Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 31.djvu/88

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parts [anon.], 1693; reissued in 1695 with a general title of 'Four several Tracts of the Rev. John Kettlewell,' without specification of any others.

  1. 'A Companion for the Persecuted; or an Office for those who Suffer for Righteousness,' 1694.
  2. 'A Companion for the Penitent and for Persons troubled in Mind,' 1694; of this Kettlewell sent down copies to Coleshill, to the people of which parish it was addressed, for distribution; it was reissued in 1696, together with the 'Companion for the Persecuted' dated 1693.
  3. 'Death made Comfortable, or the Way to Die well,' 1695; with an office for the sick 1702, and 3nd edit. 1723.
  4. 'Declaration and Profession made by [him] at the receiving of the Holy Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, 23 March 1694,' printed, Wood says, in a half-sheet in 1695; reprinted in his 'Life.'
  5. 'Five Discourses on so many important Points of Practical Religion,' with a preface giving some account of his life (by Robert Nelson), 1696; 2nd edit., with four sermons, two parts, 1708.
  6. 'An Office for Prisoners for Crimes, together with another for Prisoners for Debt' (with a preface by Robert Nelson), 1697.
  7. 'The Great Evil and Danger of Profaneness and Prodigality' (published by Nelson), 1705.
  8. 'Works,' 2 vols, fol. 1719, with 'Life' prefixed; the several tracts have title-pages dated 1718.
  9. 'The True Church of England Man's Companion' (a manual of devotion compiled from his works), 1749.
  10. A treatise 'of the new oaths' was left by him in manuscript, but never printed.

[Memoirs of (Kettlewell's) Life … compiled from the collections of Dr. George Hickes and Robert Nelson, and edited anonymously by Francis Lea of St. John's College, Oxford, and M.D. of the university of Padua, 8vo, London, 1718; Wood's Athenae Oxon.; Secretan's Life of Nelson, 1860, pp. 50-62; private information from the vicar of Coleshill and rector of Whitchurch. A letter from Kettlewell to Bishop W. Lloyd, the deprived bishop of Norwich, dated 20 Dec. 1694, upon sending Lloyd a copy of his Companion for the Penitent, and describing his scheme for charitable relief, is printed from the original in the possession of the late Dr. D. Williams, warden of New College. Oxford, in J. L. Anderdon's Life of Ken, 1854, 2nd edit. pt. ii. p. 666. Some letters to Colonel James Graham (brother of Lord Preston) are among the manuscripts of Captain Bagot at Levene Hall, Westmoreland, and a letter to Sancroft, dated 15 Oct. 1684, among the manuscripts at Stonyhurst College (Hist. MSS. Comm. 10th Rep. pt. lv. p. 327, 3rd Rep. p. 340).]

KEUGH, MATTHEW (1744?–1798), governor of Wexford, born of a protestant family in Ireland about 1744, rose by his ability during the American war from the position of private to that of ensign, being gazetted in the 60th or royal American regiment of foot on 31 Oct. 1763. On 14 July 1769 he was appointed lieutenant in the 45th regiment of foot (Ireland), from which he was transferred on 14 March 1772 to the 27th or Inniskilling regiment of foot (Ireland). On retiring from the army in 1774 (Army Lists) he went to live upon his property in the town of Wexford. He became a J.P., but was deprived of his commission in 1796 for his revolutionary sympathies. Upon the occupation of Wexford by the insurgents on 30 May 1798, Keugh was chosen by them military governor of the town. Though he endeavoured to protect such of the royalists as remained, he was powerless to prevent the piking on the bridge on 20 June of 97 out of the 260 prisoners who were charged with having wronged the peasantry. When the capture of Wexford by the military was inevitable, Keugh formally placed the government in the hands of the loyalist Lord Kingsborough, hoping thereby to save the town from massacre and plunder. He was ultimately brought to a drumhead trial. Lord Kingsborough, Colonel Le Hunte, and other witnesses of good social standing stated that Keugh had acted on all occasions with singular humanity, and had tried to prevent effusion of blood, and that they owed their lives to his personal interference. He was nevertheless executed on the bridge on 25 June 1798; his body was thrown into the river, and his head placed on the courthouse. In private life Keugh was esteemed for his many amiable qualities and accomplishments. He married an aunt of the wife of Sir Jonah Barrington.

[Webb's Compendium of Irish Biography; Musgrave's Hist. of the Irish Rebellions; Madden's United Irishmen; Lecky's England in the Eighteenth Century, vol. viii.; Barrington's Personal Sketches.]

KEVIN, Saint (498–618). [See Coemgen.]

KEY. [See also Caius.]

KEY, Sir ASTLEY COOPER (1821–1888), admiral, son of Charles Aston Key [q. v.], entered the navy in 1833, passed his examination in 1840, and on 22 Dec. 1842 was awarded the lieutenant's commission, at that time competed for in a special course of study, on board the Excellent gunnery-ship and at the Royal Naval College at Portsmouth. In February 1843 he joined the Curaçoa going out to the east coast of South America, where, in February 1844, he was transferred to the Gorgon, with Captain