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1654, is at Newbattle. He married Lady Jean Campbell, second daughter of Archibald, marquis of Argyll. His eldest son, William, second marquis of Lothian, was a lieutenant-general in the army, was elected representative peer for Scotland in 1715, died 28 Feb. 1722, and was buried in Westminster Abbey (see Macky, Memoirs of Secret Services). The first marquis had four other sons: Charles (d. 1735), who was made a director in chancery in 1703; John (d. 1728), who for some time had the command of the 31st regiment; Lord Mark Kerr d. 1752), who became captain in the army 8 June 1693, was wounded at Almanza on 25 April 1707, acted as brigadier-general at the capture of Vigo in 1719, was governor of Guernsey in 1740, obtained the rank of general in 1743, was made governor of Edinburgh Castle in 1745, and died in London 2 Feb. 1752; and James. Of the first marquis's five daughters, Mary married James, marquis of Douglas.

[Burton's Hist. of Scotland; Douglas's Scottish Peerage (Wood), ii. 139-40.]

KERR, ROBERT (1755–1813), scientific writer and translator, was born at his father's seat, Bughtridge, Roxburghshire, in 1755. His father, James Kerr, convener of the trades (1746) and M.P. for Edinburgh from 1747 to 1754, was great-grandson of Sir Thomas Ker of Redden, brother of Robert Ker, first earl of Ancrum [q. v.] His mother, Elizabeth Kerr, was grand-daughter of Robert Kerr [q. v.], first marquis of Lothian. He studied at Edinburgh High School and at the university with a view to the medical profession, and became surgeon to the Edinburgh Foundling Hospital, but relinquished a successful medical career for the management of a paper mill at Ayton, Berwickshire, which eventually proved a failure. He returned to Edinburgh about 1810, and occupied himself with historical and biographical work. His valuable translations from Lavoisier and Linnæus procured his election as fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 1805. He was also a member of the Scottish Society of Antiquaries. He died at Edinburgh 11 Oct. 1813.

The following is a list of his works:

  1. 'Elements of Chemistry' (from the French of Lavoisier), Edinburgh, 1790; 2nd edit. 1793.
  2. 'Essay on the New Method of Bleaching by means of Oxygenated Muriatic Acid' (from the French of Berthollet), Edinburgh, 1790.
  3. 'The Animal Kingdom, or Zoological System of Linnæus.' A translation of part i. of the 'Systema Naturæ,' with additions, Edinburgh, 1792, 4to.
  4. 'The Natural History of Oviparous Quadrupeds and Serpents' (from the French of Lacepède), London, 1802.
  5. 'Statistical, Agricultural, and Political Survey of Berwickshire,' 1809, 8vo.
  6. 'Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Correspondence of the late Mr. William Smellie,' Edinburgh, 1811.
  7. 'The History of Scotland during the reign of Robert I, surnamed the Bruce,' Edinburgh, 1811, 8vo.
  8. 'Essay on the Theory of the Earth' (from the French of Cuvier), 1813, 8vo. Ker compiled vols. i-x. of 'A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels,' London, 1811-24, 18 vols.

[Scots Mag. 1813, p. 880; Irving's Eminent Scotsmen, p. 254; Timperley's Anecdotes, pp. 788, 935; Donaldson's Agricultural Biography; Foster's Members of Parlt. Scotland; Watt's Bibl. Brit.; Brit. Mus. Cat.; Gent. Mag. May 1814 (pt. i. p. 524), where the date of death is wrong.

KERR or KER, WILLIAM, third Earl of Lothian (1605?–1675), eldest son of Robert, first earl of Ancrum [q. v.], by Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Murray of Blackbarony, was born about 1605. He was at the university of Cambridge in 1621, but he did not graduate, and probably completed his education in Paris. On 6 Nov. 1626 he set out from Paris on a tour through France, Italy, and Switzerland. A journal of the tour is preserved at Newbattle Abbey. In 1627 he accompanied George, duke of Buckingham, in his expedition to the Isle of Rhé, and he witnessed next year the duke's murder by Felton. He also joined the expedition in aid of the States-general against the Spanish forces in 1629, and was present at the capitulation of Bois-le-Duc to the Prince of Orange on 14 Sept. He returned to Scotland in 1630, and about January 1631 married Anne, daughter of Robert, second earl of Lothian, and countess of Lothian in her own right. On 31 Oct. of the same year he was created third Earl of Lothian, and the next brother of Robert, second earl of Lothian, Sir William Ker of Blackhope, on laying claim to the title as nearest heir male, was prevented by the lords of the privy council from assuming it (8 March 1632). The earl was one of the suppliants against the service-book in 1638, and on 28 Feb. signed the national covenant in Old Grey Friars Church, Edinburgh. He also, on 3 Oct., attached his signature to a complaint against the means taken to force the people to sign the king's covenant (Gordon, Scots Affairs, i. 122). He was a member of the assembly of the kirk which met at Glasgow in October of this year, and he supported the action there taken against the service-book. He was also one of the most prompt to lend aid to the