Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 31.djvu/450

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Index to Volume XXXI.

Kerckhoven, Catherine, Ladv Stanhope and Conotan of CheaUtfleld (d. 1667). See Kirkboven.

Kerne. Sir Edward (d. 1561). See Came.

KeroDBlle, Loniiie Rea^ de, Ducheoa of Ports- mouth and Auhigny (161»-1734}

KarrorKer, Mark (rf. 1684) . . . . II Ker, Mark, Gnt Earl of Lothian (d.


��Kerr, Lord Mark Cd. 1752). See nndei Kerr,

Robert, fourth Eail and flnt Marquis of

Lotbian. Keir, Robert, fourtb Earl and first Marquis of

Lothian (I6B6-1703) I

Ketr, Robert f 176-^1818) .... I Kerr or Ker. William, third Earl of Lothian (16l)5f-167S) f

Kerr, William, eecoDd Marnois of Lothiaa

(16S2 ?-I72i) I

KeiT, William Heniy, fourth Mirnuia ot

Lotbien (i 1775) (

Kfrrich, Thomui ( 1748-1818) . . . . < Kerrison. Sir Edward (1774-1853) ... I Kerrr, Knigbta of. See Fitai^rald, Maurice

(ir74-IS4»); Fitzgeiald, Sir Peter George

(1808-1880). Kerry, Lords. S« Fitzmaurice, Thomiu < 1603-

I5»a), aixteenth Lord iFIIzmaurica. Patrick

(1S51 P-160O), wventeenth Lord ; FiWmnu- ■ rice, TliDmas (1574-16.10), eighteenth Lord. KeiMboom, Frederick (1682-1690) . . . ( Kersev, John, Iheelder(1616-169U?) . . I Kersey, John, tbe younger (/. 1720). See

uncfur Keraey, John, the elder. Kerrhnw, Arthur (_Jl. 1800). Sec under Ker-

KetBhaw, James (1780 J-1797) Kenlake, Thomiis(1812-tS91) KotL-h, John, or Jack Ketch (d. 1686) Kctel, Cornells (1,1-18-1616) . Kftel or Chettle, William ( «, IIJO) Kelhe, William (./. 1608?) . . Kett or Ket, Francis (if. loBO) Kett, Henri- (1761-1825) Kett, Robert <d. 1549) . Ketlell, Ralph (156:J-1G49) . Ketterichor Calrik, John (d. 14)9) Kettle or Krleler, Dame Alite ( rf. 1324) Ketlte, Tilly (17407-1786) . Kettlovell, John (1653-1695) . Keui-b, Mattbvw (1741 ?-17gS) . Kuvin, Saint (498-618). See Coemgen. Ker. Srealso Csius. Ker, Sir AalleT Cooi*r (1821-1888) Kn-, Chnries Aston (1793-1849) . Kei, Sir John (1794-1858) Ke'v, Thomas Hewitt (1799-1875) .

��helm) (1823-1878) Kevmia, Lanrence (d.l618). See Kemvi Keynes. George. a/i<u Brett (1630-1659)' Kernes. John (1625 ?-1697) . Keyis Ladv Mnry 1 1540 7-157S) . Kevs, Samuel (1771-1850) . Kevsc, Thomas (1722-1800) . Kevser, William de (1647-1692.*). See De

Kevwortii, Thomas (1782-1862) ... I

Kialimark or Kilniiark. Ueorge (1781-1835) . i

Kiallmark, George Frederick (1804-1887).

See under Kiallmark or Kilmark, George,

��Kiaran, Saint (516-M9), of Qi

See Ciaran.

Kickham, Charlea Joaepb (1B26-18S2) ,

KidbrooLe, Ixird Hervev of Id. 1612). Hervev, William.

Kidd,Jaaies (1761-18»)

Kldd, John (1776-1851) ....

Kidd, Joaeph Bartbolomeir (1808-1889)

Kidd, Sunael (1804-1843)

Kidd, Thomas ( 1170-1860^

Kidd,Willi.m(d.l701) .

Kidd, William (1790F-1863)

Kidd, William (1803-1867) ! Kidder, Kicbard (1633-1703) . I Kidderminster, Richard, D.D. (<t 1631).

1760) . /1. 1624]

Kilbum, Willia^ (1745-1818) Kilbume, Richard (1605-1678) Kilbye, Richard (1661 7-1620) Kildare, Earls of. See Fitzthnmas, Johi 1316), drat Earl; Fitzeerald, Thomas (d. 1328). second Earl ; Fitzcerald, Maurice (1318-1890), fourth Earl ; Fitzgerald, Thomas (d. 1477), seventh Earl: FiU- getnld, Gerald (d. 1513), eiKhlh Earl ; Filz- serald, <:erald (1487-15S4), ninth Earl | Fitzgersld, Thomsa (1518-1587), tenth Fjrl; Filigerald, Gerald (1625-1586), ele Tenth F.atl. Kildeliih, Robert (d. 1273). See Keldelelh. Kilbam, Alexander (1762-1798) . . . 1( Kilbam, Mrs. Hannah (1774-1832) . . 1( KilUn. Sunt (d. 697). See Cilian. Kilkenny, Wimamde(d. 1256) . . .11 .Kilkernin.Lord(1688-l759). See Fergusson, Sir James.

Killen, Jobn(d.l803) II

! Killen, ThoDiaa Young (1826-1886) . . II Killigrew, Anne (1660-1686) . . . .11 ' KllliCTBw, Catherine or Katherine, Lady

(In30?-la83) II

Killittrew, Charles (16:j6-1725) . . .11 Kiliiiitew, Sir Uenrv (d. I60S) . , .11 Killigr™, Henrv, D.D. (1618-1700) . . H Killij(ii.H, Uenrv (rf. 1712) . . . . K

Killi-reiv, James (d. 1095) . . . .II

Kilhiircw, Sir Robert (1579-1633) . . .11 Killi^TFu-, ThomHa (1612-1083) . . .11 Kiili);rew, Thomaa, the voanger (1657-1719) . 11 Killicrtw, Sir William (1579 7-1622). See

uiiili-rKilligrew, Sir Robert. Klllijrrew, Sir William (160G-I69:0 . . 11 Ki1tinSHorth.Grantbim( 1699-1778) . . II Kilmainc, Charlea Edward Saul Jennin^ (1751-1799). ...... 11

Kilmarnock, fonrtli Earl of. See Bovd, Wil- liam (1704-1746). Kilmorer, first Fjirl of. See Xecdbim, Francia

Jack ( 1748-1832). Kilmoiey, fourth Viacount. See Xeedham,

(Jbarles (</.1660). Kilsvth, llrst Viscount See LJTingstoDe,

James (1616-1661). Kilvort, Francis (1793-1963) . . . .11

Kilvcrt, Richard (d. 1649) . . .11

Kilwardbv, Robert (d. 1279} . . . . 1:

Kilwardeii. Yisconnt. See Wolfe, Arthur

(1739-1603). Kimber, Edward (171^1769) . . .It

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