Book,’ 32mo, London (1854). 10. ‘Improved French Phrase-Book … revised by J. Duprat Mérigon,’ 12mo, London (1856?). 11. ‘School Geography … [with] a Treatise on Astronomy,’ 12mo, London, 1856. Kenny edited educational works by other writers, and translated, with notes, A. Danican Philidor's ‘Analysis of the Game of Chess,’ 12mo, 1819.

[Kenny's Works.]

KENRICK or KENDRICK, DANIEL (fl. 1685), physician and poet, son of Samuel Kenrick of Leigh, Gloucestershire, was born about 1652, and entered as a servitor at Christ Church, Oxford, on 31 March 1666, whence he proceeded B.A. 1669, and M.A. 1674. At the age of thirty-two, when his portrait was engraved by R. White, Kenrick was practising as a doctor at his native town of Worcester, and was much esteemed there as ‘a man of wit and a jolly companion.’ Several poems by ‘Dr. Kenrick’ appear in ‘The Grove, or a Collection of Original Poems, by W. Walsh, Dr. J. Donne, Mr. Dryden, Mr. Butler, Sir John Suckling, and other eminent hands,’ London, 1721. Kenrick's ‘talents,’ it is declared in the preface, ‘seem equal in panegyrick, satire, and lyric. There is a fire and sprightliness of thinking which runs through all his copies, and to this perhaps he owed that haste in his writing which made him sometimes negligent of Harmony both in Rimes and Numbers.’ We gather from the same source that Kenrick was on terms of intimacy with Mrs. Behn and Purcell the musician, and that he died before the publication of ‘The Grove’ in 1721. There are some verses signed by Kenrick in the fifth vol. of Dryden's ‘Miscellany Poems,’ entitled ‘Upon a Giant Angling.’ These, however, are said by Granger, ‘on the information of Dr. John Wall,’ to have been freely borrowed from a work called ‘The Mock Romans,’ London, 1653, while in Pratt's ‘Cabinet of Poetry’ (1808) these same lines are assigned to Dr. William King (1663–1712) [q. v.] The preface to ‘The Grove’ declares that Kenrick took degrees in divinity as well as physic. He may therefore be identical with Daniel Kenrick, D.D., who preached the assize sermon at Worcester in 1688.

[Granger's Biographical Hist. iv. 326; the Dean's Entrance Book, Christ Church, Oxford; Dryden's Miscellany Poems, ed. 1727, v. 136; Brit. Mus. Cat., where, however, Kenrick is entered without christian name.]

KENRICK, JOHN (1788–1877), classical scholar and historian, was eldest son of Timothy Kenrick [q. v.], by his first wife, Mary, whose maiden name was Waymouth. He was born at Exeter on 4 Feb. 1788. In 1793, the year of his mother's death, he began his education under Charles Lloyd, LL.D. [q. v.], and made such progress that in his twelfth year he was admitted (1799) to the Exeter academy as a student for the ministry under his father and Joseph Bretland [q. v.] Thomas Foster Barham (1766–1844) [q. v.] taught him German. His first experience in teaching was as locum tenens for James Hews Bransby [q. v.] at Moreton Hampstead, Devonshire, in November 1804, when he had Sir John Bowring [q. v.] as a pupil. On the dissolution of the Exeter academy (25 March 1805) he continued his theological studies under John Kentish [q. v.], in whose house at Birmingham he was a pupil from June 1805 till 1807, when he entered at Glasgow University on an exhibition from the Dr. Daniel Williams trust. Sir Benjamin Heywood [q. v.] was his fellow-lodger during his second and third years at Glasgow. The long vacations gave him time for pedestrian tours in the western highlands. He obtained distinctions in logic, classics, and physical science, and gained the Gartmore gold medal for an essay on the English constitution during the Tudor period; he graduated M.A. on 1 May 1810.

On leaving Glasgow he accepted a tutorship in classics, history, and literature at the Manchester College, York (now Manchester New College, Oxford), under Charles Wellbeloved [q. v.] After a summer spent in preaching in Exeter and the neighbourhood, he settled in York, and at once made his mark as a scholar and disciplinarian. The duties devolving on a resident tutor rendered his position anxious and irksome. He twice tendered his resignation (1811 and 1817), but in July 1817 he was relieved of all residential