Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 32.djvu/115

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some years of his life resided at Salisbury. He engraved 'A Plan of St. Thomas's Church in the City of New Sarum,' north-west and south-east views of the church drawn by John Lyons, 1745, and 'The Sacrifice of Matthews to Jupiter,' drawn by Lyons, 1752. He both drew and engraved many of the plates for his brother's books, and taught architectural drawing to his pupils.

[Langley's works as above; Redgrave's Dict. of Artists; Dict. of Architecture; Civil Engineer for 1847, p. 270; Elmes's Lectures on Architecture, p. 390; Walpole's Anecdotes (Dallaway and Wornum), p. 770; Lysons's Environs, iii. 594; Gent. Mag. 1742 p. 608, 1751 p. 139; London Daily Advertiser and Literary Gazette, 6 March 1751; Bromley's Cat. of Engraved Portraits, p. 300; Cat. of Prints and Drawings in King's Library, Brit. Mus.; Gough's Brit. Topog. i. 635, ii. 364, 378; Dodd's Memorials of Engravers, Addit. MS. 33402; London Cat. of Books, 1700–1811; Lowndes's Bibl. Man.; Watt's Bibl. Brit.; Brit. Mus. Cat.; Cat. of Library of Trin. Coll. Dublin; Cat. of Library in Sir John Soane's Museum; Cat. of Library of R.I.B.A.; Univ. Cat. of Books on Art; Cat. of Bodleian Library.]

LANGLEY, EDMUND de, first Duke of York (1341–1402), was fifth son of Edward III by Philippa of Hainault. He was born at King's Langley, Hertfordshire, on 5 June 1341. In 1347 he received a grant of the lands beyond Trent formerly belonging to John de Warren, earl of Surrey. In the autumn of 1359 he accompanied his father on the great expedition into France which immediately preceded the treaty of Brétigny in the following year. Edmund was one of those who swore to the alliance with France on 21 Oct. 1360. Next year, probably in April, he was made a knight of the Garter. On 13 Nov. 1362 he was created Earl of Cambridge; a week later he had a grant for the repair of his castles in Yorkshire (Fœdera, vi. 395). In the previous February proposals had been made for a marriage between Edmund and Margaret, daughter of Louis, count of Flanders (ib. vi. 349); the business did not proceed further at this time, but two years later Edmund and his brother, John of Gaunt, made a visit to the count at Bruges, and a treaty of marriage was agreed upon in October 1364 (ib. vi. 445). The pope, however, under the influence of the French king, refused to grant a dispensation, and the project was finally abandoned in 1369 (Froissart, vii. 129, ed. Luce). There was another matrimonial proposal in 1366, when negotiations were opened for a marriage between Edmund or his brother Lionel and Violanta, daughter of Galeazzo Visconti, duke of Milan (Fœdera, vi. 509; see under Lionel, Duke of Clarence).

At the beginning of 1367 Edmund joined his eldest brother in Aquitaine, and accompanied him on his expedition into Spain. After the return of the Black Prince Edmund came back to England, but in January 1369 was once more sent out in company of John Hastings, second earl of Pembroke [q. v.], in command of four hundred men-at-arms and four hundred archers. They landed at St. Malo, and marched through Brittany to Angoulême, where the Prince of Wales then held his court. In April the two earls were sent on a raid into Périgord, where, after plundering the open country, they laid siege to Bourdeilles. After eleven weeks the town was taken by stratagem, and the expedition returned to Angoulême. In July Edmund accompanied Sir John Chandos to the siege of Roche-sur-Yon, and was present till its capture in August. In January and February 1370 Edmund was employed once more, in the company of Pembroke, in effecting the relief of Belle Perche. Later in the year he shared in the great raid which culminated in the sack of Limoges. When the Prince of Wales went home next year, Edmumd was left behind in Gascony (Walsingham, Hist. Angl. i. 312). In 1372 he returned to England, and shortly afterwards married Isabel of Castile, the second daughter of Pedro the Cruel.

On 24 Nov. 1374 Edmund was appointed, conjointly with John de Montfort, duke of Brittany, to be the king's lieutenant in that duchy (Fœdera, vii. 49). Early next year they sailed from Southampton in command of a strong force, with the intention of attacking the French fleet before St. Sauveur-le-Vicomte. Contrary winds, however, compelled them to disembark near St. Mathieu. This town captured and its garrison put to the sword, the English marched against St. Pol de Léon, which they took by storm. Then they laid siege to St. Brieuc; but they soon departed to assist Sir John Devereux [q. v.], who was besieged by Oliver de Clisson in the new fort near Quimperlé. The fort was relieved, and the French in their turn besieged at Quimperlé. Operations, however, were soon afterwards terminated by a truce, concluded at Bruges on 27 June. Edmund then returned home with the English fleet. On 1 Sept. he was one of the commissioners to treat with France (ib. iii. 1039, Record ed.), and on 12 June 1376 was appointed constable of Dover, an office which he held till February 1381. On the accession of his nephew as Richard II, Edmund became one of the council of regency. In June 1378 he